Refugee Crisis
迁移的驱动因素 to flee the Civil War and other forms of violence. By the end of 2019, around 79.5 million people have been forced to leave..
Hundreds of millions of people have left their homes around the world.
to flee the Civil War and other forms of violence. By the end of 2019, around 79.5 million people have been forced to leave their homes. Children make up 40% of the party. They are hosted in 85% of cases in developing countries. Just 4.9% were willing to return to their homes. They all need more help than they are actually getting.
Nearly 26 million immigrants, about half of whom are under the age of 18, are among them. The planet is facing the worst refugee crisis since World War II. Yes I am in favor of this statement because most refugees migrate due to terror. We will examine how refugees are burden on host country economically.
译文:数以亿计的人离开了世界各地的家园。 迁移的驱动因素
逃离内战和其他形式的暴力。 到 2019 年底,约有 7950 万人被迫离开家园。 儿童占派对的 40%。 它们托管在发展中国家 85% 的案例中。 只有 4.9% 的人愿意返回家园。 他们都需要比实际得到的更多的帮助。
其中有近 2600 万移民,其中约一半年龄在 18 岁以下。 地球正面临二战以来最严重的难民危机。 是的,我赞成这一说法,因为大多数难民因恐怖而迁移。 我们将研究难民如何在经济上成为东道国的负担。
Further we will see the violations of basic human rights refugees faced in their home country.
The most important argument of this essay is refugee escape because of terror. The majority of refugees are people who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of a conflict, either directly or indirectly. The first global worldwide refugee crisis occurred in the twentieth century,
when the Second World War killed more than 50 million refugees. They depart from their dearest family and friends as they prisoned or murdered by militant force or who have been died of hunger. Killings, sexual and gender-based abuse, violent threats, torture, arbitrary imprisonment, and allegations of unethical deviant conduct are all common targets of people.
译文:此外,我们将看到难民在其祖国面临的侵犯基本人权的行为。 迁移的驱动因素
这篇文章最重要的论点是因恐怖而逃亡。 大多数难民是直接或间接因冲突而被迫逃离家园的人。 第一次全球性的难民危机发生在二十世纪,
当第二次世界大战杀死了超过 5000 万难民时。 他们离开最亲爱的家人和朋友,因为他们被武装力量监禁或杀害,或死于饥饿。 杀戮、性虐待和基于性别的虐待、暴力威胁、酷刑、任意监禁和对不道德越轨行为的指控都是人们的共同目标。
(Kalin, W. (1991). Refugees and civil wars).
The second argument is that refugees are often seen as a financial and logistical burden on the host nation, placing strains on the public budget and service delivery. Because of political or religious persecution, immigrants have been exposed slew to a horrific event. They increase the cost of services like education and healthcare etc.
There is dissension between various faiths and cultures of refugee and host country too. (Stewart, E., & Mulvey, G. (2014)
Our third argument is that human rights are being violated severely in many countries at the hands of the wealthy and influential. Greed, deceit, and power are sometimes used to carry out these acts by individuals in positions of authority.
The poor people of these countries are often abused by the wealthy and influential. Internal or foreign migration occurs as a result of repeated violation of human rights and circumstances that causes people to leave their birthplace. (Verdirame, G. (1999). Human Rights and Refugees)
译文:(Kalin, W. (1991)。难民和内战)。 迁移的驱动因素
难民和收容国的各种信仰和文化之间也存在分歧。 (斯图尔特,E.,和马尔维,G.(2014 年)
这些国家的穷人经常受到富人和有影响力的人的虐待。国内或国外移民是由于反复侵犯人权和导致人们离开其出生地的环境造成的。 (Verdirame, G. (1999)。人权与难民)
On the opposing end we saw people who leave their country do so far,
a variety of reasons. They wish to join relatives and friends who have already relocated to another country. They may also attempt to begin or complete their education in another country. They will assume that since they have the education or money to look for work in another country, they will have a better chance.
There are several options available for them as well. (Kuhnt, J. (2019). Literature review: drivers of migration).
Rises in refugee wages not only provide benefits to economy, but it also gives refugee a sense of purpose and financial freedom. By improving their own conditions, refugee will generate economic benefits that favor people in their new country.
As existence of refugee community results in increase benefits, it is likely to cause major changes in labor market and household welfare. (Maystadt and Duranton - 2014).
译文:在另一端,我们看到那些离开自己国家的人到目前为止, 迁移的驱动因素
各种原因。 他们希望加入已经搬迁到另一个国家的亲戚和朋友。 他们也可能试图在另一个国家开始或完成他们的教育。 他们会认为,既然他们受过教育或有钱去另一个国家找工作,他们就会有更好的机会。
他们也有多种选择。 (Kuhnt, J.(2019 年)。文学评论:迁移的驱动因素)。
难民工资的上涨不仅给经济带来好处,也给难民带来了使命感和财务自由。 通过改善自己的条件,难民将产生有利于他们新国家人民的经济利益。
由于难民社区的存在导致福利增加,很可能导致劳动力市场和家庭福利发生重大变化。 (梅施塔特和杜兰顿 - 2014 年)。

Concluding the essay knowing the phenomenon of refugee is not new.
It has been happening since the very beginning of human history for more or less the same reason we have now. However, there has been a huge increase in the number of refugees in the present time, in particular, in Asia and Africa. The situation has become very alarming. Person and host community rights,
with the right to work as a top priority, as social justice, essential safeguards for both individual and host communities to enjoy the benefit of economic advantage migrants bring while also ensuring the social cohesion needed to sustain development. To form an inclusive future for all workers, we need to believe in unity and the value of good work is crucial.
Person and host community rights, with the right to work as a top priority, as social justice, essential safeguards for both individual and host communities to enjoy the benefit of economic advantage migrants bring while also ensuring the social cohesion needed to sustain development.
To form an inclusive future for all workers, we need to believe in unity and the value of good work is crucial.
译文:总结了解难民现象的文章并不新鲜。 迁移的驱动因素
Akgündüz, Y., Van den Berg, M., & Hassink, W. H. (2015). The impact of refugee crises on host labor markets: The case of the Syrian refugee crisis in Turkey.
Australian Human Rights Commission. (2013). Asylum seekers, refugees and human rights: snapshot report 2017.
Hathaway, J. C. (2021). The rights of refugees under international law. Cambridge University Press.
Kalin, W. (1991). Refugees and civil wars: only a matter of interpretation. Int'l J. Refugee L., 3, 435.
Salehyan, I., & Gleditsch, K. S. (2006). Refugees and the spread of civil war. International organization, 335-366.
Taylor, J. E., Filipski, M. J., Alloush, M., Gupta, A., Valdes, R. I. R., & Gonzalez-Estrada, E. (2016). Economic impact of refugees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(27), 7449-7453.
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