英国金融Assignment代写 Globalization can be defined in economic and political terms, as a movement of capitalism spreading across the globe (Golebiewski, 2014)..
Question 3 英国金融Assignment代写
Globalization can be defined in economic and political terms, as a movement of capitalism spreading across the globe (Golebiewski, 2014). However, Globalization is not only limited to that , Rather it also focuses on . The cultural aspects of the countries , And affects them. Whereas , Religion can be defined as a system of beliefs and practices.
With the passage of time , Evolution has occurred, And even more so since the world entered the 21st century. Due to increased globalization, Individuals start feeling insecure and in order to find a strong footing that keeps them rooted , They turn towards religion, understanding the way it works, and try to find solace in it.
Some core characteristics which have driven globalization include. The quick exchange of information , Easy exchange of goods and services , Alignment in the legal framework on . A global scale and the ability to access labor in any part of the world . It has also resulted in mini-diasporas , Since people move in different countries to pursue education and find a better job.
However, globalization has also been adversely received in those countries where religion is prevalent and followed strictly. Because people feel threatened by the influx of new cultural factors which they find strange. This is a result of multicultural societies which have emerged as a result of globalization. At the same time.
Because boundaries have become superficial 英国金融Assignment代写
As more and more people can interact with each other with ease , Therefore. There is also a rise of social as well as cultural liberalization , Which eventually results .In the young people losing the ties they had with religion and forgetting .Or even questioning their religious values.
Ethnic and religious diversity in some countries is also being affected, especially in those countries where conflicts between religious groups is prevalent and extremely strong. Therefore, religious is being affected in different ways in different parts of the world. For those places which did not have much religion initially, they have experienced a rise in people connecting with the spiritualistic and religious acts,
As they feel threatened by such a fast paced changed, whereas, at the same time, in those places where religion already existed and had a string root, two factions have been developed. One faction turns to religion and shuns globalization and treats it as the root of all evil, whereas, the other questions the religious values that have been ingrained in them and lose touch with their belief system.
Either way, it can be concluded that the relationship between globalization and its effects on religion is extremely complex. There is no singular manner in which it has affected religion, rather multiple trends have been seen all over the world, in different types of people.
Question 4 英国金融Assignment代写
Immanuel Wallerstein’s World System Theory and Colonialism have a larger number of similarities as compared to differences which is why most of the time these are considered to be one and the same thing. However, that is not so.
In many ways the two theories overlap with one another because they both analyze how the national economies are dependent on one another. In both theories, the countries are specified based on whether or not they are suppliers of raw materials, or of manufactured products for industrial use. And in order for them to reinforce the analysis they obtained, both theories made use of extensive metrics.
The point at which they remarkably differ is the fact that they have differing opinions regarding whether or not the countries which only provide raw materials are exploited by those that provide manufactured finished goods. The world system theory creates a world system which consists of classification of countries based on their division of labor.
The countries are divided into three categories, namely英国金融Assignment代写
The core countries, semi-periphery countries, and the periphery countries. Core countries focus on manufacturing which requires high skill, and the production is much more capital intensive as compared to peripheral countries which focus on the extraction of raw materials.
Thus, the core countries are able to dominate the peripheral countries. In colonization, it is clearly stated that the countries which have had or still have raw materials and is primarily focused on that has been exploited by other countries and the exploitation is intentional and driven by the desire to make as much profit as possible. 英国金融Assignment代写
This focuses on the motivation of the country which exploits, whereas the world systems theory is more focused on the end result instead of how it is achieved and what the motivation behind it may be.
There are many different variants to it, however, the two most insightful are that the different economies result due to emergence of globalization and is its by-product. Whereas, the other variant is this result is natural and is experienced both within countries as well as among different countries. Therefore,
It can be concluded that the two are entirely similar with the fact that both present the same notion, i.e. countries that excel in providing raw materials are exploited by capital intensive manufacturing countries, however, whereas colonization is more focused towards the motives of exploiting others, the world systems theory only reflects upon the actual result as is obtained as an outcome of these actions.
