Should the Minimum Wage be Increased, Why or Why Not?
金融危机代写 The recession of 2008 , Left the world in a state of despair and the resulting domino effect’s marks can still be seen in the US..
The recession of 2008 , Left the world in a state of despair and the resulting domino effect’s marks can still be seen in the US market . The unemployment rate increased with the collapse of Lehman Brothers , And the poverty levels or the rate of people living below sub-par levels has significantly increased . In order to address this rising concern,
Policy makers at all levels of the government , I.e. state , Federal , And local have begun looking for solutions . One of the solutions that has been considered and debated upon is increasing the minimum wage of the workers , So that things and life can improve for them. There are many people who are in favor of this decision and actually support it,
However , This decision may do more harm than good , As it puts greater pressure on businesses to perform , While increasing the need for more qualified and highly educated individuals.
In the fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 1983 , The congress instituted the minimum wage for the working class. However , In the United States of America , The local and state governments have the right to set their own level of minimum wage . Therefore, the minimum wage rates for each jurisdiction differ as per the standards set by the local and state government.
译文:介绍 金融危机代写
在 1983 年公平劳工标准法案 (FLSA) 中,国会制定了工人阶级的最低工资。但是,在美利坚合众国,地方和州政府有权设定自己的最低工资水平。因此,每个司法管辖区的最低工资率根据地方和州政府制定的标准而有所不同。 金融危机代写
Led by Washington State at $9.32 per hour,
Oregon at $9.10 per hour and Vermont at $8.73 per hour, 21 states and the District of Columbia have a minimum . Wage rate higher than the federal wage rate of $7.25 per hour (The State Factor, 2014) . Twenty of the states have wage rates as set by the federal government , Whereas , Whe nine states that are left have minimum wage rates lower than the rest of the states,
But the employers in these regions are required to pay higher rate to the federal government. 95.3% of the hourly paid employees earned less than the minimum wage set . By the federal government in the year 2012.
The question then arises would raising the minimum wage be helpful for . The employees or will it harm them in the longer run ? Certainly , The people who are already employed are likely to get the benefit out of this more , Than those who are unemployed.
Additionally , Companies will face a hard time meeting the increased requirement for paying higher wages to the employees , Especially when the production costs are high and the consumers buying power is limited . At the same time , Even if the prices of the products are increased , Then the consumption levels are sure to be affected , Which will hurt the sales of the companies,
译文:由华盛顿州领导,每小时 9.32 美元,
俄勒冈州每小时 9.10 美元,佛蒙特州每小时 8.73 美元,21 个州和哥伦比亚特区有最低 .工资率高于每小时 7.25 美元的联邦工资率(The State Factor,2014)。其中 20 个州的工资率由联邦政府设定,而剩下的 9 个州的最低工资率低于其他州,
但这些地区的雇主需要向联邦政府支付更高的税率。 95.3% 的时薪雇员的收入低于设定的最低工资。联邦政府于 2012 年。
In turn making it difficult for them to pay their employees
And thus , Resulting in termination of many employees. And so , The cycle will continue, with the less educated , Less experienced , And under privileged suffering far more than the employed , Educated ones.
While there is a lot of evidence that increasing the minimum wage actually ends up hurting the very people it is supposed and intended to help , Many advocates and representatives at the local , Federal , And state levels demand for an increase in the minimum wage levels.
President Barack Obama raised the minimum wage for all federal contractors to $10.10 per hour and called on . Congress to raise the federal minimum wage for all employed people ; Advocates in states as diverse as Alaska, Idaho , Massachusetts , Maryland and South Dakota have lobbied for an increase to state wage rates ; And surrogates for fast-food and retail workers have staged strikes . To demand as much as $15 per hour (The State Factor, 2014).
Small businesses cannot afford to pay their employees a minimum wage of this level, or if they do , Then the number of people they hire significantly decreases.
Let’s look at the effects of raising the minimum wage level on the employees , The organizations, and the consumers.
