儿科论文代写 Another practice that can be employed is to create a database online that saves all of the patient’s information on the server……
Introduction 儿科论文代写
The case study highlights the manner in which Akron Children’s Hospital (ACH). Was able to implement a system of lean management even when faced with intense competition from two other larger hospitals. The success of ACH can be attributed to the top management’s approach to not only make the processes smoother. But at the same time helping the patients received better services that are centered around providing them optimal care.
In order to become a high reliability organization, KAIZEN was conducted at different stages of the hospital’s process and services being offered. A major focus was brought forward by the management on continuous process improvement along with providing trainings to increase the skill set of the organizations’ employees. It is very important to not only hire the right people with the relevant skills. But also to ensure that they keep evolving as well.
ACH employed this approach in order to develop into a high reliability organization.
Not only was its focus on providing trainings to its staff. But also on making the patient’s experience with the hospital a good one. By conducting analysis at different levels of the process. They were able to reduce the waiting times for the patients. While at the same time utilizing their facilities in a proficient and efficient manner. 儿科论文代写
The giants that the hospital was competing with received grants for their medical practices. And employed the best doctors, physicians, specialists, and even scientists, which enabled them to gain access to the latest research and even lead to breakthrough research for which they became renowned.
Implementation of lean process allowed ACH to not only save money but also to increase the revenue being earned.
The improvement at the MRI machine. Allowed an increase of an average 120+ patients utilizing the service, instead of the previous 80 patients on average.
In order to address the issue of the flash sterilization rate, the hospital conducted KAIZEN, identified the gaps, and addressed them, with the result that the flash sterilization rate came down from 10% to 2%. The top management’s approach to lean management is the primary reason why ACH has been so successful in implementing in within the hospital and ensure that everybody follows it. They have developed a culture of change which not only encourages continuous improvement. But also allows for the employees, and other staff to evolve and grow their skill set.
The creation of Center for Operations Excellence was the base of the operations. Which allowed for the execution of multiple Kaizen analysis, and allowed the team to come up with solutions for the problems that were being faced along with the actual improvement of processes. They also identified that only providing training to the top management was not the right way to go instead. The middle management also required training and latest knowledge so that they could also contribute to the success of the business.
Operation Requirements and Resources 儿科论文代写
Hospitals and their staff operate within an external environment shaped by government regulations, characteristics of their patient populations. The job market for health care professionals. And the extent of competition from other sources of care. Hospital workers also confront an internal environment shaped by leadership priorities, resources available for training and improvement initiatives, and policies regarding responses to medical errors and quality defects (Archive).
When it comes to the external environment, patient safety becomes the top priority and something that should never be compromised. Additionally, it is something on which hospital should never compete either. Environmental barriers should be addressed, for example on external barrier could be the location of the hospital.
If it is too far away, then there is a high chance that the patients will select some other hospital that is a convenient option. There is one other thing that can be implemented in ACH which will enable it to improve its processes further. Which is achieving cross hospital standardization. Many hospitals have implemented this. Which entails sharing a workforce among hospitals, including nurses and specialists. Is a great motivation for standardizing forms and processes across all institutions.
Not only that, you also get to learn a lot from other organizations and hospitals as well.
Moreover, many hospitals have been automating their systems, so that many of the apointments can be scheduled online. All the patients have to do is to visit the website. Log in using their credentials. And then select a time for the appointment of either a routine checkup, or a follow up visit. This ensures that the doctor is available for the appointment and that patient’s waiting time is reduced. Many hospitals have reduced in patient waiting times in this manner. 儿科论文代写
Another practice that can be employed is to create a database online that saves all of the patient’s information on the server. So that the data can be fetched immediately, instead of going through records, which takes too long and thus, increases the waiting times. These are some of the practices that are being employed by the hospitals in order to make the experience of the patients and their families a satisfactory one with immense support from the hospital staff so that all issues can be addressed.
In my opinion, similar practices can be implemented in Pediatric hospitals as well. So that parents who are exhausted and worried, can be at ease. They can schedule appointments in advance and ensure. That they do not have to wait for long hours in order for the physician or doctor to come and see their child.