Colonialism was primarily undertaken by oppressors who used to find manipulating those who did not have enough resources or ability to fight them. Thus, they were made into colonies to do the bidding of the countries that ruled over them. 英国金融Assignment代写
Question 5
Globalization is making the world seem quite similar, which is why it is resulting in homogenization. This is because of the fact that many companies are able to set up their offices across multiple locations, and thus, are able to cater to the audience all over the world in a similar manner. Cultural diversity is becoming less and less prominent as more and more people are being affected by the western world,
Along with their values, ideas, and culture. This process of westernization has been pushed and advertised by the mass media on a large scale which has begun influencing the minds of the people. Thus, with the passage of time, it has resulted in more and more people becoming influenced by the westernization and this is being reinforced by the technology, such as social media platforms that have been developed.
Many countries worldwide are starting to adapt the same standards for different things, such as health, operating procedures, schooling systems, and much more. For instance, American sociologist George Ritzer contends that fast-food restaurants are not only dominating “more and more sectors of American society” but also those all around the world—which is also known as ‘McDonalidization’ (Datuin, 2014). 英国金融Assignment代写
The question then arises, that are companies
Such as fast food restaurants really similar all over the world. I must say that I disagree. No, they are not similar all over the world because they must make changes to the products and service offerings according to the market.
Homogenization is not that deeply ingrained in the world right now, because cultural differences exist all over the world. It is only being portrayed in a manner that makes the viewer perceive that homogenization is taking place, however, that is not the case. In my opinion, homogenization is beneficial for companies, as it allows them to apply the same thing all over the world and provide the same product all around,
As is being done by the smartphone manufacturers. On the other hand, it is also not a good thing because then the cultural differences and unique traits are being dissolved and overcome, and even being dominated with the western culture. It is taking away the uniqueness of the world. Therefore, in my opinion, homogenization is definitely a by product of globalization,
However, it is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, it is taking away the cultural beauty and uniqueness away from the world.
Question 6 英国金融Assignment代写
Globalization brings about change in the overall structure of the country as well. Now companies look for labor which is cheaper and those seek places where they can earn more while ensuring that the processes require minimal investment , Which includes labor as well . The cost of labor in developed countries is high , Done so for the wellbeing of the citizens . But companies only look after their own interests and thus
Go to places which offer cheap labor so that their cost of production goes down. Because of the characteristics of globalization , And the resulting changes, the people experience fear of the unknown and become anxious about their security and wellbeing.
However , With the world becoming . A vast playground where anybody can enter , And the people being exposed to new information and technology . The traditional perceptions of sovereignty are being affected . This is happening because of the evolving political attitudes , As states learn from one another’s mistakes and understand the manner in which they can improve their respective organizations.
The development of a more interdependent world would create more . And more trans-sovereign problems that are not responsive to unilateral state action. But this does not imply that multilateral state action would be ineffective (Nehme, 2010).
State’s sovereignty is stemmed from the basic attributes of the state and are in brief the following:
- Legitimacy: stems from the need of people’s acceptance and need to their state. 英国金融Assignment代写
- Capacity: Is the ability of the state to control.
- Cohesion: is when the state acts as one entity (Nehme, 2010).
The manner in which a state behaves will be immensely affected due. To globalization and this in turn will affect the state’s sovereignty. National economies will become integrated into global financial economies , Handling of information will be made . More efficient , Expansion of international trade will also affect .The manner in which the affairs of the state conducted,
And all of these factors which end up in making the countries more dependent on one another. This will in turn affect the sovereignty of the country and actually shake the very basis of it.英国金融Assignment代写
Hence the state’s sovereignty will be affected due to all these factors and it will change . The perceptions about traditional sovereignty because it will force the people .To begin thinking about the manner in which the affairs. Of the state are conducted and they will begin adopting practices from other countries,
Which will give rise to the introduction of new forums as well as reforms . As people become more and more influenced by westernization as well as globalization. This will in turn create a multiplier effect which will make the citizens question each and every . Method which is used by the state and this make them question traditional sovereignty and even lead to . A massive change in the overall perceptions about the government and the state.
Abigail Datuin, 2014, Globalization and Homogenization of Culture: Taking a Closer Look at Fast-Food Restaurants, retrieved 26-10-18 from;
Professor Michel NEHME, Globalization and the Undermining of State Sovereignty, retrieved 26-10-18 from;
Aida DAHER, Globalization And the Challenges to State Sovereignty and Security, retrieved 26-10-18 from;
DANIEL GOLEBIEWSKI, 2014, Religion and Globalization: New Possibilities, Furthering Challenges, retrieved 26-10-18 from;
Religion and Globalisation: Benefits and Challenges, retrieved 26-10-18 from;