Comparison between Refugees from Hong Kong and Syria
政治社会学论文代写 People from Hong Kong are of higher social order because of their wealth and capital, according to Weber. Because many……
Since the passing of the National Security Laws by the Chinese Communist Party, residents in Hong Kong have been seeking asylum in developed countries in Europe and South America. Compared to refugees from Syria, those from Hong Kong was more welcomed for several reasons: mainly economically and politically First, the economic reasons is quite obvious.
People from Hong Kong are of higher social order because of their wealth and capital, according to Weber. Because many of them would bring their wealth to the countries they chose while refugees from Syria could impose a financial burden, they are of lower social order, thus less accepted. 政治社会学论文代写
Furthermore, refugees from Hong Kong are likely to be well educated, in the information era that views labor as commodities, they could bring more value to these developed countries whereas Syrians who suffered years of war might be less educated and could not achieve such value.
Secondly, the ideological differences between Western countries and Syria is also significant. 政治社会学论文代写
Because of western-orientated culture and ideology, those leaving Hong Kong, from a capitalist society, raised under democracy and holds faith in such ideas are more acceptable than those from Syria. In addition, since the recent stereotype that links terrorism with Muslim, which is a major religion in Syria, distinct ideologies attract even more attention, that accepting these Syrian refugees would mean letting terrorism into the country.
Further, Western countries and the CCP also spread very distinct ideologies, and receiving refugees from Hong Kong explicitly express their determination to battle the authoritarian government. Moreover, if a majority of citizens hold such a prejudice, the state would be likely to reject Syrian refugees to serve their infrastructural power of protection. Lastly, as Brown calls the protection “normalization” process, laws created by western institutions would reject Syrian refugees naturally because they face more challenges to fit into the democratic society.
Work Cited
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Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation. [1st Beacon paperback ed.]. Boston: Beacon Press, 1957. Print. 政治社会学论文代写
Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. 1st Vintage books edition. New York: Vintage Books, 1993. Print.
Weber Max. Class, status, party. 1944.
Wendy Brown. “Finding the Man in the State.” States of Injury. Princeton University Press, 2020. 166–. Print.