The Case Study of Boko Haram in Nigeria
英国社会学代写 When it comes to violence the entire population is affected but there is special impact to children. Children together with women..
The Effects of Terrorism on Children Education: The Case Study of Boko Haram in Nigeria
When it comes to violence the entire population is affected but there is special impact to children. Children together with women and people with disabilities are categorized as vulnerable groups. The emergence of war force children into life torture and mental and physical torment as the price for the war that is not their making nor do they have the knowledge of its occurrence.
Thus, when children grow in families and communities torn apart by war they loss to experience the nature and beauty of being a child. Some are even forced to take part in warfare as children soldiers. They are deprived of their human rights since conflicts that results from fighting terrorism is reduce the availability of foods,
Waters, health, education and other basic infrastructure as well as taking away parents or adults who are essential for better life of children like father, mother and siblings. Most as the times children are left alone as parents get killed or separated from them by terrorists or find themselves in refugee camps. Alone they are left to face harshness of life especially hunger and diseases.
Nigerian children have had their share of Boko Haram terror insurgence that has ravaged the north-eastern side part of the country. There are many cases of children killing, abduction, forced recruitment, and displacement. Most others are flee to the neighboring countries to seek refuge. Since 2014, the north-eastern part of Nigeria has been one of the dangerous places for children. There are target attacks to schools which as a results profoundly affected education.
译文:恐怖主义对儿童教育的影响:尼日利亚博科圣地的案例研究 英国社会学代写
博科圣地恐怖叛乱已席卷该国东北部地区,尼日利亚儿童也有他们的份。儿童被杀害、绑架、强迫招募和流离失所的案例很多。大多数其他人逃往邻国寻求庇护。自 2014 年以来,尼日利亚东北部一直是儿童的危险场所之一。有针对学校的目标袭击,结果对教育产生了深远的影响。 英国社会学代写
Background Information
Salafists have bestowed upon themselves the label of reformists claiming to bring ideal Islamic ideology away from western culture and doctrines. Other groups that aim to establish this ideology include the Taliban, Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda. Book Haram identify with these groups of Islamic fundamentalisms considering their believe, goals, and activities.
One of the ways that Boko Haram threaten education is the believe of its former leader Mohammed Yusuf that western education should be scrapped and do away with scientific explanations about various natural phenomenon (Comolli, 2015). The group was declared a terrorist groups not only because of its sworn Jihadist moves but also it sworn allegiance to Osama Bin Laden who is diseased and former Al-Qaeda leader (Zenn, 2018).
And because of its opposition to western education, Boko Haram has been imposing the use of Sharia law in the whole of Nigeria state (Adigun, 2018). Therefore, going by the ideology of Boko Haram its similarity to other Salafi groups, it is likely to get help and guidance from Al-Qaeda on how ways to unleash more terror to achieve their agendas.
Over time these relationships made the group stronger and it presence felt in the whole of Nigeria. It is well reflected by their presence in Jihadist website its members are believed to receive training from Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb and Al-Shabaab in Somalia. The issues with Muslim society are leveraged by terror groups in order to have strongholds to advance their agendas.
译文:背景资料 英国社会学代写
萨拉菲主义者给自己贴上了改革主义者的标签,声称将理想的伊斯兰意识形态带离西方文化和教义。旨在建立这种意识形态的其他团体包括塔利班、青年党和基地组织。考虑到他们的信仰、目标和活动,Book Haram 认同这些伊斯兰原教旨主义团体。
博科圣地威胁教育的方式之一是其前领导人穆罕默德优素福认为西方教育应该被废弃并取消对各种自然现象的科学解释(科莫利,2015)。该组织被宣布为恐怖组织,不仅因为其宣誓的圣战行动,而且还宣誓效忠于患病的前基地组织领导人奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama Bin Laden)(Zenn,2018 年)。
由于反对西方教育,博科圣地一直在整个尼日利亚州强制使用伊斯兰教法(Adigun,2018 年)。因此,根据博科圣地的意识形态与其他萨拉菲组织的相似性,它很可能会从基地组织那里获得帮助和指导,以了解如何释放更多恐怖来实现其议程。
随着时间的推移,这些关系使该团体变得更加强大,并且在整个尼日利亚都感受到了它的存在。他们出现在圣战网站上就很好地反映了这一点,据信其成员接受了马格里布基地组织和索马里青年党的培训。恐怖组织利用穆斯林社会的问题来建立据点来推进他们的议程。 英国社会学代写
On the other hand, is child education that is affected by Boko Haram’s terror activities.
