April 26, 2021
英国article分析代写 A Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway indicates the insignificance of life and nothingness of man.The story is based..
Ernest Hemingway - “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” 英国article分析代写
A Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway indicates the insignificance of life and nothingness of man. The story is based on three characters and all three characters are representing the nothingness. However, the café is a neat, clean place with good lightening representing the opposite of nothingness where nothingness is confusing, chaotic and dark as the characters of the story.
A Clean Well-Lightening Place represents life as nothingness. The entire story is quiet, deep and subtle. Throughout the story we see a young waiter being impatient as he wanted to close the café and go to his wife. But the old waiter wants to stay and wants to keep the café open. Likewise, the older man drinking brandy wants to stay in the café and drink. Thus, a bit of conflict is inherent in the story.
The given passage depicts a scene where the waiter and the old man had the only conversation. Within the scene, the old man rapped the saucer with a glass, trying to get the waiter’s attention asking for more brandy. 英国article分析代写
欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的《一个干净、光线充足的地方》表明生命的渺小和人的虚无。故事以三个角色为基础,三个角色都代表虚无。然而,咖啡厅是一个整洁干净的地方,光线很好,代表了虚无的反面,虚无就像故事中的人物一样混乱、混乱和黑暗。
A Clean Well-Lightening Place 代表生命为虚无。整个故事安静、深刻、微妙。在整个故事中,我们看到一个年轻的服务员很不耐烦,因为他想关掉咖啡馆去找他的妻子。但老服务员想留下来,想让咖啡馆开着。同样,喝白兰地的老人想留在咖啡馆里喝酒。因此,故事中存在一些冲突。
The old man is sitting in a shadow depicting the darkness in his life. 英国文章分析代写
The way he tried to get the attention of the waiter shows he does not talk much and he is already deaf. The younger waiter went to him and asked what does he want? The old man asked for another brandy. The younger waiter got annoyed and depicted his annoyance by saying you will be drunk. The younger waiter is getting impatient.
The old man looked at him and said nothing. The younger waiter went away and said nothing. It seems like they have talked through their eyes. The younger waiter went to his colleague and older waiter and told him that this old man is going to stay all night. He further told him that he is sleepy and wants to go home. 英国article分析代写
He showed his irritation towards the old man by saying that he should have killed himself last week. This dialogue reflects the past of an old man who tried to commit suicide last week. The waiter took another bottle and saucer to him and went towards the old man. He poured more brandy into his glass. And said the old man you should have killed yourself last week. The old man is deaf he did not hear anything and did bother to know.
他试图引起服务员注意的方式表明他话不多,而且他已经聋了。年轻的服务员走到他身边,问他想要什么?老人又要了一杯白兰地。年轻的服务员很生气,用说你会喝醉来描绘他的烦恼。年轻的服务员越来越不耐烦了。 老者看了他一眼,没说话。年轻的侍者走了,什么也没说。仿佛是在用眼神说话。年轻的服务员去找他的同事和年长的服务员,告诉他这个老人要过夜。他进一步告诉他,他困了,想回家。英国文章分析代写 他说他上周应该自杀,以表达他对老人的愤怒。这段对话反映了上周一位试图自杀的老人的过去。侍者又拿了一个瓶子和碟子递给他,朝老人走去。他往杯子里倒了更多的白兰地。老人说你上周应该自杀。老人耳聋,他什么也没听到,也懒得知道。
The passage shows the context of the story. 英国文章分析代写
It shows the setting of the story. It also depicts the themes and motifs of the story. There is a short story within a passage itself. The younger waiter wants the older man to leave the café so that they can close the café and he can get back to his wife. The shadow in which the older man sits represents despair whereas the light of the café depicts compassion, refuge and cleanliness. 英国article分析代写
The passage also reveals that the old man often comes to this café and likes to drink here. He likes the shadow of the leaves where he always sits. The passage reveals a lot about the characters of an old man and the younger waiter. The old man seems like struggling with depression. The younger waiter tells him that he should have died last week reveals that something tragic has happened in the old man’s life.
It shows he must have attempted to take his life. The reason why he did this has not revealed in this passage. Moreover, the old man is deaf which is profoundly mentioned in the passage. The younger waiter which is the second character in the passage is depicted as impatient and worn out. All he cares about is to close the restaurant and go back home to his wife. He seems pretty annoyed by the presence of the old man.
This passage reveals some instincts of the characters within the story. It also highlights some key themes of the story such as despair, darkness, lights and cleanliness (Hemingway). 英国article分析代写
Work Cited 英国article分析代写
Hemingway, Ernest . A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. 1933.