introduction to chicano studies
运筹学作业代写 For this assignment you will write a two-page paper (see directions below) on the novel, Always Running. The rough draft assignment
Assignment Objective: 运筹学作业代写
This course fulfills the university general education writing experience breadth requirement, which asks you to write an essay(s) and to revise that essay(s) based on critical feedback provided by the instructor or Teaching Assistant. The aim of the assignment is to help you improve and learn some of the fundamentals in writing, which you can then apply elsewhere.
For this assignment you will write a two-page paper (see directions below) on the novel, Always Running. The rough draft assignment should not read like a summary of the book, nor should it explain what you plan to write about. Instead, it should read as if you have started the first half of your eventual 4-5 page-paper.
The most critical part of this assignment is developing a concise introductory paragraph where your argument/thesis is strong and clear. Following your introductory paragraph, you must prove your argument/thesis using evidence from the novel.
Once you have revised the first part of your paper based on your TAs comments, you will complete the assignment by writing the remainder of the paper. In other words, the rough draft is only the first half of a larger (4-5 page) course paper that is due later in the quarter (Tuesday, November 30 ).
Thus, you will not need to include a conclusion for the rough draft.
1. Please write a two-page, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, and with oneinch margin paper.
2. This assignment constitutes the first two pages of your paper. Although you do not need a conclusion, you do need a strong introductory paragraph where you clearly write your thesis statement.
3. Be sure your name, section number, TA and paper title appears on the first page.
- Be sure to number your pages at the bottom, right hand corner.
- Every paragraph, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion, should have one quotation or citation from novel to support your argument: (Rodríguez, 23).
- Be careful not to overquote, limit one or two short quotes per paragraph. You will be penalized for having too many quotes. Nobody wants to read a paper full of quotes.
- Do not use outside sources.
- Have a topic sentence for every paragraph. A topic sentence informs the reader what you will be addressing in the paragraph.
- Please submit paper on Canvas. Please submit at least a couple hours in advance in case you have technical or wireless issues.
Use Following Texts: Luis Rodríguez, Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A. (East Haven, CT: Curbstone Press, 1993). 运筹学作业代写
Late Policy: Late papers, regardless of excuse, will be penalized a grade for every day (24 hours— including weekends and holidays) it is overdue. No late papers will be accepted without documented proof (medical or similar) excusing the tardiness of the assignment. If you anticipate a delay, contact your TA immediately. Citations: Properly cite sources using MLA style when quoting from book. For example: (Rodríguez,
23). Also, place quotation marks when using direct wording from a primary or secondary document.
Essay Prompt:
In his memoir, Luis Rodríguez walks us through his life from childhood through young adulthood. The harsh realities around him shape his world view:
“By the time I turned 18 years old, 25 of my friends had been killed by rival gangs, police, drugs, car crashes and suicides.” (Rodríguez, 4).
Rodríguez sees himself as “lucky” because he was able to escape death, prison, or a crime driven existence. He, unlike many of his peers, was able to get out—to escape.
Young men, especially young men of color, in impoverished neighbors are often lured into gang life. For some, partaking in gang activities is not an option—often times they are forced to and failing to
do so could result in a beating or death. There are few alternatives or positive outlets for them and consequently gangs gain the upper hand.
According to Rodríguez, who is ultimately to blame for his involvement in gangs and who/what does he credit for “saving” him from gangs? Why are gangs so appealing to some?
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