Education is the set where a child is given opportunity to develop abilities and attitude among other behavior change that has positive impact to the society. Children are able to acquire appropriate knowledge, values and skills for personal growth and contribute to positively changing their communities. Education for children was declared a basic human right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights among other chatters.
Thus, on the basis of the achievement of these rights and equal opportunities, Nigeria is bounded to make basic education compulsory and free for all, place mechanisms for people to advance education and offer financial assistance for the special cases and vulnerable groups.
Therefore, the insurgence of Boko Haram is a factor that could have come between children right for education. The groups attacks of schools, abduct teachers and children and destroy school properties. Boko Haram’s main agenda is to stop western education and install Sharia in Nigeria. Also, all terror groups understand the pivotal role education plays reducing youth vulnerability to join them.
According to Trisko (2018), terrorist aim their attack on schools to destabilize education. Boko Haram believe that western education is a sin and hence should be scrapped and replaced with Islamic education system. One of the most notable activity directed to education is kidnapping of 276 Chibok girls. School girls are sold as slaves, forced to marry fighter, cooks for them, do other activities that support the group.
Schools are also used as recruitment centers which further reduce children ability to learn. It is and has always been the agenda of terror groups to take control of education sector.
译文:另一方面,是受博科圣地恐怖活动影响的儿童教育。 英国社会学代写
根据 Trisko(2018 年)的说法,恐怖分子将袭击学校的目标定为破坏教育的稳定。博科圣地认为西方教育是一种罪恶,因此应该废除并取而代之的是伊斯兰教育体系。最引人注目的教育活动之一是绑架 276 名奇博克女孩。女学生被卖为奴隶,被迫嫁给战士,为她们做饭,做其他支持该团体的活动。
Problem Statement
It is the right of every child to get access to education and be given equal opportunities to physically and mentally grow. However, numerous terror attacks made by Boko Haram has left education in some regions and schools destabilized or halted. Due to terror threats and attacks schools are closed indefinitely, families run away, and children are abducted or left orphans.
These have far reaching effects on children access to education as some miss opportunity to learn, their psychological health and cognitive abilities. However, few literatures focusing on how children education is affected by terrorism. Most studies have focused on how education can be used as counter-terrorism measures.
In particular, there are few scholarly researches to establish the extent to which Boko Haram has impacted on the education in Nigeria. Therefore, a research is needed to establish and assess how Boko Haram has affected education in the regions they control and through their activities.
The understanding of the actual effect of terrorism on education will provide the basis on which Nigerian government can device policies to ensure children are rehabilitated, protected, and strategies put in place to address the issue low education in affected areas. Education is human rights and more so children education should be facilitated by the government by ensuring that any hinderance to the access is removed at all costs.
译文:问题陈述 英国社会学代写
Purpose of Research
This research proposal seeks to answer the question on effect of terrorism on children education with a special focus on Boko Haran insurgence. The paper base its argument on the framework of children rights of education. The paper will consider the following as the main guide to getting solution to the research question.
- Evaluate the insurgence of Boko Haram.
- Effect it has to children and families.
- The impact of the group insurgence to children education.
该研究计划旨在回答恐怖主义对儿童教育的影响问题,特别关注博科哈兰叛乱。 本文的论点建立在儿童受教育权的框架之上。 本文将考虑以下内容作为解决研究问题的主要指南。
群体叛乱对儿童教育的影响。 英国社会学代写
Research Questions
The research will seek to answer the following question:
- How did Boko Haram come to be a distance on the state of education in norther Nigeria?
- What are the activities of Boko Haram likely to affect education in Nigeria?
- How have children been affected by the group activities including various attacks and threats?
- What are the effects of terror activities in northern part of Nigeria on children education?
译文:研究问题 英国社会学代写
Research Hypothesis
The following hypothesis will guide the research;
- Boko Haram attacks and threats reduce the number of schools going children in the affected areas.
Literature Review
- State of Global Terrorism
The Global Terrorism Index 2018 indicates that the number of attacks and deaths has significantly reduced by 27 percent in 2017 with largest reduction occurring in Iraq and Syria (Möller-Leimkühler, 2018). The fatalities in Iraq and Syria fell by 5000 and 1000 respectively. The decline is attributed to the reduction in the number of ISIL in these countries.
