MGT604 Strategic Management
战略决策管理代写 The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in the foundational management topics that
Assessment Task 战略决策管理代写
Individually, you are required to:
- Monitor news and online sources of opinion to identify three (3) separate strategic influences that together impact on the outcomes of an organisation of your choice
- Discuss how the practice of strategy categorises these strategic influences and identify the implications for the organisation in question
- Identify a strategic course of action to address these circumstances
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task. 战略决策管理代写
The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in the foundational management topics that include external environmental assessment,problem diagnosis, strategy development, and the consideration of cultural and ethical contexts. Effective strategic management is designed to proactively respond to changes in technology, external environment, and market tastes. A contemporary understanding of the dynamic forces shaping strategic choices is essential for the successful execution and delivery of strategy.
Instructions and deliverables 战略决策管理代写
- Over the duration of the course, you are to monitor news and online sources of opinion to identify three (3) separate strategic influences that together impact on the outcomes of an organisation of your choice. These influential factors may be local, national, or international in nature, but they must represent a changing or evolving story. For example, advances in battery technology, stricter emission controls, and a general move towards sustainable energy has resulted in General Motors (and indeed almost all car manufacturers) actively marketing electric or hybrid models for release in coming years.
Note this example is not to be used in your submission.
- You are to discuss how the practice of strategy categorises these strategic influences and identify the implications for the organisation in question.
- Drawing upon your understanding of theories, models and frameworks discussed in class, you are to identify a strategic course of action to address these circumstances (by either capitalising on positive influences or minimising the impact of negative influence) in a way that will result in long-term benefit to the organisation. This should include a statement of the firm’s revised goals as a result of this change in strategy. 战略决策管理代写
Suggested format
Your Contemporary Analysis should be structured as follows:
Section 1: Title page
Section 2: Executive Summary
An executive summary provides a succinct summary of the content within the report. It presents information in such a way that readers are able to understand the intention and key elements of the report without having to read the entire document.
Section 3: Table of Contents 战略决策管理代写
Table of Contents must have accurate page numbers and be attractively formatted.
Section 4: Introduction
The introduction sets the scene and provides context for the aim. It provides background to the issues being addressed only.
Section 5: Aim 战略决策管理代写
The aim should start with the words, “The aim of this report is to…”. It should be a simple and
concise restatement of the assessment task.
Section 6: Discussion
- This section should provide information regarding the analysis you undertook addressing the key deliverables.
- Identify three strategic influences that together impact on your chosen organisation.
- Discuss how the practice of strategy categorises these factors and identify the strategic implications for the organisation in question.
- Identify a strategic course of action that can be adopted by the organisation you have chosen.
- Present a statement of the strategic goals the firm should set, and their implication on the organisation.
Section 7: Conclusion
The conclusion restates the aim then provides a brief and concise summary of the discussion to demonstrate that the aim of the report has been achieved. No new information is to be included in the conclusion.
Section 8: Recommendations. 战略决策管理代写
Recommendations represent the next steps derived from the report. For example, if your report concludes that a new factory is required to address the strategic change then the next steps will include obtaining finance to purchase the new facility and/or assembling and mobilising a team to explore options for location and size of the new facility.
Section 9: References
Please use the correct API referencing style and list in alphabetical order. It is recommended that you use reference management software such as EndNote or Mendeley to make the job of referencing simple and straightforward. Remember, every factual statement in your report will require a reference. 战略决策管理代写
Section 10: Appendices
This is where you provide supporting material which is unsuitable for inclusion in the body of the report, but still has some value to contribute to the report.
Referencing 战略决策管理代写
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Submission Instructions 战略决策管理代写
This Contemporary Analysis is to be written according to academic writing guidelines and must be submitted in compliance with the following:
- You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider reading. A minimum four (4) academic (books & peer-reviewed journal articles) & five(5) other sources (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, etc.) must be used.
These should be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a reference list.
References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be accepted. The assignment is to include in-text citations and a reference list following the latest APA referencing style. The APA referencing guide can be located in the Academic Writing Guide at http://library.think.edu.au/ld.php?content_id=1882254 战略决策管理代写
Students are to submit Assessment 3, Contemporary Analysis (with references) via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT604 Strategic Management on the Student Portal.
Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following rubric to inform the standard required. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via Grade Centre in the Student Portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.