Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness
英国医学代写 Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness by Trevor Hoppe is one of the most comprehensive books on the diseases..
Book Review: Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness
Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness by Trevor Hoppe is one of the most comprehensive books on the diseases that not only raises awareness about the disease but also traces how it was viewed back then and how it is being viewed now. How people of faith termed HIV or AIDS as a punishment from God for decreasing moral standards of the society and capitalize on it to further their religious agenda.
The author explains how HIV and AIDS were transformed from a mere sickness to badness and how the disease is being looked at the character defining trait of a person. From criminalizing HIV and AIDs to adding to the sufferings of the affected individuals, Hoppe encapsulates it all in a way that few other authors have done it in the past.
However, the author has taken a completely different approach – it’s something people don’t really see in every book available on the subject. In this essay, how well Hoppe has managed to communicate his message to the audience would be analyzed. Moreover , Areas where more information or a bit of details under specific heading could have enhanced the beauty of the book will also be analyzed.
译文:书评:惩罚疾病:艾滋病毒和疾病的刑事定罪 英国医学代写
惩罚疾病:特雷弗·霍普 (Trevor Hoppe) 的《艾滋病毒与疾病刑事化》是关于疾病的最全面的书籍之一,它不仅提高了对该疾病的认识,而且还追溯了当时人们如何看待它以及现在如何看待它。有信仰的人如何将艾滋病毒或艾滋病称为上帝对降低社会道德标准的惩罚,并利用它来推进他们的宗教议程。
作者解释了 HIV 和 AIDS 如何从单纯的疾病转变为疾病,以及如何看待这种疾病定义了一个人的性格特征。从将 HIV 和 AID 定为刑事犯罪,到增加受影响个人的痛苦,Hoppe 以一种过去很少有其他作者这样做的方式概括了这一切。
Summary of Content
AIDS ever since its advent has been associated with punishment. It has always been treated as a crime rather than as a sickness and people from almost all walks of life made demands to punish the people who have contracted HIV or aid. All this started long before the medical professionals decided on the name of this new found sickness.
People living with HIV or AIDS have become a marginalized minority community that has been stigmatized for having a sickness. Trevor details all of this in the book , And in each chapter has taken a new angle to define how a sickness has been criminalized and what led to it.
The author conducted thorough research on the subject and identified how religious leaders influence the society as well as politicians and call for making this sickness a crime and how their influence and believe actually paved the way for criminalization of HIV.
The author highlighted the gravity of the situation by identifying how criminalization of HIV was leading to criminalization of other diseases , And how the subject of criminalizing sickness have evolved from a academic concern to a real life issue.
Punitive Disease Control is the first section of the book that endeavors to analyze the practices and policies in place in a collective manner. In the first section, Hoppe maintains his focus on how the punitive strategies and coercive policies have failed to get the desired outcome to control the disease but put a strain on policies regarding public health.
译文:内容概要 英国医学代写
作者对该主题进行了深入研究,并确定了宗教领袖如何影响社会和政治家,并呼吁将这种疾病定为犯罪,以及他们的影响和信念如何为将 HIV 定为犯罪铺平了道路。
作者通过确定 HIV 定罪如何导致对其他疾病定罪,以及将疾病定罪的主题如何从学术关注演变为现实生活问题,强调了情况的严重性。
惩罚性疾病控制是本书的第一部分,致力于以集体方式分析现行的做法和政策。在第一部分中,Hoppe 继续关注惩罚性策略和强制性政策如何未能达到控制疾病的预期结果,但却给有关公共卫生的政策带来了压力。
In the first chapter
Trevor defines how AIDS brought back ages-old mentality of people to use coercive measures to control the disease and quarantine those who are affected. In the second chapter, the author discusses the shift in public perception about the disease and how people starting blaming the victim for contracting HIV.
People started to believe that those who are HIV positive have brought it upon themselves and only they are to blame for their condition and their actions . The advertisement and public opinion – every message that came out from the majority unaffected population puts blame on the victims of the disease.
However, the reorganization of health authorities’ approach regarding prevention and control of this diseases started in 2000s. The third chapter discusses local health officials’ evolution to policing the behavior of people living with . HIV in order to prevent the further spread of the disease.
The book’s second section discusses the timeline of laws in the United States regarding disclosure and exposure of HIV. The author traces how a sickness becomes a crime only due to the perception of people. The chapters in this section maintains focus on how fear and ignorance paved the way to criminalize HIV.
