网络安全作业代写 MIS607 Cybersecurity Data modelling

MODULE 4MIS607 Cybersecurity

网络安全作业代写 An entity may have one or more attributes. For example, a student entity may have student ID, student name, date of birth and 


Data modelling




Introduction:  网络安全作业代写


Welcome to Module 4!

In this module, you will look at data modelling. Understanding data entities and     their relationships is crucial to the development of any information system. A data model ensures consistency and integrity of data in an information system, as well as helping to identify redundancies. You will explore the diferent types of data      models including conceptual, logical and physical data model.

An Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD) is the most commonly used diagram in         conceptual data modelling. Conceptual data modelling is not concerned with the implementation details of a Database Management System ( DBMS). The purpose of conceptual data modelling is to identify and describe data entities and their     relationships in a system. An entityis an object or concept that is of interest and  important to a system. Take student record system for example,“student”,  网络安全作业代写

“subject”,“course”are entities that are of interest to the system.

You should note that an entity does not refer to individual data object. A student entity does not    refer to any speciic student. It represents the structure or a blueprint for all         “students”stored in the system.

An entity may have one or more attributes. For example, a student entity may have student ID, student name, date of birth and other attributes. Entities in a system      are not independent of each other: they are in fact related to one another. For         example, a student can enrol into a course. It is important to capture and model      this relationship, because it provides the system the capability to list all students     enrolled in a particular course. You will learn more about entity, relationship and     attribute in Module 4.1.

In Module 4.1, we will also introduce you to another diagramming tool, that is, the   State Transition Diagram (STD). Unlike ERD,   STD is not concerned with modelling all the data entities and their relationships. Rather, it looks at the various states that a data entity can transition to through the lifecycle of that data entity and what            actions trigger the transition.  网络安全作业代写

Module 4.2 focus on system design with a particular focus on database design      Module 4.2. In doing so you will learn how to transform an ERD to a logical and     physical design of database. In particular, you will learn to map unary and binary  one to one, one to many and many to many relationships to relational database   design. You will also learn database normalisation, a process to ensure the             database design conform to a series of normal forms to reduce data redundancy. In addition to this, you will explore three normal forms that is irst, second, and     third normal form (1 NF, 2NF, and 3NF). You will be required to rectify a database  design that is not in its right normal form.

This Module will cover:  网络安全作业代写


Module 4.1 – Data modelling I

Module 4.2 – Data modelling II


This Module will help you achieve the following outcomes:


a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for ineiciencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.

b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium- scale information system development project and efectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.  网络安全作业代写

c) Demonstrate the ability to efectively analyse, design and develop    information systems using Uniied Modelling Language (UML) models.

d) Demonstrate team work skills and empathy while maintaining high level of ethical and legal behaviour and standards as a professional.


Time Management:  网络安全作业代写


Your workload expectation is 20 hours for this module.




20 hours per module (two weeks): facilitated study: 3 hours / week. Personal Study: 7 hours / week.

3 hours facilitated study consists of attending class, responding to facilitator feedback.  网络安全作业代写

You are to allocate 7 hours of personal learning. This includes essential time

spent on pre-reading and viewing materials, assessment progression and learning activities.

Assessment Progression:


Assessment 2 is due at the end of Module 4.2. Both Module 3 and Module 4            content is highly relevant to Assessment 2. Please make sure you review Module 3 and complete all learning activities in Module 4 in preparation for your                      forthcoming assessment.

Class Expectation:  网络安全作业代写


You are expected to have worked through the essential learning resources

and activities for this module  beforeattending the facilitated session (face to face or online session) – this enables informed discussion and full                     participation in learning activities.

Participate in all scheduled facilitated sessions.

This time is intended to be used by you and your learning facilitator to  网络安全作业代写

work through activities and engage in discussion about the module content.

These sessions provide a space for you to raise questions about the

module content and seek guidance on writing your assessments.

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