澳洲社会学论文代写 儿童犯罪

安全风险评估根据应用检查报告来明确刻不容缓的伤害威协,以协助职工保证少年儿童的安全性(Wells & Correia, 2012)。除此之外,风险性是凌虐的长期性概率,它是在对家中开展安全风险评估后明确提出的(Wells & Correia, 2012)。再次,另一种评定要求的方式是乙醇和药品评定。针对大家而言,掌握化学物质阻碍的几率是很重要的,假如它是患者遭遇的一个难题。用于处理这个问题的实用工具是药物滥用细致挑选明细(SASSI)。该专用工具的目地,是检验根据实效性的化学物质应用,而不考虑到诚信或主观因素(Feldstein, s.w., & Miller, 2007)。最终一种评定关键行业的方式是根据心理评估。针对一个人而言,导致心里健康难题的缘故有很多。心里健康难题的一些缘故可能是基因遗传、身亡、外伤这些。不管怎样,小区的心里健康是十分关键的。在开展心理评估时,一般应用二种专用工具:贝克抑郁量表和贝克焦虑量表。开发设计这种专用工具是为了更好地以降低成本和效率高评定和筛选焦虑和抑郁病症(Eack, Singer, & Greeno)。应用这种专用工具能够合理地开展确诊并出示必需的提议。在一天完毕的情况下,评定是使我们的顾客做到她们的总体目标的一个构成部分。评定能够危害管理决策与生活的别的层面。在我们开展评定时,大家容许她们有学习培训的发展潜力,作出更改,最重要的是考虑她们的特殊要求。如上所述,多伊妻子是一名三十六岁的高加索犬女士,有两个孩子,一个三岁,一个十二岁。多伊妻子现阶段独自一人定居,由于她近期的老公被囚禁,她的两个孩子现阶段都是在区政府的监测下。在多伊妻子的安全性和风险评价期内,发觉多伊妻子的确有适度的住宅,交通出行,沒有收益。除此之外,多伊夫人埋怨说,因为老公两地分居、丧失小孩和金钱问题,她觉得“焦虑不安”和“沒有驱动力”。殊不知,多伊妻子的确借助她的南方地区浸信会宗教信仰来寻找宽慰。这早已并不是多伊妻子第一次表述自身的轻度抑郁了。多伊妻子表露,她亲眼看到了她爸爸的自尽和第二任老公的自尽。多伊从来没有接纳过宣布的医治。在她亡故以前,她的妈妈和爸爸都养育多伊妻子。多伊妻子以往曾表明,她与妈妈和爸爸密切相关。多伊女性沒有一切兄妹,她的爷爷奶奶和外祖父母都早已过世。多伊妻子结过三次婚,她第一次完婚是在18岁。Does妻子沒有提及有一切亲密无间的盆友或关键兴趣爱好。多伊妻子受到高等教育,早婚后就对读大学没什么兴趣了。到迄今为止,多伊妻子从没遇到过一切法律法规不便。因为吸食毒品,多伊妻子近期失去对她小孩的抚养权,并以伤害少年儿童罪被拘捕和提起诉讼。

澳大利亚社会心理学论文代写 安全风险评估

Safety assessments identify an imminent threat of harm by using a checklist to assist workers on ensuring safety of a child (Wells & Correia, 2012). Furthermore, risk is long-term likelihood of maltreatment and this is addressed after the conclusion of a safety assessment evaluating the family (Wells & Correia, 2012). Moving on, another way to assess needs would be an alcohol and drug assessment. It is important for us to know the probability of a substance disorder if that is an issue that is present for the client. A common tool used to address this issue, is the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI). The purpose of this tool, is to detect substance use based on validity regardless of honesty or motivation (Feldstein, S. W., & Miller, 2007). The final way to assess the area of focus could be through a psychological evaluation. There can be many reason to what causes mental health issues for an individual. Some causes for mental health issues could be hereditary, death, trauma, and so on. Regardless, mental health in a community is very important to address. When a psychological evaluation is conducted, there are two common tools used, Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory. The tools were developed for assessing and screening anxiety and depressive symptoms at a low cost and efficient rate (Eack, Singer, & Greeno). Using these tools can effectively make a diagnosis and provide needed recommendations. At the end of the day, assessment is an integral part of allowing our client to meet their goals. Assessment can affect the decisions and other aspects of life. When we are assessing, we are allowing them to have the potential to learn, make changes, and most importantly meet their specific needs. As stated above, Mrs. Doe is a 36-year-old Caucasian female with two children, ages three and twelve. Mrs. Doe currently resides alone due to her most recent husband’s incarceration and both her children currently in state custody. During Mrs. Doe’s Safety and Risk Assessment, found that Mrs. Doe does have appropriate housing, transportation, and no income. Furthermore, Mrs. Doe complains of feeling “stressed” and “unmotivated” due to the separation of her husband, losing her children, and having financial issues. However, Mrs. Doe does rely on her Southern Baptist religion for comfort. This is not the first time Mrs. Doe has expressed having depressed feelings. Mrs. Doe has disclosed of suffering from witnessing the suicide of her father and the suicide of her second husband. Mrs. Doe has never received formal treatment for either loss. Before the death of her father, both her mother and father raised Mrs. Doe. Mrs. Doe has stated in the past that she had a close relationship with both her mother and father. Mrs. Doe does not have any siblings and both her maternal and paternal grandparents are deceased. Mrs. Doe has been married three times with her earliest marriage coming at the age of eighteen. Mrs. Does has not mentioned of having any close friends or major interests. Mrs. Doe has a high school education and had no interest of college after her early marriage. Mrs. Doe has never been in any legal trouble until now. Mrs. Doe recently loss custody of her children to Child Protection Services, due to drug use, and was arrested and charged with Child endangerment.

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