译文:反过来使他们难以支付员工工资 金融危机代写
The Effect of Minimum Wage on Organizations
There are a couple of repercussions that the businesses are likely to face when the minimum wage increases , Some of which have been discussed a little in the above mentioned paragraphs . However , There is a lot that can happen due to the implementation of this decision . As described above as well , When the minimum wage increases,
The cost per labor increases for the employees , Which increases the production cost , And thus the employer has to pass it off on to the consumer, But adding it in the price of the product or by increasing the prices. This , In turn increases the inflation rate as prices increase as well , Thus the consumers have to pay for it then. However , Many employers improve the processes so that their production costs remain low,
While being able to bear the increased wage rates for their employees . On the other hand, there are many other employers who work towards maintaining a stagnant level of improvement for all levels of employees , And thus implement structural changes that actually benefit both the employees and the organization. Still others,
Give higher increments to lower level employees and provide lower level increments to the top level employees so that a balance can be maintained , And thus prevent this cost form being passed down to the consumer. However , It must be understood that employees who earn the minimum wage, lack the necessary skills to demand higher pay and are considered to be less productive,
译文:最低工资对组织的影响 金融危机代写
为较低级别的员工提供更高的增量,并为顶级员工提供较低级别的增量,以便保持平衡,从而防止这种成本形式传递给消费者。但是,必须明白,赚取最低工资的员工缺乏要求更高工资的必要技能,并且被认为生产力较低, 金融危机代写
Which is why they are paid so.
Many of the supporters of minimum wage increase are under the impression that while businesses have the capabilities and the resources to pay higher wages , They willingly decide not to do so , Because they are capital centric and like to pay the labor less just for their own benefit.
Many believe that the most these businesses will experience is a dent in their pockets , I.e. a slight decrease in the profits they earn instead of actually faces losses due to this decision . According to an analysis by the Employment Policies Institute , Roughly half of the minimum wage workforce is employed at businesses with fewer than 100 employees , And 40 percent work at businesses with fewer than 50 employees (EPI).
Due to the nature of the business, many organizations are simply unable . To afford higher quality workforce because their demand for pay is higher . It must be understood that the market is become fiercely competitive with each passing day and thus , It becomes difficult for businesses to remain afloat . Sustaining the business while maintaining a specific level of profit is quite difficult and for many of the small businesses,
It becomes a huge challenge to overcome these issues . In such an intensely competitive era , Many organizations actually work on levels where they earn little to no profits , Just so they can survive.
译文:这就是为什么他们得到这样的报酬。 金融危机代写
许多人认为,这些企业将经历的最多的事情是他们口袋里的凹痕,即由于这个决定,他们赚取的利润略有减少,而不是实际上面临损失。根据就业政策研究所的一项分析,大约一半的最低工资劳动力受雇于员工少于 100 人的企业,40% 的员工在员工少于 50 人 (EPI) 的企业工作。
On the other hand, larger organizations have their own fair share of troubles
They are required by their shareholders and other stakeholders to keep the costs low . This means , That these organizations have to make way for the increase in the minimum wage while. At the same time ensuring that they are able to charter unchartered waters.
In the previous year , The California chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) projected the potential negative effects of the state’s 2013 legislation that raises California’s minimum wage rate to $9 per hour in 2014 and again to $10 by 2016 (The State Factor).
If the wage rate is increased as per the stated plans , Then it is expected to impact the economy of the state of California negatively by shrinking it to $5.7 billion in the coming decade . This would lead to a reduction of approximately 68,000 jobs, 63% of which may very likely be from small businesses . A higher percentage of the workforce is employed in the SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) sector.
译文:另一方面,较大的组织也有自己的烦恼 金融危机代写
在前一年,全国独立企业联合会 (NFIB) 的加利福尼亚分会预测了该州 2013 年立法的潜在负面影响,该立法将加利福尼亚的最低工资率提高到 2014 年的每小时 9 美元,到 2016 年再次提高到 10 美元(The State Factor )。
如果工资率按照既定计划提高,那么预计在未来十年内将缩减至 57 亿美元,从而对加利福尼亚州的经济产生负面影响。这将导致大约 68,000 个工作岗位减少,其中 63% 很可能来自小企业。中小企业(中小企业)部门就业的劳动力比例较高。 金融危机代写
The bottom line: somebody needs to be pay for the increased minimum wages,
And it becomes difficult for the small and medium sized enterprises to survive if the minimum wage increases , As they employ a larger portion of the workforce.
