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医学essay代写 The exempt Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a strange western philosophy. It is a kind of. a mock-Gospel and it is laden with biblical..

Short Essay by Galton and Nietzsche 医学essay代写

Short Essay by Nietzsche

The exempt Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a strange western philosophy. It is a kind of. a mock-Gospel and it is laden with biblical illusions and at the same time condemn Christianity by mocking the idea of holy scripture and superior being. Zarathustra is a man living in his own world and thus praises his own thinking and even laughs at himself.

The book is written in a peculiar style and is perfect depiction that Nietzsche. was a lonely man and had held a belief that no one was willing to listen to his rhetoric and was ready to take time and understand his intellect (Nietzsche p. 5). The excerpt shows that he knew people will misunderstand him and he will be spewed with replete of harsh condemnations. Thus,




免责声明因此,萨拉图斯特拉是一种奇怪的西方哲学。 这是一种。 模仿福音,充满圣经的幻想,同时嘲笑圣经和至高无上的思想,谴责基督教。 Zarathustra是一个生活在自己世界中的人,因此赞美自己的想法,甚至嘲笑自己。

这本书以独特的风格写成,是尼采的完美描写。 他是一个孤独的人,一直坚信没有人愿意听他的言辞,并愿意花时间了解他的才智(Nietzsche p。5)。 摘录显示,他知道人们会误解他,并且会冒出很多严厉的谴责。 因此,

Zarathustra becomes a book for none since Nietzsche

was in constant fear that his work will fall into deaf ears. On the other hand, his work focus on the fate and destiny of the human race thus a book that is agreeable to many and suitable to be read by all. The crazed audacity of Nietzsche's work can be explained by his belief that his work is supreme insignificant though he felt no particular audience that was willing to read it.

His work can only be likened to a hagiography or religion scripture. However, his writing is laced with laughter and irony that would mystify solemn thinkers.

Therefore, Nietzsche’s philosophy, in particular, Zarathustra portrays the principle of the will to power as the fundamental drive of all things. He said that “Everything must obey something, and if one can't obey oneself, one must obey someone else. True freedom is only granted to those who can command themselves.”



一直担心他的工作会充耳不闻。 另一方面,他的工作着眼于人类的命运和命运,因此这本书是许多人都能接受并适合所有人阅读的书。 尼采的疯狂胆识可以用他的信念来解释,尽管他认为没有特定的听众愿意阅读,但他的作品是微不足道的。

他的作品只能比作传记或宗教经文。 但是,他的著作充满了笑声和讽刺意味,这些幽默和讽刺意味使庄严的思想家迷惑不解。

因此,尼采的哲学,尤其是扎拉图斯特拉(Zarathustra),将权力意志的原则描绘为万物的根本动力。 他说:“一切都必须服从,如果不能服从自己,就必须服从别人。 真正的自由只授予那些能够控制自己的人。”

This statement is true and is supported by the fact that for one to have freedom 医学essay代写

one must gain control over him/herself. Also, the power not only applies to people but also ideas like religion, morality, and truth as well as other things that seek power to dominate life. It is true that all things are characterized by constant struggle, strive, and need to overcome and nothing remains static. It is indisputable that all things are dynamic and hence a fixity is a mere illusion.

Additionally, Nietzsche focuses on the good and evil where he critiques sciences, politics, and arts in the contemporary world by use of aphorisms and commentary (p. 8). His unique application of epigrams illuminates brighter on truth and nature. According to Nietzsche, philosophy is a projection of the philosopher and is true.

It is also true that the exploration of preconceived ideas and independence is one way of self-discovery. However, he likens the mass as a herd that does not have orientation and follows without questioning. The argument about the mass being gullible is partly true and partly false. It is false because of generalization. Sometimes the mass is enlightened to know better about what they want to give the history of events.







Moreover 医学essay代写

Nietzsche’s argument that human species is built on the aristocratic castle is true (p. 10). There is an order of ranks that marks social strata and differentiate great men from the commoners. In society, there is the highest rank that has crowning glory that justifies everything in society. It is also true that when people have will power,

it becomes the source of exploitation. That is why human society thrives on the oppression of the weak by the stronger and it becomes folly to try to eliminate the oppression altogether.



