Case Study 1
社会组织代写 The case study is on the ethnomedical clash in the United States (McLeroy et al., 1988). There was a clash between the traditional..
Case Study 1 社会组织代写
The case study is on the ethnomedical clash in the United States (McLeroy et al., 1988). There was a clash between the traditional Hmong belief in medicine and treatment with that of American doctors using contemporary medicine to heal Lia Lee a young Hmong girl suffering from epilepsy.
Below is the Social-Ecological Model (SEM) of the Hmong case of Lia Lee. The SEM is the multi-dimensional framework on how to understand the interaction of people with the environment (Salihu et al., 2015).
案例研究是关于美国的民族伦理冲突(McLeroy等,1988)。 苗族的传统医学观念与治疗与美国医生使用现代医学医治患有癫痫病的年轻苗族女孩莉娅·李(Lia Lee)之间存在冲突。
以下是Lia Lee的Hmong案的社会生态模型(SEM)。 SEM是关于如何理解人与环境互动的多维框架(Salihu等,2015)。社会组织代写
Individual 社会组织代写
Lia Lee was a young Hmong girl at the age of about 7 years. She was diagnosed with severe epilepsy which was making her fall down. Lia became the centre of attention as the two cultures interact on her treatment. According to her belief, which was majorly shaped by the family and the community she lives in,
some spirit has left her and needed to be invoked to get healed. Although most of the Hmong people had started to get a formal education, it seems Lia Lee could not be able to learn due to her worsening condition. Because most of the Hmong people converted to Christians after migration, Lia Lee was also likely to be a Christian. As a young girl,
she was soft and good spirited and most probably loved by many for her positive attitude and energy. She also does not seem to have acquired any formal education. Some of the likely abilities including making toys, reading and writing and other child-based skills, were taught by the parents and another sibling. Much in her was shaped and dependent on the family and friends. Her belief and attitude towards came from the family.
Lia Lee是一个年轻的苗族女孩,大约7岁。她被诊断出患有严重的癫痫病,这使她跌倒了。由于两种文化在她的治疗中相互作用,所以莉亚成为关注的焦点。根据她的信念,这主要取决于她所居住的家庭和社区, 某种精神已经离开了她,需要被唤起才能得到治愈。尽管大多数苗族人都已经开始接受正规教育,但由于她的病情恶化,李雅丽似乎无法学习。由于大多数苗族人在移民后都converted依了基督教,所以李娅莉也很可能是基督徒。小时候 她举止柔和,精神振奋,很可能因为她的积极态度和活力而受到许多人的喜爱。她似乎也没有接受过任何正规的教育。父母和另一个兄弟姐妹教了一些可能的能力,包括制作玩具,阅读和写作以及其他基于儿童的技能。她的大部分身材受人尊敬,并依赖家人和朋友。她的信念和态度来自家庭。
Social group/family dynamics 社会组织代写
Lia grew up in America after their parents migrated as refugees of war in Thailand and Vietnam. She grew up interacting with both Americans and Hmong children. She was raised by a family and taught the family traditions, beliefs, and practices. The social influences at home and most like at schools played a role for Lia to learn both the culture and language of Americans.
The social influences also came from churches, recreational centres, public places, and media. A young girl she was, might not have taken bad habits from friends and the parent must have been models of good conduct. The relationships she created were most likely for playing, and she bonded positively well with other children. Being an innocent little girl, had neither bad habits nor bad peers to introduce her to drugs and alcoholism.
The family of Lia was extended and already used to the ways of life in the United States which she was part of. She lived with her supportive family especially when diagnosed with epilepsy the family took her for treatment. That means her family loved and cared for her. Also, the Hmong people took an interest in her illness and tried to use traditional healing, which showed compassion and unity of the family.
Lia的家庭得到了扩展,并且已经习惯了她所在的美国的生活方式。她与支持家庭住在一起,特别是在被诊断患有癫痫病后,一家人带她去治疗。这意味着她的家人爱护她。此外,苗族人对她的病很感兴趣,并尝试使用传统的治疗方法,这显示了家庭的同情心和团结。 社会组织代写
Community 社会组织代写
The family of Lia lived in Minnesota. The community had well-established schools, churches, workplace, social gatherings, and neighbours. They lived in unity and love amongst them. From the story, the writer tells of Hmong as refugees who found peace in America. The availability of schools shows collective efforts to improve the literacy level in the Hmong tribe.
