Even Point Likert Scale
英国paper分析代写 In order to focus on the value of energy drinks and determine the sentiment of the adults regarding their preference for a carbonated..
The questions can be based on the preference of carbonated versus non carbonated drinks, such as;
Do you prefer having carbonated drinks, more than non-carbonated drinks? 英国paper分析代写
Do you feel that non-carbonated drinks are healthier and should be consumed more often?
These types of questions will be suitable for an even point Likert Scale, whereas, for Odd Point Semantic Differential Scale, the questions and their options can be based on their connotative meaning.
Odd Point Semantic Differential Scale 英国paper分析代写
Odd Point Semantic Differential Scale would be more focused on the value offered by a beverage and what it means to the adults.
From your understanding, please rate the following statements. Starting off with the value of a carbonated drink.
Do you think carbonated drinks are healthier than non-carbonated drinks? 英国paper分析代写
Similar questions can be asked that refer to the connotative meaning of the situation and words, instead of the actual direct responses on it.
Even Point Scale or Odd Point Scale 英国paper分析代写
It is said that even point scales are not as effective in gathering the results as of point scale because they remove the option of neutral that is available in an off point scale. Thus, an odd point scale actually allows a person to opt out of answering a question simply because they are neutral regarding the matter, and therefore, the results do not skew to one side. On the other hand, even point scales usually tip the results in one particular view’s favor because a higher number is allotted to them, and thus, again the results are skewed and there is the researcher’s bias involved in it. Therefore, I suggest using the odd point scale, as it allows the researcher to overcome the biases associated with conducting research. 英国paper分析代写
Likert Scale Questions, Examples, Options and Surveys, retrieved 26-3-18 from;
Semantic differential, retrieved 26-3-18 from;
Semantic Differential Scale, retrieved 26-3-18 from;
Odd or Even? –The Ongoing Debate of Neutral Rating Scales, retrieved 26-3-18 from; 英国paper分析代写
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