新技术管理代写 Define and explain the concepts of moral hazard and adverse Illustrate each concept with two examples: one in the context of
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Answer all parts (a), (b), and (c) of this 新技术管理代写
- [20 marks] Does a market economy provide too little or too much incentive to undertake innovation? Explain, identifying the criterion you are using to answer. Identify the roles that competition and appropriability play in your
- [20 marks] Does empirical evidence show that patents increase innovation rates or not? Explain, citing evidence and measurement issues as
- [10 marks] Compare the static and dynamic welfare effects of using patents to incentivise innovation or, alternatively, using prizes to incentivise innovation. Point out both advantages and disadvantages of each
Answer all parts (a), (b), and (c) of this
- [10 marks] Define and explain the concepts of moral hazard and adverse Illustrate each concept with two examples: one in the context of new technology sale, the other in the context of new technology funding. 新技术管理代写
- [20 marks] Explain why asymmetric information may cause a market failure in the markets for selling new technology and the market for funding new technological development.
- [20 marks] Propose and defend a solution to these market failures in each of the two markets (technology sale and new technological development funding). Point out any disadvantages as well as any advantages of your
Answer all parts (a), (b), and (c) of this 新技术管理代写
- [10 marks] Illustrate and explain what is meant by a “double marginalisation problem” in technology
- [20 marks] A single (monopoly) upstream licensor proposes to supply an input under license to a single (monopoly) downstream licensee. This input has the effect of reducing the marginal cost of production of the downstream firm. The licensor proposes a contract whereby the licensee pays an up-front fixed fee but no recurrent royalty for the input. Does this solve the double marginalisation problem? Would both firms accept such a contract? Does your answer depend on whether there is full information on the quality of the input?
- [20 marks] An alternative to the license in part (b) is to merge the two firms together in order to bring the technology transfer inside the firm. Does this solve the double marginalisation problem? Explain, relating your results to those of part (b) as appropriate.
Answer all parts (a), (b), and (c) of this 新技术管理代写
- [20 marks] Define and explain the term “technological progress”. Illustrate your definition as appropriate. How can technological progress be measured? Illustrate your answer with two
- [20 marks in total] Explain how economic growth can be related to technological progress. Which theoretical model best applies to each of the facts outlined in points
- – (iv), below?
- [5 marks] Real wages were at the same level in England in the year 1280 as in the early 1600s. Real wages rose between these periods, as population fell due to disease.
- [5 marks] The percentage growth in per capita GDP in the period 1950-1987 for five advanced economies approximately matched the percentage growth in technology, adjusted for a capital
- [5 marks] Watch production benefitted from division of labour and economies of specialisation in England from the late 17th century until 新技术管理代写
- [5 marks] Waves of innovation have increased computational speed over the past 150 years. The identity of firms that have been technological leaders in these waves has shifted across
- [10 marks] The UK Government’s Industrial Strategy document (2017) proposes to make the UK the world’s most innovative economy by raising R&D investment to 2.4% of GDP by 2027, increase the R&D tax credit to 12%, and invest £725 million in government funding targeting three broad industrial
Critique this strategy. Do you agree that these policies are likely to make the UK the world’s most innovative economy? Outline other changes you think should be considered as part of your answer.
Answer both parts (a) and (b) of this 新技术管理代写
- [25 marks] What is meant by the term “wage polarisation”? Define skills biased technological change and explain how this concept helps your
- [25 marks] Discuss recent evidence for wage polarisation. Have improvements in computing caused wage polarisation? Explain, outlining the arguments and evidence thoroughly.