The Hmong acceptance of Christianity is a way of feeling integrated and part of the whole community. Therefore, Hmong are able to work together and also do business peacefully.
The Hmong community was not denied the opportunity to continue practising their culture. They went to on observing the traditional medicine, worship, beliefs, et cetera, without facing any victimisation or threat. This is evident after an ethnomedical clash in Lia Lee case of epilepsy.
It means that they continued to believe in many human souls and supernatural spirits which can cause illness and other spells on humans. To a greater extent, they wanted to prove their traditional theories over biomedical treatment.
苗族社区没有被剥夺继续实践其文化的机会。他们继续观察传统医学,崇拜,信仰等,而没有遭受任何伤害或威胁。在Lia Lee癫痫案发生种族冲突后,这一点显而易见。
这意味着他们继续相信许多人类的灵魂和超自然的精神,它们可能对人类造成疾病和其他咒语。他们希望在更大程度上证明他们在生物医学治疗方面的传统理论。 社会组织代写
Cultural societal 社会组织代写
The Hmong society embraced their culture. It has shared beliefs, behaviour, and characteristics and also practised traditional worship of ancestors. The society observed the cultural ceremonies which included the naming of the child, invoking of the spirits, and soul calling. Traditionally, they don’t believe in sickness as they connected it with souls who might have left the person or spelt into the victim.
They were also patriarchal and respected the status of the people in the society. These and other cultural practices brought this community together and gave it a distinct character from the others in the United States.
苗族社会接受了他们的文化。 它具有共同的信仰,行为和特征,并且还实践了祖先的传统崇拜。 该协会遵守了各种文化仪式,其中包括给孩子起名,唤起灵魂和唤起灵魂。 传统上,他们不相信疾病,因为他们将疾病与可能已经离开该人或拼写为受害者的灵魂联系起来。
他们也是父权制的,并且尊重人民在社会中的地位。 这些和其他文化习俗使这个社区聚在一起,并赋予了它与美国其他社区截然不同的特征。
Political/economic/structural 社会组织代写
The Hmong political organisation was not possible because they had no formal education as applicable in the United States culture. In the beginning, they were just victims free away from the way and settled in various states in America. They had neither political nor economical and structural make because they were in a foreign land.
Moreover, they had no political power to elect leaders because they were refugees. However, after they adapted to the culture, most of them joined schools and churches thus they became literate and part of the community. With integration through community involvement came in churches, and an increase in literacy level, Hmong people,
were able to join the workforce and contribute to the economy as well as gaining the voting rights. This culminates to them being able to elect the first Hmong senator in Minnesota.
苗族政治组织之所以成立,是因为他们没有接受适用于美国文化的正规教育。 最初,他们只是远离道路而定居在美国各个州的受害者。 他们既没有政治上的,也没有经济上的和结构上的成就,因为他们在异国他乡。
此外,他们没有政治权力选举领导人,因为他们是难民。 然而,在他们适应文化之后,他们中的大多数人加入了学校和教堂,因此他们变得有文化,并成为社区的一部分。 伴随着社区参与的融合,教堂出现了,识字水平提高了,苗族,
能够加入劳动力队伍并为经济做出贡献,并获得投票权。 这最终使他们能够选出明尼苏达州的第一位苗族参议员。 社会组织代写
McLeroy, K. R., Bibeau, D., Steckler, A., & Glanz, K. (1988). An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Programs. Health Education & Behavior, 15(4), 351–377. DOI:
Salihu, H. M., Wilson, R. E., King, L. M., Marty, P. J., & Whiteman, V. E. (2015). Socio-ecological Model as a Framework for Overcoming Barriers and Challenges in Randomized Control Trials in Minority and Underserved Communities. International Journal of MCH and AIDS, 3(1), 85–95.
