Moral Letters to Lucilius
致卢西里乌斯的道德书信 文学片段分析代写
文学片段分析代写 Moral Letters to Lucilius is a collection of moral letters which Seneca; a famous Roman stoic and philosopher. Wrote to his friend
(Letters from a Stoic)
Moral Letters to Lucilius is a collection of moral letters which Seneca; a famous Roman stoic and philosopher. Wrote to his friend Lucilius, with the aim of helping him find a good life by being more disciplined and less emotional. Based on many scientific researches, it has been concluded that optimists are healthier and tend to live longer. Because when a person is happy and stays positive. Then the level of stress experienced by the body is remarkably reduced and thus, the person remains healthier.
(斯多葛派的来信) 文学片段分析代写
写给 Lucilius 的道德书信是 Seneca 的道德书信集; 著名的罗马斯多葛派和哲学家。 写给他的朋友 Lucilius 的目的是帮助他通过更加自律和减少情绪化来找到美好的生活。 根据许多科学研究,已经得出结论,乐观者更健康,而且往往更长寿。 因为当一个人快乐并保持积极时。 然后身体承受的压力水平显着降低,因此,人保持健康。
Much can be learned from the letters Seneca wrote to his friend, Lucilius, the best of which is that the single most valuable thing you own is your own mind.
Hence taking care of this most precious thing one has is the most important thing for a person. This is one notion that I completely agree with and I do believe that the mind is the most precious asset that we possess. By taking too much stress and over thinking. We can actually damage the mind and thus affect our performance greatly.
With increasing competition each day, life is becoming more and more harder and demanding. Making it difficult for us to sometimes go with the pace everything is going and thus harming our health and our mind. Positive thinking and optimistic outlook on life not only helps us in regaining out mental strength. But also helps us in staying healthy, because the brain creates effects on the body depending on what kinds of thoughts we have. And since our thoughts are something that we can control, therefore, thinking positive will be effective and helpful for us, as it will help us maintain a life and work balance.
从 Seneca 写给他的朋友 Lucilius 的信中可以学到很多东西,其中最好的是,你拥有的最有价值的东西就是你自己的思想。 文学片段分析代写
Stoicism is mainly concerned with training, studying, and practicing the way we perceive things.
The way we act, and our will. In one of the letters he wrote, Seneca creates the analogy that a healthy mind is like a well loaded ship. Meaning that everything is secure and exactly where it should be, and because it is at the right place. Therefore, the mind and body are at peace and healthy as well. In today’s world the cases of depression are too many to count. And the news of somebody committing suicide has become extremely common. Having a healthy mind, would not only allow people to overcome negative thoughts and emotions. But also, will allow them to be strong in times of trouble.
斯多葛主义主要关注训练、学习和实践我们感知事物的方式。 文学片段分析代写
我们的行为方式,以及我们的意志。 在他写的一封信中,塞内卡创造了一个类比,即健康的头脑就像一艘满载的船。 这意味着一切都是安全的,并且准确无误,因为它位于正确的位置。 因此,身心也处于平静和健康状态。 在当今世界,抑郁症的病例数不胜数。 有人自杀的消息已经变得非常普遍。 拥有一个健康的头脑,不仅可以让人们克服消极的想法和情绪。 而且,也会让他们在遇到困难时变得坚强。
Letters from a Stoic, retrieved 10-23-18
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