2018 年全球恐怖主义指数表明,2017 年袭击和死亡人数显着减少了 27%,其中伊拉克和叙利亚的减少幅度最大(Möller-Leimkühler,2018 年)。 伊拉克和叙利亚的死亡人数分别下降了 5000 和 1000。 下降的原因是这些国家的伊黎伊斯兰国人数减少。
Source: http://visionofhumanity.org/indexes/terrorism-index/
The attacks from ISIL has reduced from 52 percent in 2017. The lethality of the attacks have also lowered significantly depicting that group has lost capacity. Nonetheless, the group remain deadliest terror group in 2017. The groups has been displaced in most of its territories and revenue source has been diminishing and hence its overall capacity to facilitate attacks.
However, despite the global trend in the reduction in GTI, terrorism is still spreading and even becoming bigger threats in some areas. The trend is visible in the Middle East and Africa with five countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia and Syria recording more than 1000 deaths. Somalia and Egypt recorded the highest number of death from terrorists attacks.
There were 587 and 311 deaths in Somalia and Egypt respectively in 2017. Somalia records shown 93 percent from 2016. The increase in some countries gives a worrying sign of the silent spread of terrorism.
译文:资料来源:http://visionofhumanity.org/indexes/恐怖主义指数/ 英国社会学代写
来自伊黎伊斯兰国的袭击从 2017 年的 52% 下降。袭击的杀伤力也显着降低,表明该组织已经失去能力。尽管如此,该组织仍然是 2017 年最致命的恐怖组织。这些组织在其大部分领土上流离失所,收入来源一直在减少,因此其促进袭击的整体能力也在下降。
然而,尽管全球 GTI 呈下降趋势,但恐怖主义仍在蔓延,甚至在某些地区成为更大的威胁。这一趋势在中东和非洲很明显,阿富汗、伊拉克、尼日利亚、索马里和叙利亚等五个国家的死亡人数超过 1000 人。索马里和埃及的恐怖袭击造成的死亡人数最多。
2017 年索马里和埃及的死亡人数分别为 587 和 311 人。索马里的记录显示,比 2016 年增加了 93%。一些国家的死亡人数增加是恐怖主义无声蔓延的令人担忧的迹象。
Along side the decrease in the terror attacks
the effect on economies has also reduced with more than 42 percent in 2017. Loss of life is quantified to amount to 72 percent of the economic impact with the remaining percent taken by the lost GDP, properties destroyed and injuries inflicted. However, the impact of terrorist might be higher since the measure does not factor in the indirect impact on businesses, investments and costs associated with security in counter-terrorism.
However, while the rate of terrorism is reducing at global levels and in previous hotbeds of terrorists, Nigeria is facing insurgence of Boko Haram. Global the country is ranked position 3 according to Global Terrorism Index of 2018 (Institute for Economic Peace, 2018). The GTI indicator show that Nigeria had 411 incidents, 1532 fatalities, 852 injuries, and 120 property destruction in 2018.
According to Abang (2019) reporting for Aljazeera, there are more than 22,000 Nigerian missing since Boko Haram crisis began. More than 60 percent of the missing persons are children. Also, there is estimated 27,000 fatalities and two million displacement in northern Nigeria as a result of Boko Haram attacks and threats.
Since it emergence, the terror group has taken the hold of large expanses of the Nigeria countryside mainly in the northeast and has strong hold around lack Chad region bordering Cameron and Niger.
译文:随着恐怖袭击的减少 英国社会学代写
2017 年,对经济的影响也减少了 42% 以上。 生命损失被量化为经济影响的 72%,其余百分比由 GDP 损失、财产毁坏和伤害所占据。然而,恐怖分子的影响可能更大,因为该措施没有考虑与反恐安全相关的业务、投资和成本的间接影响。
然而,虽然恐怖主义的发生率在全球范围内和以前的恐怖分子温床正在下降,但尼日利亚正面临博科圣地的叛乱。根据 2018 年全球恐怖主义指数(经济和平研究所,2018 年),该国在全球排名第 3。 GTI 指标显示,尼日利亚在 2018 年发生了 411 起事故、1532 人死亡、852 人受伤和 120 起财产损失。
根据阿邦 (2019) 半岛电视台的报道,自博科圣地危机开始以来,已有超过 22,000 名尼日利亚人失踪。 60%以上的失踪人员是儿童。此外,由于博科圣地的袭击和威胁,尼日利亚北部估计有 27,000 人死亡和 200 万人流离失所。
Modern Terrorist
Global terrorism may be reducing but still is an eminent threat to global security as terror groups begin to use technologies to conduct their surveillance at attacks. According to Muggah (2019), Jihadist groups are moving away from monolithic approaches to conduct their attacks. They are using internet to carry out recruitment, radicalization, and manage their operations in real-time.
