


Previously, The United States Army handled all documents manually until technology was introduced allowing for convenient access to files electronically. Now, the storing, developing, decision making, sending, and all other functions of a Soldier’s record are controlled within the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS). Within iPERMS contains the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR), which further consists of the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), documents that are financially related, and other non-military related documents that can be used in the future, such as civilian education and technical certifications. This system is used by official records custodians (ORC), which are given the authorization to grant iPERMS access to human resources personnel as the Record Manager (RM). The RM is designated to assist Soldiers in reviewing, uploading, and removing documents into iPERMS. The Soldier is responsible for delivering the proper documentation to the RM for updates regarding their records. Additionally, Soldier’s will be responsible for ensuring their records are authenticated for consideration and selection for centralized promotion. iPERMS has many characteristics, features, and impacts on the Army and the Soldiers who serve.

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