Stakeholder Communication Report
利益相关者沟通报告代写 Stakeholders have different interests, attitudes and priorities in the project. It is the role of the project managers to
Stakeholders have different interests, attitudes and priorities in the project. It is the role of the project managers to effectively communicate to stakeholders on various issues affecting the project. In this regard, the communication is an integral part of the project risk assessment process and management. Stakeholder communication aims to inform stakeholders that the Airber project is falling behind the scheduled time, and the budgeted funds were not sufficient to cover project completion. The progress report should seek to increase engagement between the management and various stakeholders on solving various issues that might arise in project progress.
译文:利益相关者在项目中具有不同的兴趣,态度和优先级。 项目经理的职责是就影响项目的各种问题与利益相关者进行有效沟通。 在这方面,沟通是项目风险评估过程和管理的组成部分。 利益相关者沟通旨在告知利益相关者,Airber项目落后于预定时间,预算资金不足以支付项目完成。 进度报告应设法增加管理层与各种利益相关者之间的合作,以解决项目进度中可能出现的各种问题。利益相关者沟通报告代写
Communication Description
Communication on project being behind time
The communication should explain when the planned project completion and why it will not be delivered on time. Some unaware stakeholders need to know how the project about the project timeline. Indicate that the previous project plan did not envision the stoppage of the project in progress until completion. The stakeholders should know the first few phases went as planned since the teams were in full capacity and smooth collaborations. However, since December 2019, the Airber has been on slow progress due to some processes being affected by Coronavirus pandemic. The project manager need to explain how the spread of has interrupted business and project processes across the globe, and Airber not an exemption.
Additionally, the communication should explain the several sub-projects that Airber interim management was supposed to complete before the project could run in full capacity. Stakeholders tasked the management to build the office complex because the current one was just temporary until the project is executed. They also had decided to buy several low-capacity planes because the option of getting planes on the lease was expensive.
此外,通讯还应说明在项目可以满负荷运行之前,Airber临时管理部门应该完成的几个子项目。利益相关者责成管理层建造办公大楼,因为当前的办公大楼只是临时的,直到项目执行完毕。他们还决定购买几架低容量飞机,因为租用飞机的选择很昂贵。 利益相关者沟通报告代写
They need to know that these jobs were contracted to Boeing for low-capacity planes and Stan Engineering for an office complex.
Boeing is a reputable American company in making aeroplanes, and Stan Engineering is a construction company with a good rapport in Australia. They should know that Australia is one of the countries that are affected by the COVID19 pandemic and has left many companies closing or operating below capacity. Thus, making Boeing and Stan Engineering operate under low capacity and hence delay most of their production and construction projects. As a result, communication should let the stakeholders understand that the construction of the Airber office complex and delivery of low-capacity planes have been delayed and hence making the whole project to fall behind the scheduled time.
波音公司是美国著名的飞机制造公司,斯坦工程公司是在澳大利亚有着良好关系的建筑公司。 他们应该知道,澳大利亚是受COVID19大流行影响的国家之一,许多公司倒闭或经营能力不足。 因此,使波音和斯坦工程公司的产能低下,从而延迟了他们的大部分生产和建设项目。 因此,沟通应让利益相关者了解到,Airber办公大楼的建设和低容量飞机的交付已被推迟,因此使整个项目落后于计划的时间。
Communication on project over budget
The stakeholder communication should point out that following the delay in deliveries from Boeing and Stan Engineering as well as the increasing spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the company has incurred additional operational costs that were not budgeted in the execution phase. The manager should outline the causes of the costs, including a limited number of workers at the workplace, an increase in premium for the insurance cover of workers, costs of contingency measures due to the pandemic, and facilitation of workers such as transport and remote working.
Also, the manager should note how an increase in prices of various products, payment of employee overtime, and poor initial cost estimates have impacted on the budget increase. In this context, the communication should review the previous budget of $2 billion for the completion of the project, and emphasis the due to the above factors, an additional $300 million was anticipated to be incurred. Most importantly is to stress the phase in which the additional budget was incurred. It is the role of the project manager in collaboration with the management and stakeholders to make sure the over the budget of the project does not impact the feasibility and financial viability of the project.
