会计test代考 PACC6005: Financial Accounting 3

PACC6005: Financial Accounting 3

会计test代考 Whenever necessary assignment must be properly referenced, and referencing should follow American Psychological Association (APA) 6th

Submission Guidelines:  会计test代考

Assignments must be submitted by the due date.

Students should include the cover page designed by the University of Newcastle with the assignment.

All  assignments  must  be  submitted  online.  Submissions via email will not be accepted.

Assignment must be typed, and submission file should be in word.

Each page of the assignment should be numbered.  会计test代考

Whenever necessary assignment must be properly referenced, and referencing should follow American Psychological Association (APA) 6th  edition style.

Extensions of Submission Date:

All requests for extensions  must be  submitted through  adverse  circumstances application before the assignment submission due date.


Late Submission会计test代考

The mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date,  without  an  approved  extension  of  time,  will  be  reduced  by  10% of  the possible maximum mark for that assignment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late.

Note that this applies equally to week and weekend days.


As a recent accounting graduate, you have just joined the reporting unit of a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Your supervisor approaches you with your first assignment and sends you the following materials extracted from an article (Eccles & Serafeim, 2011) to read:

During  the  past  two  decades,  there  have  been  many  ideas  for  improving  business reporting, and nearly all of them focus on the importance of companies providing more nonfinancial  information.  One  reason  for  the  growth  in  disclosure  of  nonfinancial information is that the percentage of an entity’s market value that can be attributed to tangible assets has diminished from about 80% in 1975 to less than 20% in 2009.  A 2003 Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants  of  England  and  Wales  white  paper  analysed   11 initiatives to reform reporting and reached the following conclusion:

“None of these models, whatever their merits. Has so far succeeded in commanding general support. ”

But if no framework for nonfinancial reporting has risen to the level of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP),  an  increasing  number  of  companies   have  been  experimenting  with  more effective disclosure of nonfinancial information. According to CorporateRegister.com, a data  repository  with   over  35,000  reports  from  8,220  different  companies  in   168 countries.    Almost   5,400  reports    containing   sustainability    and   other   nonfinancial information were published in 2010.

In addition to voluntary nonfinancial reporting by companies, other initiatives have been launched  to  push  the  development  of  more   rigorous  and  systematic  reporting  of nonfinancial   information.   For   example,   South   Africa    has    mandated   “integrated reporting”—specifically, a  single  report that  combines  information  on  the  会计test代考 company’s financial performance with information on its nonfinancial performance. In 2010, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) codified the King III recommendations by amending its  listing  rules  to  require  approximately  450  listed  companies  either  to  produce  an integrated report in place of their annual financial and sustainability reports or to explain why they are not doing so.

Another example is the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment’s (UNPRI) Sustainable   Stock   Exchange   Initiative.  This  initiative   is  aimed  at  exploring  how exchanges, investors, regulators, and companies can work together to improve disclosure of  ESG  performance  and   encourage  long-term  approaches  to  investment.   Emerging market exchanges are leading the way in terms of implementing sustainability disclosure and other measures to enhance corporate sustain-ability reporting of listed companies. For  example,  exchanges  in  Brazil,  China,  Egypt,  India,  Indonesia,  Malaysia. And South Africa have all issued ESG disclosure rules in recent years.


In January  2011, a coalition  of investors wrote to the CEOs of 30 stock exchanges to demand that sustainability reporting be embedded within listing rules and that listed companies put a forward-looking sustainability strategy to vote at their annual general meeting. The letter also sought opinions on, among other things, how companies should be integrating sustainability into long-term strategic decision-making and encouraging companies to undertake integrated reporting.

Reference:  会计test代考

Eccles, R. G., & Serafeim,  G.  (2011). Market interest in nonfinancial information. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 23(4), 113-128.

In addition, you also find the following information from the website of SCHRODERS:


“There had been increasing market debate on sustainability performance before the Covid- 19 crisis struck. Some took the view that sustainable investing was simply a luxury to be indulged in during a bull market, rather than a way to generate above-market returns throughout the market cycle. Recent market volatility has offered an opportunity to test our theory of sustainable investing during a sharp market drop and a similarly swift rebound. The results are noteworthy. ”


(Available      at:       https://www.schroders.com/en/insights/economics/how-have-sustainable-



Write  a  report  (maximum  2000  words)  to   discuss   the  economic  consequences  of nonfinancial information reporting. In your report, you are required to:

Identify and discuss the nature of nonfinancial information.

Identify and discuss of the nature of economic consequences.

Discuss how nonfinancial information should be reported.  会计test代考

Integration of the discussion of these two concepts and discussion of economic consequences of the nonfinancial information reporting.

Discussion of COVID-19 effects of the sustainable firms.

Guidelines for the report:  会计test代考

  1.   Look    for    UoN   library    for   the    research    articles   regarding    the   economicconsequencesof nonfinancial information.

  2. Nonfinancial       information        includes        corporate       social        responsibilityreporting/performance   (CSR),   environmental,  social   and  governance    (ESG)


reporting/performance,        environmental        reporting/performance,         social reporting/social   performance,   financial    inclusion   reporting,    green   banking disclosures.

  1. Economic  consequences  mean  capitalmarket and  debt  market impact  of  the information.


Note: Where you refer to the accounting standards, textbook, website or other resources you will need to include APA referencing. You should include a reference list at the end of your assignment.


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