最先,下表表明了原住民和非原住民的差别。依据这种数据信息,我们可以见到,在五个关键地域,土著居民依然欠缺来源于政府部门的适用,而和非土著居民对比,她们适用自身,不只是等候政府部门。可是这两个地区大家将致力于文化教育和商业服务自主创业。(文化教育),你能见到数据信息表明每一年12做到大概47.4%年纪(20 – 24)年青土著居民将取得成功进行文化教育,而83.3%的同样年龄段数据信息表明从非原住民的人获得了极大的取得成功,与专业技能,专业知识,和她们的工作中的工作能力和自信心。这中间的差别早已变成一个难题,由于接近36.4%的土著居民依然欠缺专业技能和适度的文化教育,再加上欠缺适用和语言发育迟缓。我们不能否定,优良的教育质量和适度的课堂教学是使土著居民在日常生活中取得成功的基本。做为自小文化教育到高等职业教育的本人,年青的原住民能够得到大量的素养专业技能和专业知识,土著居民毕业后后,她们将有大量的机遇申请办理工作中,沒有一切难题。现阶段土著居民的文化教育水准并沒有非常大的提升 ,如同前边提及的,土著居民依然欠缺政府部门的适用,这代表着土著居民必须等候政府部门的准许。
澳大利亚社会经济学论文代写 原住民和非原住民
Firstly, the table below is showing a difference between indigenous and non-indigenous. According to this data, we can see that over the fives main areas indigenous people still lack a support from the government while comparing to non-indigenous people who supported themselves not waiting just only from the government. But the two areas we will focus on Education and Business Entrepreneurship.(Education) as you can see data showed a Year 12 attainment about 47.4% age (20-24) young indigenous will be a success completing education, while 83.3% same age groups data showed from non-indigenous people who achieved a huge success, with skills, knowledge, and confidence with their ability to work. The gap between this has become an issue because nearly 36.4% of indigenous people are still lacking skills and proper education, plus lack of support and language barrier.We can’t deny that with a good quality of education and proper teaching is a foundation to make indigenous people succeed in life. As individuals educated from their early childhood to a higher educational, young indigenous can obtain more quality skills and knowledge after indigenous people have graduated from universities, they will have much more opportunities to apply for a job without any issues. The current level of education for indigenous people now is not very improvement much, as mention before indigenous are still lacking a support from the government which means indigenous people need to wait until it approved from the government.
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