Quantitative Article Analysis
研究report代写 The article aimed to find out the role of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) regarding the perception of the New Jersey..
Quantitative Article Analysis研究report代写
Section 1: Summary of the Article
Purpose of the Study
The article aimed to find out the role of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) regarding the perception of the New Jersey State certified educators regarding content, process, and context in education (Johnson, 2011). For the purpose to be achieved, ten schools which benefited with Education Information and Resource Center grant were studied.研究report代写
The research also included elementary, middle and high schools. Therefore, the research aimed to answer the following questions including the Professional Learning Communities context and its implication to the perception of teachers regarding the school structure, leadership, and utilities. Besides,
the study seeks to answer the implication PLC has on teachers regarding the evidence-based learning as well as the impact of the PLC content to the perception of teachers regarding dissemination of learning and participative approach in learning.
Description of the Participants
The study selected schools under Education Information and Resource Center grant. The schools provided educators who were involved in Professional Learning Community program implemented in their respective schools. Therefore, 4 to 5 people are selected as representative and also included the school-level administrator (Johnson, 2011). The staffs filled the SAI survey. The privacy policy was acknowledged,研究report代写
and participants signed to ascertain anonymity.
Research Design研究report代写
The research used survey design. Therefore, the researcher used descriptive rating and Likert-type survey (Chyung, Roberts, Swanson, & Hankinson, 2017). Also used is the Standard Assessment Inventory (SAI) to collect quantitative data from the samples. The data was then quantitatively analyzed using statistical analyses.
The study used a survey of 60 questions to assess the performance of schools regarding “content, process, and context” (Johnson, 2011). The question tested on the teaching standards as given by the NSDC. The validity of data was data through the iteration of research items by the educator and experts NSDC.
Likert scale was used survey instruments which also show a comparison of the data provided.研究report代写
Methods of Data Collection研究report代写
The research used SAI to carry out data collection from participants. The instrument focused on three critical areas of PLC implementation including context, process, and content. The survey was self-administered and was conducted online in 2009 and 2010 as pre-assessment and post-assessment respectively (Johnson, 2011).

The 10-months difference between the two assessments allowed for regression of the mean. Each of the participants was sent an email to notify them of the survey dates and later provided with sign-in credentials for SAI. The survey results were directed to NSDC and the research given the sign in to access the data collected. The data collected was entered in SPSS and used Univariate ANOVA to analyze.
Statistical Analysis研究report代写
The research obtained descriptive statistic for the 60 survey questions. The questions were categorized under the context, process, and content in the PLC program implementation. In each question, the mean score was calculated, and frequency distribution was obtained for each response. A univariate ANOVA was used to calculate the mean used to determine the change over time.
The research found that teachers’ perception did not change in the first year of PLC program implementation. The response to the first question found that 69.7% of teachers have been in the current school for the last five years and more (Johnson, 2011). Another group stayed in the current school for more than ten years represented 43.1% of the respondents.
There were only 31.2% of the respondent with less than four years stay in the current school.研究report代写
The second question asked about teaching experience. Out of the whole population, 19.1% have a total of less four years in teaching practice (Johnson, 2011). The remainder has over five years of experience. Next question of data and pattern asked about the grade levels. Out of the total respondents, 42.2% taught in 5 grade and below, and 57.8 taught above 6th grade.研究report代写
The most taught subjects are math, language, science, and social sciences in that order of hierarchy. Finally, the question on context, process, and content was asked and show the need for training in PLC reform model.
Section 2: Critical Analysis of the Article研究report代写
Opportunity for Further ResearchAccording to the finding that PLC reforms had not significant implication to the educators after one year of implementation, it warrants further research on the effectiveness of the Professional Learning Communities reforms in schools and learning.
Threats to Research Validity
Beside the respondent biases, some respondent may have ignored the seriousness of the survey and miss to participate which would have affected the overall results. Also, so
me participants may not have taken a keen interest in the study to offer informed response and judgment.
Other Original Insight or Criticism研究report代写
The research offered a basis for the evaluation of education reforms for effectiveness and efficiency (Battersby, & Verdi, 2015). Although it is prone to the prejudice of teachers towards the government or responsible agency for the reform implementation, is a general oversight of the reform reception from the key stakeholders. Therefore, the results are essential for an alternative approach to reform implementation.
The implication of the Findings研究report代写
The findings of the research have the implication to the policy makers particularly, the federal government, states, and districts adopting PLC reforms in education. Teacher training on the program was critical to shaping the perception and the implication of the PLC reforms. When the educator perception is influenced,
this trickles down to learners and have the subsequent improvement on the learning process as intentioned by the reform program. Also, if the stakeholders will understand the model, it promises improved teacher performance and student success as well as structural improvements in schools.
Battersby, S. L., & Verdi, B. (2015). The culture of professional learning communities and connections to improve teacher efficacy and support student learning. Arts Education Policy Review, 116(1), 22-29.
Chyung, S. Y., Roberts, K., Swanson, I., & Hankinson, A. (2017). Evidence‐based survey design: The use of a midpoint on the Likert scale. Performance Improvement, 56(10), 15-23.
Johnson, D. R. (2011). A quantitative study of teacher perceptions of professional learning communities' context, process, and content.

该研究使用SAI进行参与者的数据收集。该工具着重于PLC实现的三个关键领域,包括上下文,过程和内容。这项调查是自我管理的,分别于2009年和2010年在网上进行了评估前和评估后的评估(Johnson,2011年)。两次评估之间的10个月差异允许平均值回归。向每个参与者发送了一封电子邮件,以通知他们调查日期,随后向他们提供了SAI的登录凭据。调查结果直接发送给了NSDC,并在登录后进行了研究以访问所收集的数据。收集的数据输入SPSS中,并使用Univariate ANOVA进行分析。