Communication Impacts 利益相关者沟通报告代写
Effective communication to stakeholders aim to compel that although the routine business operations may be running normally, some issues might affect the project success. The communication should persuade resistant stakeholders to appreciate the project requires their dedication, time, and budget. It makes them understand it is essential for the project to stick to budget and schedule so help ensure it contributes to the overall Airber business goals. They will accept the effects of the project if it falls behind the delivery schedule and goes over budget.
The project manager use communication to give anticipations that the project may be faced by financial instability in the future.
They know that the project cash flow is likely to reduce, and so to meet immediate future cash obligations may be affected. Although some of the capital costs can be spread out over time and maybe financed through loans, the direct cost of labour and supplies may require the company to dip into the available cash. The frequent withdrawals from the current project account will hurt the company's liquidity, cash flow, and ability of the company to pay expenses such as utility bills and remunerating employees.
Stakeholders know that when the project goes over budget, it may lead to the overall project, project manager, and management risk losing their reputations from investors and key stakeholders. Airber has public scrutiny from investors, analysts, customers to potential investors if the project does not meet its schedule and budget. Bad reputation may cause poor business and a lack of competitiveness in the market. Investors, on the other hand, may withdraw their investments because of a lack of trust. It is prudent for the project management to accurately project the budget and stick to the original financial limitations. And because the damage has already occurred, the management needs to have clear communication with the stakeholders on these issues.
Additionally, they know the project is likely to have poor productivity and profitability after execution.
The Airber has a looming loss of profits if it fails to begin operations as planned. The management had projected that the project would start the business by early July. The execution phase is likely to be pushed to the start of the following year, which is 2021. Also, the project will take additional time to recover the investment, which is higher than previously projected.
The reason being, the productivity schedule was delayed, meaning that supplies will be unavailable and additional fund needed to finish the project means fewer funds were available to the core functions. The project will take more time and investment to recover the initial investments. Thus, the management, in collaboration with stakeholders, should look for financing options to keep the cash flow and liquidity at a healthy level.
如果未能按计划开始运营,Airber的利润就会迫在眉睫。 管理层预计该项目将在7月初开始营业。 执行阶段可能会推迟到第二年的2021年。此外,该项目将花费更多的时间来收回投资,这比以前的预期要高。
原因是生产力进度计划被推迟,这意味着供应将不可用,完成该项目所需的额外资金意味着核心职能可用的资金更少。 该项目将花费更多的时间和投资来收回初始投资。 因此,管理层应与利益相关者合作,寻求融资方案,以将现金流量和流动性保持在健康水平。
Communication Rationale 利益相关者沟通报告代写
The communication helps the management to clarify resistant stakeholders that the project issues were unpredictable and inevitable in the project. COVID-19 was a global disease crisis and has left the global economy and business operations affected. The disease control recommendation, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) includes social distancing, restricted movements, and personal hygiene. The WHO measures require companies to reduce the number of workers in the workplace, increase office hygiene, and facilitate working from homes.
Airber management team and workers were facilitated to work from home and only have access to offices when necessary. Workers required facilitation with computers and the internet as well as beefing up cybersecurity to protect their privacy and that of the company. These were additional costs to the project. The reduced number of workers and working hours in the office also added to overtime costs. These costs were inevitable to the company for normal operations to continue.
交流有助于管理层澄清顽固的利益相关者项目问题在项目中是不可预测的和不可避免的。 COVID-19是一场全球性疾病危机,已使全球经济和商业运营受到影响。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)(2020)提出的疾病控制建议包括社交疏远,行动受限和个人卫生。世卫组织的措施要求公司减少工作场所的工人数量,提高办公室卫生水平,并便利在家工作。
Similarly, it was essential to know that Boeing and Stan Engineering were impacted by the pandemic.
They had to reduce the number of workers at the site and offices. As a result, the various projects took longer than usual to complete. Airber had to wait for additional time for aeroplanes and office complex to be completed. As such, the overall project timing had to be pushed forward and bear the costs.
Nevertheless, the manager need to assure stakeholders that the problem caused by the project being behind schedule and being over the budget is salvageable. First, the company needs to have risks contingency measures and plan to reduce adverse impacts to the project (Teller, Kock, & Gemünden, 2014). Therefore, the management needs to set a contingency budget to manage the cost contingency in the budget because of the project delay. Additionally, there is a need to establish contingency time in schedules to handle the delays. Overall, these measures aim at reducing the impact of the project going over the budget and being behind the schedule.