尼采关于人类物种建立在贵族城堡上的论点是正确的(第10页)。 有一个等级标志着社会阶层,并区分了伟人和平民。 在社会中,具有最高荣耀的最高阶层证明了社会上所有事物的正当性。 的确,当人们拥有意志力时,

它成为剥削的源头。 这就是为什么人类社会在强者的压制下壮成长,而完全消除这种压迫变得愚蠢。

Francis Galton: Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development (1883) Selection and Race 医学essay代写

The by text by Galton is the advocacy of eugenics. Although the author made contributions to many fields, eugenic became the most outstanding and most interrogated in his time even today. According to him human races should breed in manner that seeks to perpetuate good human qualities and suppressing bad qualities like unattractiveness,

diseases, and disabilities (p. 2). It mainly focuses on the mental and physical make-up of a human species through selective breeding. The text is an extension of the theory of humankind advanced by Charles Darwin about human evolution. The article opens up the possibility of panned human improvement to a better race with better qualities.

It is also through Galton that the word “eugenics” was coined to refer to a scientific endeavor to increase the proportion of persons with better average genetic endowment through selective mating of marriage partners (p. 3). The book advances the idea that good qualities such as intelligence are genetical and thus hereditary.


弗朗西斯·加尔顿(Francis Galton):对人类教职及其发展的研究(1883)选择与种族




Similarly 医学essay代写

it elicits debate about nature versus nurture about particular aspects of human behavior and traits that can either be the product of inheritance or acquisition. Nature is a genetic inheritance of biological factors. Nurture on the other hand is the influence of human traits through the environment. In regard to Galton’s arguments, human behavior both physiological and psychological should be influenced through selective breeding.

Although this might be disputed by many as a theory that lack basis and lack the moral support, eugenic has been happening throughout history and through natural selection. Thus, his argument is agreeable to a larger extent. For instance, the color of eye, hair type, skin pigmentation, and certain diseases are inherited. Therefore,



它引发了关于自然与否的争论,这些争论涉及人类行为和特质的某些方面,这些方面既可以是继承的也可以是获取的产物。 大自然是生物因素的遗传继承。 另一方面,培育是人类特质通过环境的影响。 关于高尔顿的观点,人类的生理和心理行为都应该通过选择育种来影响。

尽管许多人可能会认为这是缺乏基础和缺乏道德支持的理论,但优生在整个历史和自然选择中一直在发生。 因此,他的论点在很大程度上是可以接受的。 例如,遗传了眼睛的颜色,头发类型,皮肤色素沉着和某些疾病。 所以,

if a woman wants have a child with certain features such as blue eyes and she has blue eyes 医学essay代写

she must breed with a man with blue eyes to increase the chances of the child getting those traits. On the other hand, if a woman has green eyes and wanted her children to inherit the traits, the best option is to have a man with green eyes to increase such chances. On the other hand, marrying a man with a family history of epilepsy only perpetuates those traits in the woman's family.

For these reasons, eugenics has advanced to genetic engineering to solve issues with hereditary traits that are undesirable such as certain types of diseases like sickle cell anemia.



她必须和一个蓝眼睛的男人一起繁殖,以增加孩子获得这些特征的机会。 另一方面,如果一个女人的眼睛是绿色的,并且希望她的孩子继承这些特征,那么最好的选择是让一个男人的眼睛是绿色的,以增加这种机会。 另一方面,与具有癫痫病家族史的男人结婚只会使该妇女家庭的这些特征永存。


Moreover, though Galton is advocating for eugenic 医学essay代写

it has been in existence naturally and through science. The practice was practiced in 1896 through marriage law when Connecticut illegalized people with epilepsy or have ‘feeble-mind’ to marry. In 1903, the American Breeder’s Association was created to study eugenics. In 1911, Kellogg organized the Race Betterment Foundation that established a pedigree registry.

Since then, the idea of eugenics dominated the public and governments as well as agencies that there was a Eugenics Records Office that aimed to track families and their genetic traits. Also, in the 20th century, the concept of eugenics took a new twist were in California in 1909 to 1979 sterilized people with mental disabilities under the disguise they are protecting the society from the offspring of mentally ill people.

These practices and claims are culminated by the fact that people naturally select their mates to acquire or perpetuate certain traits which are another form of eugenics.



它自然而然地通过科学存在。 1896年通过婚姻法实行了这种做法,当时康涅狄格州将患有癫痫病或“有头脑的人”的婚姻定为非法。 1903年,美国育种协会成立,旨在研究优生学。 1911年,凯洛格(Kellogg)组织了“种族改善基金会”(Race Betterment Foundation),该基金会建立了家谱登记处。





Work Cited

Galton, Francis. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. Macmillan, 1883.

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Thus Spake Zarathustra. New York: Modern Library, 1950.