At the same time, this results in greater unemployment . As it basically makes the companies decide how to cut costs in order to meet the increasing demands of the employees . When companies are given the task of determining how to cut costs to remain efficient , Most of the times they come up with the solution to let the employees who earn higher wages go,
If their work can be carried out by an employee who is working on lower wage rates . However , While the fact that raising the minimum wage actually increases the unemployment rate is true , Many researchers have studied this question in order to ascertain the authenticity of it all. One of the studies conducted on this question.
Yielded results that stated that an increase in the level . Of the minimum wage decreases the employment levels within the country.
One review by economists David Neumark and William Wascher shows that 63 percent . Of studies found relatively consistent evidence of negative employment effects on minimum wages (The State Affair, ECI) . Taking up a recent study as well , Which assessed the effects of increasing the minimum from $7.25 to $10 in California.
译文:底线:有人需要为增加的最低工资支付报酬, 金融危机代写
经济学家 David Neumark 和 William Wascher 的一项评论显示,63%。的研究发现相对一致的证据表明就业对最低工资的负面影响(国家事务,ECI)。还参与了最近的一项研究,该研究评估了在加利福尼亚州将最低费用从 7.25 美元提高到 10 美元的影响。 金融危机代写
Is likely to result in the job loss of 300,000 people.
This indicates that within the next 10 years , 300,000 people will be unemployed and the situation will be worse than before . On the other hand, organizations have already started switching to other options that limit the use of labor , Thereby , Ensuring that the costs associated with labor reduce . Automation is one of the most widely used methods why which employers are limiting the use of labor.
Another very common method of reducing the costs associated with labor is outsourcing . Companies , With the aim of reducing their production costs, outsource their services or their operations to those countries where the labor is considered to be cheaper . This way , They save up millions on labor costs . And are also able to deliver highly competitive priced products to their consumers.
译文:很可能导致30万人失业。 金融危机代写
这预示着未来10年内,将有30万人失业,情况会比以前更糟。 另一方面,组织已经开始转向限制劳动力使用的其他选项,从而确保与劳动力相关的成本降低。 自动化是雇主限制劳动力使用最广泛使用的方法之一。
降低与劳动力相关的成本的另一种非常常见的方法是外包。 公司为了降低生产成本,将其服务或运营外包给劳动力被认为更便宜的国家。 这样,他们节省了数百万的人工成本。 并且还能够向消费者提供极具竞争力的价格产品 金融危机代写
More and more companies have begun either outsourcing their operations to other countries,
mostly third world countries , Or they have begun going global and opening their services or their manufacturing operations in such regions were the cost of labor is low . This shift of the employers towards cost saving methods is proof that if the minimum wage rate continues to rise,
Then the rate of unemployment is likely to rise . One of the most common examples of automation replacing the labor force is that of ATM machines , Which have reduced the need for Bank tellers and clerks . With the creation of the smartphone, this has become even easier , As more and more people go online to take care of their daily matters , Such as making payments,
译文:越来越多的公司开始将业务外包到其他国家, 金融危机代写
Buying online products, and transferring cash to each other.
I wouldn’t be surprised if within the next two decades, digital currency became the norm.
Even if employers decide not to decrease the hiring process , They will respond to higher labor costs by replacing the lowest-skilled individuals with more highly-skilled employees , Which prices inexperienced workers out of the market. Further, the higher pay attracts more affluent individuals to enter the low-wage labor market,
Such as teenagers from well-off families or adults looking to provide a secondary income to their households (The State Affair) . If that happens that the opportunities available to all become limited and thus , The fight for jobs becomes even more intense . Highly qualified people start opting for jobs with lower pay just to make ends meet which . In turn creates problems for the low skilled and less learned.
