Impact of Improved Standards of Living on Congo Forest
环境代写 A clear connection exists between environmental problems and human activities (Zajchowski, Dustin, & Brownlee, 2018). The..
The Impact of Improved Standard of Living on the Congo Forest in Central Africa
A clear connection exists between environmental problems and human activities (Zajchowski, Dustin, & Brownlee, 2018). The improvement in the standards of living is contributed by the rapid development in science and technology. It is comparative to say that,
the higher the people’s standard of living the higher they become dependent on the environment. This is because human has continuously obtained natural resources to meet the demands of their improved lifestyles. In this case, the demand for technology and economic development have continued to put pressure on natural resources (Shanmugam, & Kumar, (2016).
They illustrate how it is impossible to forego economic development at the expense of environmental conservation because a better standard of living is attached to progressive society. Therefore, the insatiable need for better and happier lives have primarily contributed to damage in the environment.
译文:生活水平提高对中非刚果森林的影响 环境代写
In this regard
this proposal aims at proving how deforestation in Congo forest and as a result the loss of valuable indigenous trees is related to improved standard of living. In this context, the standard of living is the social and economic status of a person. To add, there is also connection between the global economy and the standard of living where economic development contributes to better living.
This paper will find the link between the continued depletion of forest cover in Central African regions and the world’s improved lifestyle which has continued to impact the global environment negatively. This is a niche in research that has not received much attention, yet many studies have done a lot on the economic development and the effect on the environment.
The research will provide a more detailed connection between the . Two which have missed in the previous research particularly the impact in Congo forest. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to find out the relationship and how the improvement of human standards has negatively impacted on the Congo Forest in Central Africa.
The research will contribute to the scholarly works and resource for references in future studies.
The research will approach the problem chronologically beginning with the statement of the problem, hypothesis, and objectives of the study. It will also review other scholarly works available in this field to shed more light in the understanding of this research. Furthermore, the most critical part is the research methodology which will explain the steps for data correction, analysis, and presentation. The study will be complete upon conducting the analysis of the results and presenting the data to fill the gat that has existed in the field.
译文:在这方面 环境代写
Statement of the Problem
Forest degradation is one of the significant environmental problems which has contributed much on global environmental changes. The world forest cover has continued to reduce owing to various human factors living standard being one of them. It has been noted that the adverse climatic changes have been mainly contributed by the reduced forest cover.
Cutting down trees affect the ecosystem which is a natural cycle of interrelationships of various variables which create the natural environmental balance. In this regard, it is of paramount importance to conserve the environment and maintain the natural cycle of the ecosystem.
However, the efforts to save the environment from degradation is yet to bear a substantive solution. Human beings have continued to encroach the ecosystem thus destabilizing the global climate. Therefore, it is imperative to have research focusing on how the standards of living have impacted on the environment. In essence,
this paper seeks to research on living standards and how it has impacted on the Congo Forest. As such, the article will offer a solution to the problem of environmental degradation which has consequently affected the global climate. Based on these researches, approaches to save and sustain the forests in Central Africa can be developed.
译文:问题陈述 环境代写
The research will be founded on a possible result that state:
The improved living standard has negatively impacted on Congo Forest
译文:假设 环境代写
The main objective of the study
This research aims at studying the impact of the standard of living to the forest cover in Congo forest.
Objectives of the research
The research target to achieve the following:
- To identify how the living standards have impacted on the Congo forest cover.
- To evaluate the relationship between living standards and global environmental change.
- To identify environmental changes due to deforestation in the Congo forest.
- To identify the recommendations for forest conservation and sustainability.
Literature Review
The regulation of global environmental changes according to Kramarz, and Park (2016) is characterized by fragmentation, duplication, dispersed authority, and weak regulations. These weaknesses have led to the irresponsible use of natural resources. According to them, the need for action and is not correlating to being responsible for accountability.
They cited the problem with Global Environmental Governance. The first failure of the environmental policymakers to held accountable for the policies they make which have left loophole players to exploit. Second, the malfunction of accountability where it is viewed as an end to itself. In this case, compliance with institutional accountability does not necessarily mean there are no negative impacts on the environment.
The United Nations Environment Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, & United Nations (2014) in their publication introduced Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) where the users of the natural resources are supposed to pay for them.
译文:文献评论 环境代写
In this context
human beings use trees to support their luxurious lifestyles. Therefore they should pay for it by maintaining the ecosystem. However, it has been observed that, through destructive activities, human beings have not taken responsibility for their action, but instead continue to take away what they cannot replace, thus destabilizing the ecosystem.
Deforestation is now being ranked second leading in the cause of climate change (Sonter & Galford, 2015). They cite deforestation in Central Africa to be on the rise which has threatened biodiversity. Two-thirds of the forest cover in Africa are located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
and the continued destruction is a threat to the world’s Eco balance. According to their findings, deforestation occurs as a result of the demand for infrastructure and agriculture as well as an increased appetite for investment lands. As a result, they call for the moves to save African forest as the only hope in salvaging the already damaged global climate.
According to Africa: Effort to curb illicit logging to fall short. (2015, Sep 15) In their publication noted that African forests have been under constant destruction since the 1990s. The illegal logging was highly motivated by the need for timber and wood-fuel. However,
Rudel (2014) view deforestation as a way of compensating economic development that has taken a slow pace in countries around Congo forest. According to him, deforestation paves the way for agriculture, roads, investments, amenities et cetera. But adopting his idea can be lethal to the forest cover in those countries.
