Case Study
社会问题案例分析代写 Unemployment is a pertinent issue in modern society. Employment or lack thereof has its implication to the people and how..
Case Study 社会问题案例分析代写
Unemployment is a pertinent issue in modern society. Employment or lack thereof has its implication to the people and how they go about their social life. In today's society, getting employment is considered a prerequisite for a person to be considered productive and be recognized socially. Through work, people can build their financial and social security as well as be able to attain a social standing.
Therefore, in the case of unemployment, people are faced by all types of negatives both social, economic and political. As such, unemployment has been qualified as a serious social problem (Whiteside, 2014). Unemployment is associated with social evils such as crimes, alcoholism, and other substances abuse, and stress and anxiety related disorders in society (Córdoba-Doña,
San Sebastián, Escolar-Pujolar, Martínez-Faure, & Gustafsson, 2014). Therefore, there is a need for unemployment to be addressed to avoid the spread of these long-term effects in the community.
Section 1
Public Reaction to the Claim
The rise in unemployment rates in the country leads to the concerned groups to react to the effect of unemployment. The groups that are likely to respond the most are the unemployed lots who are mostly the youths. The policymakers are also expected to react to the claim that unemployment is one of the major contributors to the crimes and other vices in the society.
The unemployed people are seen as the losers in society. And because it is associated with other vices, the working class start seeing the unemployed people as criminals who due to lack essential things to do resort to terrorizing the community and engaging in theft, violence, and crimes. Most of the unemployed groups end up sidelined from the society’s mainstream activities.
Activism is also spread as people try to agitate for employment opportunities. The social activist tries to lobby for equal opportunities especially for the young and unemployed. The argument is that they are the most affected group in society. It has also been identified that most of the social vices affect this group more than any other.
当人们试图激起就业机会时,激进主义也传播开来。社会活动家试图游说争取平等的机会,尤其是对于年轻人和失业者。他们的论点是他们是社会上受影响最大的群体。人们还发现,大多数社会恶习对这一群体的影响要比其他任何因素都大。 社会问题案例分析代写
The activism comes from the community leadership.
The reaction to the state of unemployment is an event from the various campaigns by the government to educate the people on the different ways how to create self-employment. Employment is today considered as not the only way to attain a better life. Therefore, people are encouraged to create opportunities rather can looking for one.
Also, the multiple efforts to recognize the need to have equal employment opportunities for all has recently gained popularity. The campaign targets the gender and racial balances in the employment opportunities.
对失业状况的反应是政府开展的各种活动的一个结果,该运动旨在以各种方式教育人们如何创造自营职业。 如今,就业已不是实现更好生活的唯一途径。 因此,鼓励人们创造机会而不是寻找机会。 另外,最近为认识到所有人都具有平等就业机会的需要而进行的种种努力已经流行。 该运动的目标是在就业机会中实现性别和种族平衡。
Section 2: Policy Making and Policy Outcomes in Response to the Claim
The need to reduce the rate of unemployment is dare. When unemployment lowers the vices associated with it are likely to decrease. Therefore, the policy has realized the need to come up with strategies to end the vicious cycle of unemployment as well as the other social problems associated with it.
One of the policy decisions was the living wage. The government enactment of the living wage was as a complement to the minimum wage to respond to the lower standards of living problems and dependency in the society. The policy increased the levels of income depending on the areas and the number of unemployed dependents.
The dependent was factored in to ensure that the employed can take care of their families as still live a better life.
There are other policies like unemployment benefits or compensation which aim at the affordability of the basic needs of the persons who qualify for the payment.
The system ensures that the person who was employed but lost the job get covered for the basic needs until such a time he/she secure another position (Truong, 2018). The above policies gained public support owing to the benefits of the systems. However, the living and minimum wage have received criticisms from the business communities claiming that the plan is expensive for the business.
该系统确保受雇但失去工作的人能够满足基本需求,直到他/她获得另一职位为止(Truong,2018年)。由于该系统的好处,上述政策获得了公众的支持。但是,生活和最低工资受到了工商界的批评,声称该计划对企业来说是昂贵的。 社会问题案例分析代写

Section 3: Target Audience for the Claim 社会问题案例分析代写
The most vulnerable group is likely to buy the claim that employment results in crimes, and other vices, the young unemployed people. A claim-maker is expected to get support from young people because they are most affected to these social vices. Studies have found that the percentage of young unemployed people is high and rising especially in developing countries (Eichhorst, Hinte, & Rinne, 2013).
As a result, most of them are like to engage in criminal activities, alcoholism and substances abuse, and other vices. When such claims are made, the young and unemployed are ready to support it to show or prove how they have been affected by the unemployment and left with no better option but to engage in social vices. The belief that unemployment relates to indulgence,
anything that comes to contradict their view is likely to faced opposition. In other words, the young people may want to sanitize their behavior by blaming that to the lack of employment.
Section 4: Sociological Conclusion Based on the Case Study
In a society, unemployed are at the lowest social status. They are mostly dependent, and therefore the community sees them as social bothers. The working class tries as much to delineate themselves from the group. As a result, the social stratification exists with each group claiming its social class. For the unemployed to keep up with the social demands of being independent,
some may result in vices like crime. Others due to frustrations of getting the employment and social pressures, resort to alcoholism and substance. The connotation associated with unemployment is degrading and distressing, and to most, develop psychological problems.In the perspective of the social construct of the unemployment claim,
it has been connotated with negativity especially in the young and unemployed people. Such negatives as crimes and drug abuse are nothing but just a scapegoat from the reality. As such, there is need be to be aware of these problems which are associated with unemployment and how to deal with them in the case in such a situation.
The alternative to unemployment can be self-employment by doing what one enjoys doing and it to the best.
Córdoba-Doña, J. A., San Sebastián, M., Escolar-Pujolar, A., Martínez-Faure, J. E., & Gustafsson, P. E. (2014). The economic crisis and suicidal behavior: the role of unemployment, sex, and age in Andalusia, southern Spain. International journal for equity in health, 13(1), 55.
Eichhorst, W., Hinte, H., & Rinne, U. (2013). Youth unemployment in Europe: what to do about it? (No. 65). IZA policy paper.
Truong, A. (2018). What You Need to Know About Unemployment. Retrieved from
Whiteside, N. (2014). Constructing Unemployment: B ritain and F rance in Historical Perspective. Social Policy & Administration, 48(1), 67-85.
