Joy: A Subject Schools Lack by Susen Engel
喜悦:苏森·恩格尔(Susen Engel)缺乏的学科
社会教育代写 There is no doubt that in order for a person to enjoy an activity, they must find joy in it. And the same holds true to children.
A key element that children are conditioned to leave behind in order to affirm to the notions of society.
The joy of learning is an indispensable in study as breathing is in running ~ Simone Weil
There is no doubt that in order for a person to enjoy an activity, they must find joy in it. And the same holds true to children. However, from a very young age, our children are taught to be serious. Because many adults believe that only by being serious can maturity be obtained. And this is exactly what has been adopted by the schooling systems.
毫无疑问,一个人要想享受一项活动,就必须从中找到快乐。 对孩子来说也是如此。 然而,我们的孩子从小就被教导要认真。 因为很多成年人认为,只有认真,才能获得成熟。 而这正是学校教育系统所采用的。
Teachers try to kick out the joy from young children. Binding them in different shackles in order to confirm them to the norms of society and prepare them for the world ahead.
It must be understood that the schooling system is there to train the students and teach them new things. And yet at the same time it tries to beat out the creativity they have. Along with the immense pleasure they derive from learning new things and being expressive. In her paper, Susan Engel says that “you’ll hear a lot of the following words, “standards”, “results”, “skills”, “accountability”, “self-control”, and so on.” This holds true for everybody who has ever studied from a schooling system instead of being home schooled. The teachers only focus on limited subjects and instead of trying to encourage children to explore new avenues and actually create something new themselves. They end up destroying the very thing that makes them unique. Thus confirming them to the norms of society, which have been laid out as a standard.
I, myself, have experienced many times, that trying to change the way a thing is done or coming up with a different perspective is not something that is encouraged or even accepted by teachers. No doubt, that they themselves have been instructed to do this. However, completing opposing the creativity of children and the joy they experience when they discover something new is something that should not be accepted in school. The age during which a child learns new things and develops his or her cognitive ability is one in which if their minds are cultivated in the correct manner. They can go on to become even more successful than they are trained to be. In her paper Susan says, “The country’s while school system seems geared towards solving large-scale economic woes and producing future workers. It’s most definitely not geared towards children.” And I completely agree with that.
老师们试图从年幼的孩子身上踢出快乐。将他们束缚在不同的枷锁中,以确认他们符合社会规范,并为未来的世界做好准备。 社会教育代写
必须明白,学校教育系统是为了训练学生并教他们新事物。然而与此同时,它试图击败他们拥有的创造力。除了从学习新事物和表现力中获得的巨大乐趣外。在她的论文中,Susan Engel 说“你会听到很多下面的词,‘标准’、‘结果’、‘技能’、‘责任感’、‘自我控制’等等。”这适用于所有曾经在学校系统中学习而不是在家上学的人。老师们只专注于有限的科目,而不是试图鼓励孩子们探索新的途径并实际创造新的东西。他们最终摧毁了使他们独一无二的东西。从而使它们符合社会规范,这些规范已被制定为标准。
The entire focus is on producing good candidates for future jobs and anybody who does not fit the norms is kicked out or shunned simply.
Because they are different than what the rest of the kids are being developed into. Most modern classrooms have a set curriculum and the teachers are more focused on finishing . That curriculum during the course of a year instead of actually encouraging learning and the joy one experiences with that. None of the teachers are even able to relate to the children or what it felt like to be a child or even the fact how joyous it was to find new things and learn how to do them. This is what has created a lot of unrest among the young children these days. And you hear of many young children being under a lot of stress.
整个重点是为未来的工作培养优秀的候选人,任何不符合规范的人都会被踢出或回避。 社会教育代写
因为他们与其他孩子正在发展的不同。 大多数现代教室都有固定的课程,教师更专注于完成。 一年中的课程,而不是真正鼓励学习和体验的乐趣。 没有一个老师能够与孩子们联系起来,或者成为一个孩子的感觉,甚至没有人能够了解发现新事物并学习如何做这些事情是多么的快乐。 这就是如今在年幼的孩子中引起很多不安的原因。 你听说过很多年幼的孩子承受着很大的压力。
In my opinion, young children should be encouraged to find joy in everything they do.
Whether it is studying or participating in extra-curricular activities. Whatever they decide to do. They should receive the support of their teachers and encouragement from the adults in their life. At the same time. Schooling institutions need to learn the importance to joy being a key element to creativity and should enforce the fact that just because a child is having fun doing something. Doesn’t mean that he or she is not learning or will not become mature as they grow older. They will. This is something that my own experience has taught me as well.
To conclude, I would like to say that I agree with the author . When she says that the schooling system has killed the joy children feel . When they learn new things in life. Not only that, it actually prohibits them from enjoying the little moments in life. Which should not be so. Instead we need to take an active part in ensuring that the children enjoy this phase of their life and encourage the joy they feel when they study. Being expressive will not harm them in any way, it will only help them in expanding their vision.
在我看来,应该鼓励年幼的孩子从他们所做的一切中找到快乐。 社会教育代写
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