It is not only the Jihad ideologically related groups like Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda and ISIL are using the internet and other technologies, but also the white suprimacists/ultra-right individuals and groups are using digital technologies to expand their transnational operations. The development in digital tools has increased networking between various extremist groups and self-radicalization.
In this regard, according to Bertram (2016), social media has provided a broad and complex ecosystem that terrorism is thriving. Modern terrorist are highly trained individuals and digitally literate (Hossain, 2015). Duffy (2019) noted that most modern terrorists are not necessarily illiterate.
Thus, terror groups and individuals are posting their manifestos on social media or broadcasting their activities in real-time or after act. They aim at amplifying their actions, fracture relationships in the countries,
全球恐怖主义可能正在减少,但仍然是对全球安全的重大威胁,因为恐怖组织开始使用技术在袭击中进行监视。根据 Muggah(2019 年)的说法,圣战组织正在摆脱单一的方法来进行攻击。他们正在利用互联网实时进行招聘、激进化和管理运营。
在这方面,根据 Bertram (2016) 的说法,社交媒体提供了一个广泛而复杂的生态系统,恐怖主义正在蓬勃发展。现代恐怖分子是训练有素且具备数字素养的个人(Hossain,2015 年)。 Duffy (2019) 指出,大多数现代恐怖分子不一定是文盲。
Increase mistrusts and incite the governments to respond.
Moreover, there is heightened concerns on the use of new technologies by terrorist to carry out terror attacks. The most feared among them are chemical weapons (Pitschmann, 2014). Al-Qaeda was reported to had used chemical weapon in 1990s and in 2000s in Iraq. ISIS was noted to have deployed chlorine and sulfur in Syria (Kessler, 2013).
The low cost of bio-engineered weapons like anthrax, smallpox and other pathogens are big worry for the global security.
Unfortunately, Boko Haram insurgence has become more powerful than Nigeria’s military. The article by Searcey in The New York Times report that the group has complex technologies like drones that they are using to attack military brigades. The various attacks by the militants has demoralized the government military. The war has intensified until the military announced retreat from far-flung outposts in the countryside.
译文:增加不信任并煽动政府做出回应。 英国社会学代写
此外,人们对恐怖分子使用新技术进行恐怖袭击的担忧加剧。 其中最令人恐惧的是化学武器(Pitschmann,2014 年)。 据报道,基地组织在 1990 年代和 2000 年代在伊拉克使用过化学武器。 ISIS 被注意到在叙利亚部署了氯和硫(Kessler,2013 年)。
不幸的是,博科圣地的叛乱已经变得比尼日利亚的军队更强大。 Searcey 在《纽约时报》上发表的一篇文章报道称,该组织拥有复杂的技术,例如他们用来攻击军事旅的无人机。 武装分子的各种袭击使政府军士气低落。 战争愈演愈烈,直到军方宣布从偏远的农村前哨撤退。
Impact of Terrorism on Children
According to Leiner et al. (2016), children are mentally and psychologically affected by terrorism acts and threats. When exposed to inequality and adversities as well as violence at early age will take toll on their brain development and physical health. Leiner et al. further illustrated that prolonged exposure o stress affects a child learning, behaviors and health through life.
When constantly exposed to horrific violent acts and threats, their heart rates increase and blood pressure increases releasing stress hormones (Sherrieb & Norris, 2013). The lack of children mechanism to manage stress cause disruption in brain development and inhibits normal growth in other organ systems (Lim, Radua, & Rubia, 2014). These changes may have life-long effects.
Additionally, Walker (2017) reported that children are at risk of developing post traumatic disorder after exposure to horror scenes or violence. When children witness mass shooting and killing of people the memories of the attack may last for a lifetime. They increase the risk of children to under a range of strong feelings from numbness and shock to overwhelming anger, to fear and despair.
Some children also experience intrusive thoughts and nightmares they also become clingy to their parents and fear of separation to continue feeling secure.
