CORPFIN 3504 – Treasury and Financial Risk Management
资金和金融风险管理代写 Your presentation must be submitted electronically via the assigned link “Group Presentation 2 Submission” on MyUni under the……
Question 1 资金和金融风险管理代写
Explain the difference between top-down and bottom-up approaches to risk management. Why are both necessary in ERM?
Question 2
What is the Bowman paradox?
Question 3
“The risk culture at a bank should lead it to consider the longer-term implications of decisions as well as short-term profits.” Discuss the statement.
Question 4 资金和金融风险管理代写
What steps can a bank take to encourage employees to consider more than short-term profits?
Question 5
Give three examples of cognitive biases.
Presentation Guidelines:
Presentation time: up to 10 minutes + 5-minutes Q&A.
You are expected to present your full solutions to the assigned questions in PowerPoint, Word, or PDF format in a clear and logical manner.
Your submission must include a cover page (indicating Group name, ALL group member’s names and student numbers).
You are required to present your working out in all questions, present tables of your analysis appropriately, and describe each step of the calculation in the presentation.
The presentation must be typed. Colour printing is not needed. Please, keep a copy of your presentation as well. Any illustrations used must be very clear and easy to understand.
Submission Guidelines: 资金和金融风险管理代写
CORPFIN 3504 – Treasury and Financial Risk Management2
Your presentation must be submitted electronically via the assigned link “Group Presentation 2 Submission” on MyUni under the Modules/Group Presentation 2 link.
The electronic copy should be lodged via MyUni no later than 11:00pm Monday of the presentation week assigned to your group. ONLY ONE submission is allowed. The submitted filename must be “Group name”. Your submission must include a cover page (indicating Group name, ALL group member’s names and student numbers).
If you have problems submitting your presentation, you MUST contact your lecturer immediately explaining the situation by email AND attach your presentation in the email before the due time. In your email, you must clearly identify in the title of your email that you experiencing a problem in CORPFIN 3504 Treasury and Financial Risk Management. In the body of the email, explain the specific problem.
The late assessment and Extension Policy applies. Please refer to this policy in the Course Outline.