Precis and Critique of a Secondary Source
Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写 Gilbert Chen’s article “A Confucian Iconography of Cao E (Maiden Cao): Narrative Illustrations of a ……
Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写Part A:
Gilbert Chen’s article “A Confucian Iconography of Cao E (Maiden Cao): Narrative Illustrations of a Female Deity in Late Imperial China.” Is an applauded work modern interpretation of filial pieties as transcribed . Pictorial hagiographies and text of Maiden Cao. The writing base its work on how the narrative of Cao E was and are perceived at locals. Elites and the political levels since post-Taiping era.
In his work, he analyzed the cultural integration, interpretation. And appropriation of symbols and text associated with the female deity of Cao. The text starts with an introductory critique of the work of James . Watson on the cult of Tianhou in late imperial China in which Watson depicted .How state tried to maintain cultural unification in the midst of local variations across social classes.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
The work also analyzes the pictorial hagiography of Cao E and how these were important to the Shangyu county. Where she was worshiped as a female deity. In his approach, explains how deity’s femininity .Was challenging to incorporate in the official representations.
As such, the writer departs from textual analysis for meaning to visual representation of Maiden Cao. He argues that the pictorial representation . The most effective medium in bids to reach larger and heterogeneous audience. However, although the visual hagiography was prone to viewer misinterpretation especially. The gendered sexual implication to the male elites.Cao’s Confucian iconography has persisted.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
Nevertheless, he defends the use of visual presentation of Cao deity as most scholars .Are also integrating it in their scholarly works to create diverse view and appeals. Moreover, he argues that China conventionally uses pictorial hagiography for dynamic interactions. As a result, the deity of Cao has continued to be preserved in murals as well as engraved on wood for the longevity of preservation.
Part B:
This part analyzes how the writer has effectively achieved his objective on illustrating Cao E as the female deity in eastern Zhejiang. Her artistic composition as well as how her iconographic presentation culturally impacts imperial China. The writer uses a narrative approach to communicate his arguments starting with introduction . Paratext through illustration of Maiden Cao to a conclusion.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
The introduction lays the foundation of the whole text by giving a general context which the article will be based. The writer introduces the audience the scholarly work of Watson has received criticisms for his implication . That the authorities have promoted standardized ritual practices to achieve culture unification. The introduction part played a role for Chen to defend his approach . Use pictorial hagiography in presenting the history and perception of a female deity.
In this defense he uses illustrations and rationale to deviate from textual presentation to visual, citing that. Although pictorial hagiography of subjective and can be used to subvert the message in the Cao’s iconography. It has been referred as the most effective to communicate to the diverse. Heterogeneous audience especially the local none elites in eastern Zhejiang.
Additionally, Chinese conventionally use pictorial hagiography together with oral and written literature to present their deity. As such he was seen to deviate from the conventional presentation of literature in support of hagiography.Another form of communication.
The second part is a paratext in which the narration of Cao in the forms of text, murals, and wood are given.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
The writer gives a chronology of the events and the rationales for the actions taken in order to conserve the femininity deity of Cao E. Although the conservation is surrounded by controversy about contorted interpretation. Nevertheless, the pressure from the locals made the officials give in. The content therein shed light on the issue of a political contribution in the canonization and deity of Cao. The writer also gives the rationality for the local cult claiming miraculous nature of Cao.
Notably, through this paratext, the writer can tell the various interpretations associated. With the pictorial hagiography of Cao by both the elites and the locals thus portraying gender role in the Chinese society. The fact that the elites have a convoluted form of view about Cao and also were not in agreeing .The local belief on Cao’s supernatural power means the femininity in a deity has limited acceptance in Chine culture.
The third part gives the account of Maiden Cao by the use of illustrative narrative.
In this regard, the writer has succeeded in giving a clear presentation about the life of Cao as well as her deity’s femininity. In essence, the pictorial hagiography has been used to present the position of a woman in the Chinese culture as well as religion. Various hagiography has been used reinforcing the society view on a woman. In the imperial, although women were not allowed to go to the temple, during reverence of Cao’s deity. Women felt identified with her and thus became incorporated in religious activities.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写

The presentations also depict the role of women in society. Despite her being a young girl, she sacrificed herself to look for her father. Her action depicted the filial pieties that the local had and the contribution of women in it. Moreover, the worship of the deity in China and the official presentation of such deities. Elevate the women from their low status to a more prestigious level in the society. Generally, the deity of Cao has played a role in the social elevation of the woman in society.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
Although Chen has succeeded in presenting the narrative about deity’s femininity in imperial China. The article can be criticized for lacking authority especially in the methodological approach used. He fails to explain how the information was collected, compiled, then analyzed to arrive at conclusion. In this regard, his choice of theoretical approach lacks enough empirical evidence of . Elite force in changing the perception of deity in imperial China.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
As such, more consistent evidence was needed to preview the status of women in imperial China.
The text also lacks in-depth reviews on the Confucian iconology of Cao. He mainly relied on the Watson’s work to put the Maiden Cao into the context which was shallow . As more literature was needed to illuminate on the contribution of the locals, the elites and the officials in the deity femininity of Cao as well as their various perspectives.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
In general terms, the article is one of the most regarded works on the role of women in China. It narration dates back in the 18th century when women were not given a chance to enter the temples, but due to the Cao’s deity and acceptance, women found a reason to show reverence and gained a position in the same conservative and masculine society. The article has been proved worth the praise for its analysis of Maiden Cao deity and her role in shaping the women in the society.
Through his narrative approach, then, Chen claims the authority of collecting the old manuscripts to empirically support his work as such making it a point of reference to the Chinese culture and religion scholars and academicians as well as knowledge seekers. Therefore, although empirically wanting in support of some arguments, his work forms an epitome of knowledge about Chinese culture and religion.Instructor 代写 Critique 代写 essay代写
Work Cited

Chen, Gilbert. "A Confucian Iconography of Cao E (Maiden Cao): Narrative Illustrations of a Female Deity in Late Imperial China." NAN NÜ 18.1 (2016): 84-