译文:在第一章 英国医学代写
特雷弗(Trevor)定义了艾滋病如何让人们使用强制措施控制疾病并隔离受影响的人的古老心态。在第二章中,作者讨论了公众对这种疾病的看法的转变,以及人们如何开始指责受害者感染了 HIV。
然而,卫生当局在预防和控制这种疾病方面的方法重组始于 2000 年代。第三章讨论了地方卫生官员在监管患有 . 的人的行为方面的演变。艾滋病毒以防止疾病的进一步传播。
该书的第二部分讨论了美国关于艾滋病毒披露和暴露的法律时间表。作者追溯了疾病如何仅由于人们的感知而成为犯罪。本节中的章节继续关注恐惧和无知如何为将 HIV 定为犯罪铺平了道路。
The author explores different dimensions of how criminalization made people with HIV to suffer more.
The second section starts with the fourth chapter, in which . Trevor analyzes the debate around legislation of HIV related criminal laws in the country. In the next chapter , The author takes its readers to the courtroom where . HIV related cases were decided on the basis of legislation. Despite the fact that the advancements in medical field related to HIV have completely changed the outlook of the disease,
But inside the courtroom these changes were not seen for years to come. Victim Impact is the last chapter of the book and the second section , In which the author determines which communities were affected greatly in the United States due to criminalization of HIV. The minority communities in the US were greatly affected as supported . By the exampled presented by the author in the last section.
译文:作者探讨了刑事定罪如何使艾滋病毒感染者遭受更多痛苦的不同方面。 英国医学代写
第二部分从第四章开始,其中。 特雷弗分析了该国围绕艾滋病相关刑法立法的辩论。 在下一章中,作者将其读者带到法庭。 艾滋病相关案件是根据立法决定的。 尽管与 HIV 相关的医学领域的进步已经彻底改变了这种疾病的前景,
但在法庭内,这些变化多年未见。 Victim Impact 是本书的最后一章和第二部分,作者在其中确定了美国哪些社区因 HIV 定罪而受到严重影响。 美国的少数族裔社区受到了很大的支持。 通过作者在上一节中提供的示例。
Analysis and Evaluation of the Book
The book has taken an approach that tells its readers what happens in cases when countries are attracted . To punitive strategies and coercive measures to control and prevent the spread of any disease. The book is really comprehensive and documents different examples very well and tells the readers how people,
Religious leaders , And politicians in the United States made efforts to criminalize a sickness. The book not only raises awareness about the dangers of controlling diseases via punitive measures but also serves . As a wakeup call that shows the consequences of using criminal laws against any sickness.
The author has presented a very clear analysis and it can be said . That he manages to deliver his message across in a great way. Certainly , Addition of more examples or information would have made this book better , But it’s already good and serves it purpose. The book shows the efforts the author has put in to write a detailed . Account of how criminalizing sickness had been done.
译文:本书分析与评价 英国医学代写
The book also shows the flip side of using the wrong approach to control a disease.
The language and tone is such that even a layman can understand the thoughts of the author. Hoppe presented a well-documented argument on the fact that the way people see and define . An illness have various substantial political , Social and health consequences.
People living today may consider that the health related policies and legislation of the United States were guided by science , But Trevor’s detailed account of HIV criminalization in Punishing Diseases tells a different story. It shows how the definition of a disease can change the way people look it and how . A definition can make people resort to punitive measure for controlling a disease.
The author tries his best to tell the readers what would happen if individuals . Will be blamed by the society for contracting certain disease.
译文:这本书还展示了使用错误方法控制疾病的另一面。 英国医学代写
From the above discussion , It can be concluded that Trevor has succeeded in conveying his message across and the book is a valuable addition on the subject. The book is not only comprehensive in every aspect . But also tells the readers the implications of criminalizing sickness along the way. The author explains how different elements of the society have paved the way for criminalizing sickness.
Simply put , The answer to any disease or illness is not punishment and legislation should not be made about public health on the basis public opinion but on the basis of science.
从上面的讨论中,可以得出结论,特雷弗成功地传达了他的信息,这本书是关于这个主题的宝贵补充。 这本书不仅在各个方面都很全面。 但也告诉读者沿途将疾病定为犯罪的含义。 作者解释了社会的不同因素如何为将疾病定罪铺平了道路。
Hoppe, T. (2017). Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalization of Sickness. Univ of California Press.