译文:恐怖主义对儿童的影响 英国社会学代写
根据莱纳等人的说法。 (2016),儿童在精神和心理上受到恐怖主义行为和威胁的影响。早年暴露在不平等和逆境以及暴力中时,会对他们的大脑发育和身体健康造成损害。莱纳等人。进一步说明长期承受压力会影响孩子一生的学习、行为和健康。
当不断暴露于可怕的暴力行为和威胁中时,他们的心率会增加,血压也会升高,从而释放出压力荷尔蒙(Sherrieb & Norris,2013 年)。儿童缺乏管理压力的机制会导致大脑发育中断并抑制其他器官系统的正常生长(Lim、Radua 和 Rubia,2014 年)。这些变化可能会产生终生影响。
此外,Walker (2017) 报告称,儿童在接触恐怖场景或暴力后有患上创伤后精神障碍的风险。当儿童目睹大规模枪击和杀戮时,对袭击的记忆可能会持续一生。它们增加了儿童处于一系列强烈感受之下的风险,从麻木和震惊到压倒性的愤怒,再到恐惧和绝望。
The purpose of the research will be to find out how Boko Haram has affected children education in northeast region of Nigeria. The methodology to get solution the research question and the test hypotheses was be explained. The research design will be explained together with the data collection methods, and analysis to be used.
Further, the section explains the target population of the study, sampling technique used to arrive at the respondents, and the delimitation of the study.
Survey research design will be the most suited approach for this study. A survey research will be conducted on the identified population. The research will be limited to collect data around northeastern regions such as Yobe, Kano, Adamawa, Dalori among other affected areas. The opinion of parents, teachers, children and education stakeholders’ opinions will be collected by use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews.
Questionnaires and interviews will both be voluntary and conducted online. The question will be divided into three parts. The first will collect profile and the general information about the respondent. The second part will have questions on terrorism and the related actions while the last part focus on effect it has on children education.
The researcher will also have option rely on secondary data and information about the activities of Boko Haram and impact to the people to assess the question.
译文:方法 英国社会学代写
The research targets victims of terror from affected regions in northeastern part of Nigeria.
A sample of 200 people will be systematically and randomly selected for the research and will include parents, teachers, children, students and other education stakeholders. The participation will be free and voluntary. Each participant will be notified on their rights to not participate in the survey and freedom to withdraw at any time in the research process.
The researcher will give them privacy declaration policy to assure them of their security and confidentiality. The groups constitute people with firsthand experience or have been affected by the terror attacks.
After all the questionnaires are collected from the respondents, the researcher will code them and make edits for completeness using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The qualitative data will be analyzed using descriptive methods like frequency distribution, graphs, and measures of distribution including mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
Also, the research will use correlation analysis to establish the relationship between terrorist activities with the reduction of school going children in affected areas. The data will be presented using graphs and frequency tables.
译文:该研究针对尼日利亚东北部受影响地区的恐怖活动受害者。 英国社会学代写
研究将系统地随机抽取 200 人作为样本,其中包括家长、教师、儿童、学生和其他教育利益相关者。参与将是免费和自愿的。每个参与者将被告知他们在研究过程中不参与调查的权利和随时退出的自由。
从受访者那里收集所有问卷后,研究人员将对它们进行编码并使用社会科学统计包 (SPSS) 对其进行编辑以确保完整性。定性数据将使用描述性方法进行分析,如频率分布、图表和分布度量,包括平均值、中位数、众数和标准偏差。
Conceptual Framework
Implication and Contribution to Knowledge
The research will be critical in the understanding of the impact Boko Haram has on children education. There are few studies that have focused on how terrorism affect children especially on education. There is no single empirical research to establish the extent to which Boko Haram has impacted on children in northeastern part of Nigeria.
The findings will not only be useful in policy making but strategy implementation to rehabilitate children and support them through school. Besides, the study will add to the body of knowledge on global studies on threat of terrorism.
译文:对知识的影响和贡献 英国社会学代写
Adigun, M. (2018). Boko Haram’s Radical Ideology and Islamic Jurisprudence. In Boko Haram and International Law (pp. 205-235). Springer, Cham.
Abang, M. (2019). 22,000 Nigerians missing since Boko Haram crisis began: Red Cross. Aljazeera. Retrieved from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/09/22000-nigerians-missing-boko-haram-crisis-began-red-cross-190912131830103.html
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Kessler, G. (2013). President Obama and the ‘red line’on Syria’s chemical weapons. The Washington Post, 6.
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