Black Colleges and Universities
高校代写 The American Colleges and Universities revolution started in the 16th century during the time of American colonization by the European..
The Development of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in American Higher Education
The American Colleges and Universities revolution started in the 16th century during the time of American colonization by the European. Europe wanted to bring about dominance in everything as they try to establish their culture, values, behaviors, and beliefs in the American soil.
The earliest of all the universities are Harvard University which started as a colonial college in around 1643 (Rudolph, 1990). Harvard set the era of academicians who later went out to other states and began colleges to serves their people. At this time, black education was not embraced as they were slaves to the white people and had no rights to education.
The HBCUs development solved the problem of racial segregation and discrimination in colleges and universities by creating an opportunity for the black people to access higher education.Then came the higher education revolution from the colonialist system and curriculum to the American oriented system.
译文:美国高等教育中历史悠久的黑人学院和大学的发展 高校代写
美国学院和大学革命始于 16 世纪欧洲殖民美国的时期。当欧洲试图在美国土地上建立自己的文化、价值观、行为和信仰时,他们希望在一切方面占据主导地位。
最早的大学是哈佛大学,它在 1643 年左右开始成为一所殖民学院(Rudolph,1990)。哈佛开创了院士时代,他们后来到其他州开办大学,为人民服务。此时,黑人教育不被接受,因为他们是白人的奴隶,没有受教育的权利。
Throughout the colonial times
colleges and universities were founded on a foreign policy of learning which most of the American elites later felt the need to revolt and change the system to suit the needs of the American (Rudolph, 1990, Altbach, Gumport, & Berdahl, 2011). More so, the colleges and universities were far apart,
and most were the times when students went far away from their home country or state. More colleges and universities were built to serve these social and political pressures which saw a revolution in higher education in the 17th century.During this higher education revolution,
the black people especially youths were not allowed to access higher education due to discrimination. The growth of historically black college and universities (HBCU), institutions in America began before 1964 (“States University,” n.d). They were referred through this term by the Higher Education Act of 1965 with the aim of funding .
译文:整个殖民时代 高校代写
学院和大学建立在学习的外交政策之上,大多数美国精英后来觉得有必要反抗并改变制度以适应美国人的需要(Rudolph,1990;Altbach、Gumport 和 Berdahl,2011)。 更何况,学院和大学相距甚远,
大多数是学生远离祖国或州的时候。 建立更多的学院和大学来应对这些社会和政治压力,这些压力见证了 17 世纪高等教育的革命。在这场高等教育革命期间,
由于歧视,黑人,尤其是青年人不被允许接受高等教育。 美国历史悠久的黑人学院和大学 (HBCU) 的发展始于 1964 年之前(“州立大学”,日期不详)。 1965 年《高等教育法案》通过这一术语向他们提供了资金支持。
Such institution to accommodate black youths in the higher education system.
The first black colleges and universities were established in Pennsylvania and Ohio in the late 18th century. The colleges gave the black people opportunity to access higher education (Cantey, Bland, Mack, & Joy-Davis, 2013). At this period there were predominantly white institutions which did not accept black people because of color segregation.
After the establishment of the colleges, black youths were able to become teachers and tradesmen after the training.The development of HBCU owes to the legislation and the Supreme courts decisions. The first one was the First Morrill Act in 1862 which allowed the grants of land for colleges on which black colleges were founded (Esters, & Strayhorn, 2013).
The Act made higher education accessible to all American citizens. Later, Freeman’s Bureau came up with the proposal for the support of HBCUs in America. Although the legislation provided for the higher education revolution, it was not until the decision by the supreme court in Plessy v.
译文:这样的机构在高等教育系统中容纳黑人青年。 高校代写
第一批黑人学院和大学于 18 世纪后期在宾夕法尼亚州和俄亥俄州建立。学院为黑人提供了接受高等教育的机会(Cantey、Bland、Mack 和 Joy-Davis,2013 年)。在这个时期,由于肤色隔离,主要是白人机构不接受黑人。
学院成立后,黑人青年经过培训后可以成为教师和商人。HBCU的发展得益于立法和最高法院的判决。第一个是 1862 年的《第一莫里尔法案》,该法案允许向黑人学院所在的学院授予土地(Esters 和 Strayhorn,2013 年)。
该法案使所有美国公民都可以接受高等教育。后来,弗里曼局提出了在美国支持 HBCU 的建议。尽管立法规定了高等教育革命,但直到最高法院在Plessy v。
that led to the separation but equal schools for the blacks most in the Southern part of America (Cases, 2013). After the court decision, the black colleges and universities started to grow both private and public.Therefore, it is believed that the government decided to have separate but equal .
Colleges and universities in America is to avoid the admission of the black in the existing white only schools and to continue perpetuating racial segregation. After the Plessy v. Ferguson decision more than 100 colleges and universities were developed. However,
in 1954 the decision to have separate but equal colleges and university was overturned in the Supreme court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in Kansas (López, & Burciaga, 2014). The ruling ended the era of segregation in schools and the subsequent dismantling of the dual system of education.
译文:弗格森 高校代写
这导致了美国南部大多数黑人的分离但平等的学校(案例,2013 年)。 法院判决后,黑人高校开始私立和公立同时发展。因此,相信政府决定分开但平等。
美国的学院和大学要避免在现有的白人学校招收黑人,并继续延续种族隔离。 在 Plessy v. Ferguson 案之后,100 多所学院和大学得以发展。 然而,
1954 年,最高法院在布朗诉堪萨斯州托皮卡教育委员会案(López 和 Burciaga,2014 年)的裁决中推翻了设立独立但平等的学院和大学的决定。 该裁决结束了学校种族隔离的时代以及随后双元制教育体系的废除。
The black people were allowed to get admission in the predominantly white institutions.
Moreover, the system also led to the closure and mergers of HBCU as they were considered segregated. However, the various battles have come to establish that there is not enough research to show that the continuity of this institution undermines the Supreme ruling.
Additionally, these colleges argue that they have served the needs of the black people and therefore they should continue to be an opportunity for any American citizen.
The development of HBCU has been an exciting chapter in American higher education history. Tremendous obstacles notwithstanding, there are more than 100 HBCUs in America. The HBCUs have continued playing a critical role in higher education in modern America.
译文:黑人被允许进入以白人为主的机构。 高校代写
此外,该系统还导致 HBCU 的关闭和合并,因为它们被认为是隔离的。 然而,各种战斗已经证明,没有足够的研究表明该机构的连续性破坏了最高统治。
HBCU的发展是美国高等教育史上激动人心的篇章。 尽管存在巨大障碍,但美国仍有 100 多个 HBCU。 HBCU 继续在现代美国的高等教育中发挥关键作用。
Altbach, P. G., Gumport, P. J., & Berdahl, R. O. (Eds.). (2011). American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political, and economic challenges. JHU Press.
Cantey, N. I., Bland, R., Mack,

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