计算机代写 作业代写 essay代写 paper代写 I found the topic necessary to explore since it touches on a critical element in modern education. Information
Reflective Memo of School Computer Systems Upgrade
I found the topic necessary to explore since it touches on a critical element in modern education. Information and communication technology is a new trend in education delivery and culture between the teacher and the learner. Most schools in the United States have integrated computer systems in their curricula, but some school still lag in acquiring updated systems which ensure speedy and quality service delivery. That is the reason I choose to investigate the problem of ICT upgrade in public schools.计算机代写 作业代写 essay代写 paper代写
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The target audience was the ministry of education. It was easy to communicate with the ministry since it is a government agency. Also, it was not difficult to analyze the need for ICT in schools. However, I found it challenging to propose the solutions, especially on the systems upgrade needs. Reason being I had to do thorough research on the computer specifications are up to date and can be used together with some other non-essential devices. The efforts were worth the need for the proposal and solution.计算机代写 作业代写 essay代写 paper代写
The information contained in the proposal can be applied in getting solutions to ICT upgrades in schools. The data also explores the importance of educational technology in teaching and learning. It found that schools even lack good computer library, let alone needing updates. The proposal will, therefore, reach out to the government through the ministry of education to come up with strategies and mechanism to improve the ICT situation in schools. Besides, it will be the eye-opener for other education stakeholders, including the parents, teachers, and management.计算机代写 作业代写 essay代写 paper代写