This also ensures that there is no queue waiting for their turn, while at the same time increases the turnover rate per patient, making sure that the highest number of patients are being addressed in the shortest amount of time. While providing superior quality services.
Readiness to Transition to a Value Based Delivery System
With the explanation that has been provided by the organization. And the examples that the case study provides, it can be seen that not only is ACH open to new ideas that allow improvement in their day to day processes, but also that they intend to improve with the passage of time as well. According to one of the top management. They have conducted two capacity studies on surgery which have deduced that they are currently running at 64% of their capacity, and they intend to conduct further studies. So that within the next two years they can be running at 85% of their capacity.
Additionally, they are also planning to address other areas of their processes so that they can optimally utilize the facilities that they have. While improving the experience of the customers/ patients so that they can actually be a part of the overall improvement process. Happy clients will lead to future customers. Especially when the staff is understanding and courteous to the needs of the patients.
Operational Implications of Current Health Reforms 儿科论文代写
The current health reforms that have been introduced within the organization allows the team to not only grow, but also addresses the operational implications that are there. The operational implications show that they can improve the current processes and there is a lot of capacity building that will take place. It must also be understood that the top management is focused on different facets of the organizational and operational process which also allows for the improvement in the overall structure of the organization.
As mentioned previously, there is a lot that can be improved. Such as going forward with automation will remove many of the manual processes. And help in overcoming the problems. With the passage of time, things will improve for the better. And ACH will be able to compete with the other institutions based on quality research and studies as well. However, that is going to take some time, and for that they are going to need a pool of qualified professionals. So that they can conduct research on various pediatric related cases, and eventually establish outcomes that allow for improvement in the overall process.
Current and Future Trends for High Reliability Organizations
There are many industries, in which organizations deploy the high reliability organization model, however, the healthcare industry is not at par with many of the other industries, such as the airline industry. The level of trust that has been built by many service providers, has allowed for HRO to not only grow but become one of the most widely adopted practices in the industry.
The question always comes up is why the healthcare delivery system is not as reliable as other industries and especially like the airline industry? In recent years, healthcare consumers, providers, payers, and other key stakeholders have demanded better patient care and business outcomes and have asked similar questions about achieving a high reliability organization status and reliable performance results (Griffith, 2015). 儿科论文代写
The main focus of the healthcare industry has been on providing healthcare solutions instead of identifying the operational gaps and improving those processes for better experience and provision of greater services.
However, with the passage of time, things have improved and it can be seen that many organizations have started adopting the high reliability organization model in order to better cater to the increasing demands of the patients. With each passing year. The number of patients arriving at the centers. And requesting for timely services is increasing. And the demand for improved services is also on the rise.
Therefore, noticing the current trends and understanding how they will help in shaping the future of the healthcare industry is the key to knowing when and where to implement changes. Healthcare organizations need to be on their toes. So that they can not only improve with time. But also help in addressing the rising issues with patient healthcare.
To conclude, I would just like to add that healthcare organizations have started focusing on becoming high reliability organizations. In order to improve various studies need to be conducted and KAIZEN is one of the best practices to identify the gaps and address them. Lean process management allows for improvement in the overall organization. And also allows for the employees to grow.
The top management is the source of any drive within the organization. And it has been seen many times that successful organizations are the ones in which change is derived from the executive level leadership. However, middle management employees should not be ignored and they should also be provided top level training so that everything can be addressed and all levels of management are not only talented but their skills set also improves.
References 儿科论文代写
Ellen Lanser May, The Power of Z e r o Steps Toward High Reliability Healthcare, retrieved 30-1-18 from;
Clinical Leadership and Infection Control, 4 steps for transforming to a high-reliability organization, retrieved 30-1-18 from;
Applying High Reliability Concepts to Hospitals, retrieved 30-1-18 from;
High Reliability Organization in the Healthcare Industry - A Model for Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability, retrieved 30-1-18 from;
The Lewin Group, Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders, retrieved 30-1-18 from;