MIS 609 Data Management and Analytics
数据管理分析代考 Because the company is currently using Excel for its data management system and the new system would be completed based on the cloud
Introduction 数据管理分析代考
The eCommerce company is a company selling pet products and it is currently facing rapid growth, with forecasted users growing from 8000 to 50000 by the end of the year. However, the company seems to have multiple issues with its data management, including the use of Excel, lack of data ownership and maintenance. And a lack of a user management system with data security issues.
Based on the information gathered from those issues. A reconstructed data management system based on cloud service will be proposed to solve the above issues. Benefits of the solution would include easy data access. Higher data security, and easier analysis for business insights. The introduction of the solution would include analysis of current company data. The proposed data architecture, data quality, metadata management, data migration, data archival, data governance measures, and data safety and privacy issues. 数据管理分析代考
Current Status
The eCommerce company focuses on pet products, and it is having a fast-growing number of customers. Based on the information provided in the background. There would be 3 major types of information that would be used in the company’s daily business. The first is consumer data. Which includes basic information about its customers such as street addresses and personal information.
The second is operational data, including the inventory and replenishment order information related to the operation of the company. The last is the order data, including order information and the status of the order that should be tracked and updated in real-time. Currently, it seems that all this data is managed by Excel files which are both insecure and inefficient. While a real-time update to such a database would almost be impossible.
Proposed Solution Overview 数据管理分析代考
To solve the problem, the solution proposed would be a completely new data management system that would be based on cloud service, with one single place to store all the data and an authorization system to assign different employees with different levels of access to the database. The detailed design of such a management system will be introduced in the following sections.
Data Architecture
With the use of a cloud system, all data will be gathered and stored in one database and accessed based on the user’s authorization level. Automation using API and BI interface will be embedded into the system to increase efficiency. 数据管理分析代考
The data would first be gathered and stored in the main database. hosted by cloud servers. The order data and consumer data will be gathered through API or other automatic methods from the source, which is the consumer. Some orders. If manually created by employees, would require manual input. Operational data would be input manually by the employees.
All these data will be correctly referenced and stored in the main data warehouse and divided into different groups in different data marts. Report and analytics will be generated, based on business needs, from each data mart. Employees will be managed based on their position and functions and granted access to only the data and reports related to their job functions.
Metadata Management 数据管理分析代考
When collecting and recording data, the data must be indexed for easy reference as well as categorized, and this process is done by metadata management. For different files, different metadata would be recorded to reflect the background of the data. For example, a photo of the proof of delivery might have metadata related to when and where the photo was taken. As well as the device for taking the photo, to help index the photo into the right warehouse and delivery time. This would allow easy referencing in the future.
Data Quality
When accessing and using data, high data quality would be required to provide accurate and insightful results. The data quality would be measured in two ways. The first would be the correctness of the data. Which means that the data is required to be accurately recorded and stored in the database. The second is the fitness of the data for the operation. Meaning the employee within a function would have access to data that is required to finish his operation rather.
The correctness of the data would be ensured by both automatic system and manual checks. An automatic system would be hosted by the cloud to check if the information collected is missing or incorrect. For example, missing digits in a cell phone number, and the data inputter would be notified to change the wrong input. 数据管理分析代考
The system can also use simple calculations to determine if a value is not correct, for example, a shipping order with one item that weighs hundreds of kilograms. Manual checks would also be performed when abnormal trends or outliers were presented in reports. There would be a manual check on the data source to make sure the outliers were not caused by inaccurate data.
The fitness of the data would be adjusted based on employee feedback and evaluated by the data management team. Thus if there is a lack of access to necessary data resources the authorization of that employee can be adjusted under the governance of the data management team. Cloud service would enable a quick and safe authorization process compared to traditional hand-over of excel files or even written documents.
Data Migration 数据管理分析代考
Because the company is currently using Excel for its data management system and the new system would be completed based on the cloud, data migration from the current system to the new system is required. The migration would be conducted with an analysis of the current data architecture of all Excel workbooks used in the function. And then these workbooks will be integrated into a full database for migration, which is the data extraction step of data migration.