他们不得不减少现场和办公室的工人数量。结果,各种项目花费了比平时更长的时间。 Airber必须等待额外的时间才能完成飞机和办公大楼的建造。因此,必须推迟整个项目的时间并承担费用。
While looking at the general outlook of the current project status, the project management team and stakeholders can collaborate to revise project delivery time and budget. The threat of exceeding and going over budget in the execution phase should not halt the project progress. The contingency measures should be futuristic rather than trying to solve the current problems. They should aim to control future delays in delivery and over budget when the project is timeline and budget is revised.
在查看当前项目状态的总体前景时,项目管理团队和利益相关者可以协作以修改项目交付时间和预算。 在执行阶段超出预算和超支预算的威胁不应阻止项目进度。 应急措施应该是未来主义的,而不是试图解决当前的问题。 他们应着眼于在项目时间表和预算进行修订时控制将来的交付延迟和预算超支。
Glossary 利益相关者沟通报告代写
a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020)
Stakeholder Register:
Document that lists stakeholders: name, position, role/relationship to project, contact information (Fekete, 2020)
interacting with, and influencing someone to the overall benefit of the project (Institute, 2020)
Unaware stakeholder:
who does not know about the project or its benefits and other impacts (Institute, 2020)
Resistant stakeholder:
who are aware of the project and its impacts, but resistance to the change (Institute, 2020)
Neutral stakeholder:
who are aware of the project, not resistant or supportive (Institute, 2020)
supportive stakeholder: who are aware of the project, and supports the change and potential impacts (Institute, 2020)
Leading stakeholder:
who are aware of the project and potential impacts, and actively ensuring its success (Institute, 2020)
Project champion:
an informal role whose main goal is to make the project succeed by addressing different obstacles while making sure that the stakeholders are always satisfied with the project. (Institute, 2020)
Progress report:
an executive summary of the progress an individual (and his team) has made on a certain project over a certain time frame. (, 2020)
Status report:
lets stakeholders, especially the leadership, know how the project is progressing (Institute, 2020)
the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively. (Cambridge dictionary, 2020)
Interactive communication:
is characterized by the interaction, the multi-way, or back and forth capability. (Institute, 2020)
Push communication:
is sent or "pushed" to the recipient (Institute, 2020) Pull communication is available "on-demand," but the recipient must take the initiative to access it. (Institute, 2020)
rich-media: a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact (Adsolution, 2020)
Lean media:
media with reduced capacity to carry information, with face-to-face communication being the standard by which others are judged (IGI Global. 2020)
predesigned spreadsheet you can use to create new spreadsheets with the same formatting and predefined formulas (Cambridge dictionary, 2020)
非正式角色,其主要目标是通过解决不同的障碍而使项目成功,同时确保利益相关者对项目始终满意。 (研究所,2020)
有关个人(及其团队)在一定时间内完成某个项目的进度的执行摘要。 (,2020年)利益相关者沟通报告代写
集体传播的主要方式(广播,出版和互联网)。 (剑桥词典,2020)
具有交互性,多向性或来回功能。 (研究所,2020)
发送或“推送”给接收者(Institute,2020)拉式通信“按需”可用,但是接收者必须主动访问它。 (研究所,2020)利益相关者沟通报告代写
信息承载能力降低的媒体,以面对面交流作为判断其他人的标准(IGI Global。2020)
Bibliography 利益相关者沟通报告代写
Adsolution. (2020). WHAT IS RICH MEDIA? - Absolutions. Retrieved 4 May 2020, from
Cambridge dictionary. (2020). MEDIA | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from]
Cambridge dictionary. (2020). STAKEHOLDER | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from]
Cambridge dictionary. (2020). TEMPLATE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from] (2020) How to Write a Progress Report. Retrieved 4 May 2020, from
Fekete, A. (2020). Stakeholder Management; Project Communications. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from
IGI Global. (2020). What is Lean Media? Retrieved 4 May 2020, from
Institute, P. (2017). A guide to the PROJECT MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE (PMBOK Guide).
Teller, J., Kock, A., & Gemünden, H. G. (2014). Risk management in project portfolios is more than managing project risks: A contingency perspective on risk management. Project Management Journal, 45(4), 67-80.
World Health Organization. (2020). WHO releases guidelines to help countries maintain essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO. Retrieved from

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