计算机视觉论文代写 The objective of this project is a survey of at least 2 research papers (published in recent 4 years) for a specific problem/topic
1. EXPECTATION 计算机视觉论文代写
The objective of this project is a survey of at least 2 research papers (published in recent 4 years) for a specific problem/topic of computer vision and image
processing. The survey must include critical analysis of strength and limitation of different techniques. Through the project, you are expected to show
knowledge (B grade), technical capability (B to A grade) and creativity (A grade) in any topic related to computer vision and/or image processing. 计算机视觉论文代写
2.1 BASIC (80%)
- Introduce the overview of the selected topic.
- Detail the algorithm behind.
- Critical analysis of strength and limitation of different techniques.
- Envision/discussion on future research trend.
2.2 PRESENTATION (20%) 计算机视觉论文代写
The project should be presented during the lecture/tutorial time. Each group has ~5 minutes. Due to the limited time, students should focus on algorithms
in presentations. The presentation is scheduled in week 13. We will announce the details of the presentation schedule.
Each group can have 1~3 members. For non-single group, the contribution of each member should be listed at the end of the report for reference.
- Computer vision driven interactivity
- Multi-sensor (one of sensors must be camera) analysis
- X detection and tracking (X = face, gesture or pose, vehicle)
- Facial expression recognition
- Semi-automatic image segmentation
- 3D volume estimation
- Image or video retrieval
- X recognition with deep learning (X = object, scene or activity) 计算机视觉论文代写
- Image editing (e.g., seam carving)
- Domain specific image processing (cultural heritage, art work, painting)
(You may not follow these suggested topics, and you could choose your own preference topic.)
All reports/slides should be submitted to Canvas->Assignment->Course Project by one representative team member. The team members and contributions should also be indicated in the report.
It is a serious fraud to plagiarize others’ work (e.g. published papers). Students who committed plagiarism will be handled according to the global policy of
university . All suspected plagiarism cases will be reported to the disciplinary body of the University and not being handled in the course/departmental level.
Students, who plagiarize, as well as those who willfully lent out his/her work to others, will receive the same punishment. Confirmed plagiarism cases will result
in disciplinary action, including but not limited to zero marks in course project. 计算机视觉论文代写
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