Based on the properties of these files and the required file information on the new cloud system, necessary transformation might be performed to transform the data stored in Excel into suitable forms. Lastly, loading of these data into the new system will be performed. And integration of old data with newly collected data by the system will be performed as well. 数据管理分析代考
Both the Excel recording system and the new system might need to be running parallelly for some time. As well to validate both the accuracy and efficiency of the new system before the old system can be decommissioned and abandoned.
Data Integration & Interoperability
As discussed above, there are three major types of data used by the company. And based on different operational roles, these data might have to be integrated to aid in the operation. For example, a customer service representative would need both the order data and customer data to both assess the order information and contact the customer.
The integration of data will be managed by the database – data mart structure, where each position or role will have its data mart with already integrated data retrieved from the main database. And based on the job specifications insights or results can be generated from these data designed to suit the requirement of the data user.
Data Archival 数据管理分析代考
One benefit of using a cloud system for data management is that the data archival can be completely done on the cloud with expandable capacity. Due to the increased customer numbers. Hosting data archives with the company’s hardware might be difficult as the increased number of customers means uncertainty when designing the capacity for the data management system.
However, using cloud service would enable the company to quickly adjust the capacity of the data management system with short notice and low upfront investment. The archived data would be indexed with metadata for easy referencing in the future. And for security concerns, different versions of the database can be stored on the cloud to create time stamps for past events, if necessary.
Data Safety and Privacy
With the eCommerce company’s focus on consumer products. The data it collected and stored would include consumer data that has sensitive information regarding the consumers. This information, if leaked, can create both damages to the consumer and a trust crisis for the company. Additional to the sensitive consumer data. 数据管理分析代考
The operation data of the company might include essential information regarding . The overall status of the company and if leaked. Might create a competitive disadvantage. Thus, a functional data safety and privacy plan should be designed to replace the insecure system based on Excel workbooks. Three methods would be included in the new data management system. Being the authorization system, internal security, and transferring of liability.
First of all, as mentioned above, the new system would incorporate an authorization system in that each employee can only access what is assigned to him or her rather than the whole database. This ensures a lower possibility of potential data breaches as employees can not access the full database. And they might not be able to assess the raw data. But only the analysis results from the raw data which further prevented the data breach.
The second method would be a tighter internal security system. 数据管理分析代考
For example, sensitive data can be partially blurred and stored in data marts during the analysis to prevent the leak of full data. One example would be blurring the middle 4 digits of a phone number when accessing the number from the central database. Thus the remaining digits can still be able to identify each phone number from one another but the full number will not be exposed. Other practices might include a forced two-way authentication for employees to increase the security of their devices and further safeguard their access to the database to prevent unauthorized access.
The last method would be transferring the liability and security concern to a third party. One example would be that instead of storing credit card information in the database. The company can choose to hire a third party to process all credit card payments. Thus, the liability would be transferred from the company to the third party . And the overall data management would be easier and safer. 数据管理分析代考
Data Governance
All the above discussions are parts of the overall data governance plan of the new data management system. With all these parts, the system solution has been introduced . But the operational process is yet to be clarified. To make sure the normal operation of the new system . As well as updates to suit the changing business environment. A data governance process must be designed with a designated department leading the overall governance procedure and process of modifying the data management system.
This team would be responsible for both the continuous improvement of the system and the daily operation and maintenance. Continuous improvement would include efforts on developing the system based on external market changes. While daily operation and maintenance would focus more on adjusting the metadata system. Changing authorization level or implementing new data integration rules based on business needs.
Benefits of the New System 数据管理分析代考
The new system will offer three major benefits. First, the cloud solution allows for easier data access . As there is no need to transfer Excel files between computers with all files stored in one place and each employee’s access to data managed by the system.
This solution would also enhance the overall security as the data is no longer floating around in Excel workbooks but managed by a centralized system with clear access rules. Last but not least, when all data is stored in one place the analysis would be easier as the analysis. Would not have to be performed on various Excel workbooks and the system can automatically perform the analysis based on set algorithms.
This report reviewed the current status of the eCommerce company and identify areas for improvement regarding its data management system. A new data management system based on a cloud system is proposed. With a detailed explanation of the overall ta governance plan. The implementation is believed to offer the company benefits in easier data access. Higher data security, and a simplified analysis process.