The purpose of this chapter is to review the literature on X. It begins by…
This introductory section provides a brief overview of… It then goes on to…
This part of the thesis discusses the findings which emerged from the statistical analysis presented in the previous chapter.
This chapter describes and discusses the methods used in this investigation. The first section… The second part moves on to describe in greater detail the…
The final chapter of this dissertation is divided into two parts. The first…
This chapter is divided into four main sections, each of which presents the results relating to one of the research questions.
The structure and biological functions of Xs will be discussed in the forthcoming sections.
Regarding X, …(有关X…)
As regards X, …(对于X…)
In terms of X, …(在X层面…)
In the case of X …(在X的事例中…)
With regard to X, …(针对X…)
With respect to X, …(相关X…)
As far as X is concerned, …(就X来讲…)
As discussed above, …(如上所述…)
As explained earlier, …(如前所述…)
As described on the previous page, …(如上一页上述…)
As was mentioned in the previous chapter, …(如上一章上述…)
As explained in the introduction, it is clear that…(如文中序言上述,显而易见…)
As was pointed out in the introduction to this paper, …(如文中序言常说…)
Returning briefly to the subject/issue of X, …(简洁明了回望有关X的主题风格/议案…)
Turning now to the experimental evidence on…
Before proceeding to examine X, it will be necessary to…
Before employing these theories to examine X, it is necessary to…
So far this paper/chapter has focused on X. The following section will discuss…
Having defined what is meant by X, I will now move on to discuss…
This chapter follows on from the previous chapter, which examined/laid out/outlined X.
This chapter has demonstrated that… It is now necessary to explain the course of…
Having discussed how to construct X, the final section of this paper addresses ways of…
This section has analyzed the causes of X and has argued that… The next part of this paper…
In addition, it is important to ask…
On the other hand, in spite of much new knowledge about the role of…,
However, this system also has a number of serious drawbacks.
Despite this, little progress has been made in the…
The following is a brief report on a…
What follows is a description/outline/account of…
In the section that follows, it will be argued that…
The problem of X is discussed in the following section.
The next chapter describes synthesis and evaluation of…
This raises questions about X which will be discussed in the next chapter.
Turning now to the experimental evidence on…
Comparing the two results, it can be seen that…
A comparison of the two results reveals…
As pointed out in the introduction to this paper, …
From the previous discussion, it can be seen that…
It is also worth noting that X is significantly more frequent in…
The differences between X and Y are highlighted in Table 4.
This section has reviewed the three key aspects of…
This chapter has described the methods used in this investigation and it has…
In this section, it has been explained that… The chapter that follows moves on to consider the…
This chapter began by describing X and arguing that… It went on to suggest that the… The next chapter describes the procedures and methods used in this investigation.
These analytical procedures and the results obtained from them are described in the next chapter.
A summary of the main findings and of the principal issues and suggestions which have arisen in this discussion are provided in the next chapter, which…
In the next section, I will present some of the findings of my empirical research on the impact of…