The number of people in looking for job is much higher than the jobs available in the market , And this surplus creates difficulty for those people to find jobs who need it the most.
译文:购买在线产品,并相互转移现金。 金融危机代写
找工作的人数远远高于市场上可用的工作岗位,这种过剩给那些最需要工作的人带来了困难。 金融危机代写
According to testimony provided by James Sherk of the Heritage Foundation,
after minimum wage levels increase , Businesses employ more teenagers living in affluent zip codes and fewer teenagers from lower-income zip codes (The State Affair) . The primary reason is because they have a strong base and good learning , Along with the fact that they also have access to good network through their family relations.
The positive side to the increase in the minimum wage is that it tends to attract higher number of teenagers to the foray , However , The benefits end at that . When the cycle is viewed together then it can be understood that the repercussions . Of this increase are far greater than the benefits earned from it. Additionally , Another thing that attracts most of the teenagers to jobs is the fact that they will receive on job training rather than the pay in itself.
The Effect of Minimum Wage on Consumers
As discussed earlier , Many companies try to pass on the effects of the increased wage to the consumer in the form of higher prices . As the prices increase , And this increase persists , The level of inflation also increases , Thereby,
译文:根据传统基金会的 James Sherk 提供的证词, 金融危机代写
Making the overall economy a more difficult place to live in.
Employers often cannot fully absorb the costs of an increased mandated wage rate by cutting their workforce because they need that labor to successfully run their businesses (EPI) . According to the economist Daniel Aaronson , Calls the effect of passing on the costs associated with production on to the consumer as “price pass- through”.
It is quite commonly noticed that an increase in the minimum wage levels of the employees actually leads to an increase in prices , In particularly of food items . Using data from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 1995 to 1997 , The economists examined 7,500 food items (usually a complete meal) from 1,000 different establishments in 88 different geographic areas (The State Affair).
It was noticed that the price increase was apparent within restaurants especially in high service restaurants . These consist of those restaurants where the customers take the meal to go , Instead of actually dining in. Life has become quite demanding for people these days , And it has become a habit for many people to eat on the go . Such restaurants are likelier to hire employees with low wages.
译文:使整体经济成为更难以居住的地方。 金融危机代写
雇主通常无法通过裁员来完全吸收提高法定工资率的成本,因为他们需要这些劳动力来成功开展业务 (EPI)。经济学家丹尼尔·亚伦森 (Daniel Aaronson) 称,将与生产相关的成本转嫁给消费者的影响称为“价格传递”。
人们普遍注意到,员工最低工资水平的提高实际上会导致价格上涨,尤其是食品价格。经济学家使用 1995 年至 1997 年消费者价格指数 (CPI) 的数据,检查了来自 88 个不同地理区域(国家事务)的 1,000 家不同机构的 7,500 种食品(通常是完整的膳食)。
However, while the wages for a permanent employees are clear,
those of the part time employers remain a question mark for many . The wages level for part timers have still not been decided yet , Which makes it even more difficult for people looking for permanent jobs to find a good job opportunity.
Those employees who had low wages on . The other hand stand to gain a lot by the increase in minimum wage . However, as mentioned previously , The party that stands to gain by this step is limited, and majority of the people for whom this benefit is intended is not even able to gain these benefits because of lack of opportunities available to them. Additionally,
Non-minimum wage earners will face higher prices without the corresponding increase in wages . Thus , They will likely cut back spending to compensate (The State Affair) . When the behavioral shift happens , Then the employee is likely to look for substitute products as well , Since they would now want cheaper alternatives just to ensure that the consumption of the products does not end.
This too, affects the companies negatively,
As many of the brands lose the consumer base which they previously had , Thereby , Putting them in financial trouble as well . While the financial trouble may not be too big , Nonetheless, it will be there.
Daniel Aaronson and Eric French predicted a $25 billion drop in spending from . Those earning above minimum wage if the minimum wage was increased from $7.25 to $9.00 per hour (The State Affair). On the other hand , It is important to note that the spending power of the people will increase , As the economy and the society sees a rise in the middle class , With more people growing in order to improve their lifestyles.