Finally, in their article Bran and Dobre (2017) saw the need to have bio-economy for sustainable human needs. In their approach, a balance must be a strike on how human beings use natural resources and how to sustain them for long-term benefits.
译文:在这种情况下 环境代写
据非洲称:遏制非法采伐的努力未能实现。 (2015年9月15日)在其出版物中指出,自1990年代以来,非洲森林一直遭到不断破坏。对木材和木质燃料的需求在很大程度上推动了非法采伐。然而,
For the purpose of the research, there will be a chronology of methods that will be followed to achieve the research objectives. The method for the study will also be divided into five sections as discussed below.
Research Design: This subsection constitutes the activities of data collection, measurement, and analysis. The research will use a research survey which is the most effective and efficient approach.
Delimitation of the study: The target groups for the research will be the government agencies responsible for forest conservation including forest guards. Other population will be the communities living around the forest and who have the first-hand information about the forest.
译文:方法 环境代写
为了研究的目的,将按照时间顺序对方法进行研究以达到研究目的。 研究方法还将分为以下五个部分。
研究设计:本小节构成了数据收集,测量和分析的活动。 该研究将使用最有效的方法进行研究调查。
研究的划界:研究的目标人群将是负责森林保护的政府机构,包括护林员。 其他人口将是生活在森林周围的社区,他们拥有有关森林的第一手资料。
Besides government agencies and communities
the research will also target furniture enterprises and their customers. These groups are important as they are directly or indirectly connected to forest products. Moreover, they will provide primary information on tree products as well as the affairs of the Congo forest.
Research population: The scope of this research will be limited to Central Africa Region. These are the areas which are within touch the Congo forest.
Population sample: For the purpose of this study, the data will be collected from the tree product users, timber yards and furniture enterprises, government agencies mainly forest service, and communities living at the forest vicinity.
Sampling method: The research survey will be free and voluntary. The respondents are not expected to 18 years and above and acknowledge accept not to provide personal information except for the age, sex., and occupation. Stratified random sampling will be the most efficient method of sampling.
The population will be divided into small strata of people with shared characteristics. The proposed groups include timber dealers, their customers, government agencies, and neighboring communities.
Data collection instruments: The research will use a combination of data collection instruments. Each tool will be used depending on the circumstances and the data to be collected. For instance, structured interviews are suitable for gathering first-hand information that mostly involves testimonies.
译文:除了政府机构和社区 环境代写
该研究还将针对家具企业及其客户。这些组很重要,因为它们直接或间接与林产品相关。此外,他们还将提供有关树木产品以及刚果森林事务的主要信息。 研究人群:本研究的范围将限于中非地区。这些是与刚果森林接触的区域。 人口样本:出于本研究的目的,将从树木产品使用者,木材场和家具企业,主要是森林服务部门的政府机构以及居住在森林附近的社区中收集数据。 抽样方法:研究调查将是免费和自愿的。受访者的年龄不得超过18岁,并且承认接受者不提供年龄,性别和职业以外的个人信息。分层随机抽样将是最有效的抽样方法。 人口将分为具有共同特征的小阶层。提议的团体包括木材经销商,其客户,政府机构和邻近社区。 数据收集工具:该研究将使用数据收集工具的组合。将根据情况和要收集的数据使用每种工具。例如,结构化访谈适合于收集主要涉及证词的第一手信息。
Structured interviews will be used in complementary with questionnaires.
Other instruments include video recording and pictures of actual events, thus reinforcing the research qualitative.
Data collection method: The researchers will distribute questionnaires via the internet targeting the respondents. If possible actual visits to administer the survey to the participants will be made. The most preferred method of the interview will be a face-to-face interview. If not possible the telephone interviews will be arranged. Video recording and capturing of pictures will require a visit to the actual scenes.
数据收集方法:研究人员将通过互联网针对受访者分发问卷。 如果可能,将进行实际访问以对参与者进行调查。 面试的最佳方法是面对面的采访。 如果不可能的话,将安排电话采访。 视频录制和图片捕获将需要访问实际场景。
Africa: Effort to curb illicit logging to fall short. (2015, Sep 15). Oxford Analytica Daily Brief Service Retrieved from
Bran, Ş. D., & Dobre, I. (2017). Bioeconomy – an interdisciplinary approach. Revista De Management Comparative International, 18(1), 4-17. Retrieved from
Kramarz, T., & Park, S. (2016). Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action? Global Environmental Politics, 16(2), 1–21.[_]a_00349
Rudel, T. K. (2014). Book review: Deforestation trends in the Congo basin: Reconciling economic growth and environmental protection. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 52(3), 510-511. doi:
Center, L., & Galford, G. (2015). Africa's forests may be our last chance to slow climate change. Cape Town: SyndiGate Media Inc. Retrieved from
Shanmugam, K. R., & Kumar, K. S. K. (2016). Environment and Development : Essays in Honour of Dr. U. Sankar. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved from
United Nations Environment Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, & United Nations. (2014). The Value of Forests : Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Green Economy. Geneva: United Nations Publications. Retrieved from
Zajchowski, C. A. B., Dustin, D. L., & Brownlee., M. T. J. (2018). To Err is Human: Pondering the Undoing of Human-Induced Climate Change. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 36(2), 1–12.

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