However , The spending power , Versus the actual spending rises only during the short term , However , The GDP is expected to increase in the longer run.
The Scale Effect
According to conventional economic analysis , Increasing the minimum wage reduces employment in two ways . As discussed previously , Higher wages result in an increase in the cost that employers incur during the production of goods and services . The employers pass some of those increased costs on to consumers , As has been discussed in detail in the next section , In the form of higher prices,
Which, in turn , Lead to the consumers purchasing fewer of the goods and services . As the number of products that are produced decreases due to reduced demand , Then the employers reduce the requirement for employees which in turn leads to hiring of fewer workers . That is known as a scale effect , And it reduces employment among both low-wage workers and higher-wage workers . At times,
Due to the increase in wages , Higher wage earners are let go so that a low wage earner can be made to do their work as well , Which significantly affects the job security being provided.
译文:规模效应 金融危机代写
Substitution Effect
An increase in the minimum-wage raises the cost associated with low wage workers in comparison to other inputs , Such as the cost of raw materials, Maintenance of the machinery etc.
That employers use to produce goods and services , Along with more productive higher-wage workers . Some employers respond to this by reducing the number of low-wage workers they hire and shift towards improving the utilization of other inputs , Most even move towards automation as has been discussed . That is known as a substitution effect,
And it significantly reduces employment among low-wage workers but increases . It among those workers earning higher-wages since employers require more skilled . Workforce that is efficient and productive in its output as well.
译文:替代效应 金融危机代写
雇主用来生产商品和服务,以及生产力更高的高薪工人。 一些雇主通过减少他们雇用的低工资工人的数量并转向提高其他投入的利用率来对此做出回应,大多数甚至如上文所述转向自动化。 这被称为替代效应,
它大大减少了低工资工人的就业,但增加了。 它属于那些收入较高的工人,因为雇主需要更多技能。 劳动力在其产出方面也具有效率和生产力。
To conclude I would like to begin with my understanding of the situation . If the minimum wage level increases, then its impact on the employment opportunities availabl e , Along with the employers’ willingness to accept this decisions by increasing the cost is quite adverse . The proponents of the minimum wage increase believe that by implementing this policy.
Things will improve in the United States of America . The reason for this is because they do not see the full picture , And the effect of this decision on the overall economy . Even though the intention is to keep the least fortunate away from falling into the depths of poverty , This can only be carried out when there are a good number of jobs in the market.
Recent studies have shown that there is little to no relationship between increases in the minimum wage and reductions in poverty , For, in order to bring about this change , There are many other things that need to be implemented as well . Very few people are actually expected to truly gain a benefit out of this , When in reality , The consequences of this decision will do more harm than good.
The unemployment rates are likely to increase , As companies try to cut costs in order to remain competitive . On the other hand, businesses face troubles as well , Since they have to maintain a certain cost of production which , If increased , Will have to be borne by either the company or the consumers . In case the company decides to bear it.
译文:结论 金融危机代写
Then the likelihood of cutting down the labor force is quite high,
Whereas , If the company decides to pass it on to the consumers the prices will increase , Which will increase the inflation in the economy.
What needs to be done is that the government needs to come up with solutions for this problem , Especially that of addressing the limited job opportunities available in the market . Economists Joseph Sabia and Richard Burkhauser found that workers living in households below the poverty line received few of the benefits of past minimum wage increases , However, these are all short lived (The State Affair).
In order to address this increasing issue , The government needs to take proactive measures in order to create more jobs in the market , That not only offer opportunities for growth , But also offers ways to improve the skill set of the employees . This would ensure that a higher level of teenagers are skilled enough to work , And thus, tech incubators can be opened up with the aim of helping others build on their ideas and improve their lives.
It should also be understood that a long term solution needs to be derived for the situation, i.e. addressing the issue of poverty, instead of just increasing the minimum wage rate , Which might yield results in the short run,
译文:那么裁员的可能性就很大, 金融危机代写
需要做的是政府需要为这个问题提出解决方案,尤其是解决市场上有限的就业机会。经济学家约瑟夫·萨比亚 (Joseph Sabia) 和理查德·伯克豪泽 (Richard Burkhauser) 发现,生活在贫困线以下家庭的工人几乎没有获得过去提高最低工资的好处,然而,这些好处都是短暂的(国家事务)。
But will only lead to more problems in the longer run.
A recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report examining the proposed federal minimum wage increase to $10.10 by 2016 found that, although the proposal would move approximately 900,000 people above the poverty threshold (of the estimated 45 million currently below that threshold), Just 19 percent of the increased earnings would go to families below the poverty line (The State Affair).
All of this needs to be taken into consideration, so that the issue can be addressed. The problem for the people of America is not that the wages are low , But that there are low or no jobs in the market.
Public policy needs to be more focused on providing state of the art facilities for students so that they can equip themselves with the necessary skills , Required to not only survive, but remain successful in the market . With increasing competition , The focus on many people has shifted to increasing the minimum wage levels in order to secure the future of individuals,
However , As a collective society the bigger picture cannot be ignored. For small businesses , Implementing the increased price becomes a huge problem, whereas , For the larger organizations it might not even matter . The only drawback is that most of the organizations are small and medium sized enterprises,
译文:但从长远来看只会导致更多问题。 金融危机代写
最近国会预算办公室 (CBO) 审查了拟议的联邦最低工资到 2016 年增加到 10.10 美元的报告发现,虽然该提案将使大约 900,000 人超过贫困线(目前估计有 4500 万人低于该门槛),但只有 19%增加的收入将流向贫困线以下的家庭(国家事务)。
Which actually result in the employment of a larger population,
than the large organizations. Therefore, all of this needs to be taken into account before any policy changes can be made. The various effects of this decisions have been discussed in detail throughout . This essay which makes us rethink the effectiveness of a minimum wage increase . While minimum wage will be beneficial , What needs to be understood is its consequences and how those can be overcome , And such measures need to be implemented which offset the above stated outcomes.
To conclude , I would just like to say that raising the minimum wage level . Of the employees is not a wise decision , Nor a beneficial one as it will only lead to . The creation of more problems . It should also be understood , That the picture cannot be viewed in seclusion , It needs to be seen as a whole in order to understand the linking effects it is likely to have.
Therefore, the minimum wage levels should not be increased , Instead more focus should be on providing ample job opportunities to the people of America so that they can lead a better life.
译文:这实际上导致了更多人口的就业, 金融危机代写
Aaronson, Daniel, Eric French and James MacDonald. “The Minimum Wage, Restaurant Prices, and Labor Market Structure.” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. August 2007. Available: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=630515.
Clark, Krissy. 2013. Marketplace, National Public Radio (aired Aug. 29).
Daniel Aaronson and Eric French. “How Does a Federal Minimum Wage Hike Affect Aggregate Household Spending?” The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. August 2013. Available: http://www.chicagofed.org/digital_assets/publications/chicago_fed_letter/2013/cflaugust2013_313.pdf.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Databases, Tables, and Calculators by Subject. January 30, 2014, Available: http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/ LNS11300000.
David Neumark and William L. Wascher, “Minimum Wages and Employment,” Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, vol. 3, no. 1–2 (March 2007), pp. 1–182, retrieved 17-3-18 from;
Goolsbee, Austan, Steven Levitt, and Chad Syverson. 2013. Microeconomics. New York: Worth Publishers.
9 Sherk, James. “What is Minimum Wage: Its History and Effects on the Economy—Questions for the Record.” U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. January 25, 2013.
The State Factor, A Publication of the American Legislative Exchange Council, March 2014, retrieved 17-3-18 from;
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Editor’s Desk, Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012. Available: http://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2013/ted_20130325.htm.
Sherk, James and John Ligon.
“Unprecedented Minimum-Wage Hike Would Hurt Jobs and the Economy.” Heritage Foundation. Issue Brief 4102. Available: http:// www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/12/unprecedented-minimum-wage-hike-would-hurt-jobs-and-the-economy#_ftnref11.
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