Principles of Microeconomics
微观经济学网课代修 Students must know how to access their Trine University email account and use this account for this course. Check your Trine
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to the theory of demand and supply and price determination in market economies. The study of individual consumers and producers, different market structures and the distribution of income.
PREREQUISITES: MA 113 eligible
REQUIRED TEXT: Greenlaw, S.; Shapiro, D. (2018). Principles of Microeconomics (2nd ed.). Houston: OpenStax. (Provided at no cost)
OTHER MATERIALS: As provided by the professor or available via the web (at no cost) 微观经济学网课代修
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Explain the economics of firm resource allocation
- Interpret the relationship of producers, consumers, and the government in the micro
- Critique market mechanisms and mixed
- Analyze supply and demand
- Discuss factor markets and their relationship to production costs, product price and demand for economic
This class is 100% online. That means regular, online participation is expected in order to fulfill course requirements. Trine University faculty members take attendance each week…and being marked absent multiple weeks will jeopardize your ability to avoid being administratively dropped from the course.
In order to be marked as present for the week, students must complete at least one (1) graded course assignment before the 8pm deadline on the due date that week. Simply logging into the course is not sufficient.
(Note: “Drive-by” participation (i.e. failing to participate all week long…then dropping in to submit work at 11:45pm on Sunday when the deadline is 8pm EST every week) is heavily discouraged and will result in a loss of points relative to course assignments, so please review the course schedule carefully and plan accordingly.) 微观经济学网课代修
Your course grade will consist of the following components:
625 Points Total Possible
Introduction Discussion: 25 points 微观经济学网课代修
Content Area Discussion Boards: 4 @ 50 points each = 200 Points Position Paper Dialogues: 4 @ 50 points each = 200 Points Interactive Chapter Quizzes: 4 @ 50 points each = 200 Points
As you can see, there is a wide variety of points available to you in this course. However, there are not enough points pooled in one bucket to neglect even one option. Success in this class does not require perfection, but it does require dedication and consistency!
Grading will be based on the following scale: A 90-100
B+ 86-89.99
B 80-85
C+ 76-79.99
C 70-75
D+ 66-69.99
D 60-65
F >60
I routinely receive questions about “Rounding Up” (i.e. Scoring 89.5% and asking for an A instead of a B+). Here’s the scoop:
“Rounding Up” is reserved for students who give me supreme effort. This means engaging in substantive discussions, completing all assigned readings and assignments, and giving me best efforts on the papers and exams. Basically, it means checking all of the boxes where course assignments are concerned and not leaving points on the table. 微观经济学网课代修
If you give me 100% effort, but fall just short of your goal, I will give your request serious consideration. However, if you fail to complete assignments in a complete and timely fashion, bomb the quizzes/exams and/or willfully leave any other points on the table, I will not consider your request.
One last word regarding grades:
Do NOT wait until the day before final grades are due to begin scouring the grade book for missed assignments and/or grades to complain about when you fall short of your desired grade. If you question a grade you received or the absence of a grade, let me know immediately so that we may discuss the entry in a timely fashion.
At times, we may dig into topic areas that can produce various feelings and emotions on the part of students. Students are welcome to respectfully disagree with a comment or position put forth by another student, but under no circumstances will abusive behavior toward other students be tolerated. We celebrate critical thinking and ideological diversity in this class, and therefore welcome all respectful points of view – regardless of party affiliation (or lack thereof).
Students should not treat academic course communications/writing as they would interpersonal or social media communications. Emails to the professor should be respectful, clear and always sent via university email services. Discussion board work should be academic, scholarly and respectful. Students should avoid making personal opinions the basis of their writing. Instead, students are encouraged to research and use credible outside source information and formulate arguments in lieu of assertions, where appropriate (See the addendum below). 微观经济学网课代修
The University prohibits all forms of academic misconduct. Academic misconduct refers to dishonesty in examinations (cheating), presenting the ideas or the writing of someone else as one’s own (plagiarism) or knowingly furnishing false information to the University by forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, or identification. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following examples: permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one’s own work, submitting an academic 微观经济学网课代修
exercise (written work, printing, design, computer program) that has been prepared totally or in part by another, acquiring improper knowledge of the contents of an exam, using unauthorized material during an exam, submitting the same paper in two different courses without knowledge and consent of professors, or submitting a forged grade change slip or computer tampering. The faculty member has the authority to grant a failing grade in cases of academic misconduct as well as referring the case to Student Life.
PLAGIARISM 微观经济学网课代修
You are expected to submit your own work and to identify any portion of work that has been borrowed from others in any form. An ignorant act of plagiarism on final versions and minor projects, such as attributing or citing inadequately, will be considered a failure to master an essential course skill and will result in an F for that assignment. A deliberate act of plagiarism, such as having someone else do your work, or submitting someone else’s work as your own (e.g., from the Internet, fraternity file, etc., including homework and in-class exercises), will at least result in an F for that assignment and could result in an F for the course.
Students who are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism should let me know before turning in the sourced assignment. Claims of ignorance will not excuse the offense. The instructor reserves the right to use multiple resources to check student work for plagiarism.
Good rule of thumb: If you used information from an outside source (including your textbook), you need to properly cite and reference that source…NO EXCEPTIONS. 微观经济学网课代修
If you need assistance with APA citation/reference formatting, please see the Purdue OWL website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
WRITING ASSIGNMENTS. If I see a Wikipedia article or passage being used as a source for a citation, I will zero the assignment…no questions asked.
Use of electronic devices including smart watches and cell phones is prohibited during exams or quizzes unless directly allowed by the instructor.
Please feel free to utilize any of the above-listed communication methods should you have any questions or concerns about the course. I will answer your query within 24 hours unless I am physically unable to respond.
MAKE-UP POLICY 微观经济学网课代修
If you have a serious problem that can be documented/verified that keeps you from submitting an assignment on time, please contact me immediately.
Examples of serious, verifiable circumstances that necessitate absence are: hospitalization, death in the family, serious child illness, etc. If your absence warrants an exception to the late assignment policy, an alternate assignment may be issued to allow the student to earn back the lost points.
(Please note: “Life happens”, “I had to work”, “I was busy”, “I forgot” etc. are not acceptable excuses for failing to complete an assignment in a complete and timely manner.) 微观经济学网课代修
So that there is no possible confusion regarding the late assignment policy, here is your final notification:
In the absence of the aforementioned serious circumstances listed in the make-up policy, no late assignments will be accepted in this course. This holds true whether your assignment is one minute late or one month late. We do not observe or distinguish between degrees of lateness in
this class. No exceptions to this policy will be granted, so make sure you plan accordingly to avoid having zero grades to show for your hard work.
Technology Tools:
- Web Access: This course is taught in asynchronous mode using Moodle. Students will need daily access to a web-accessible computer with high-speed internet. Weekly participation, via Discussion Board postings, is
- Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Adobe
- The instructor reserves the right to change or modify course materials or deadlines in response to student feedback or unforeseen
- The instructor requests that students allow 24 hours to respond to student emails or other forms of contact.
- The instructor requests that the students allow the instructor one week from the date of submission to post a grade, or provide feedback, on any assignment. (Note: the instructor will make every effort to provide faster turnaround time. However, sometimes quicker turnaround time is not ) 微观经济学网课代修
- The instructor may sometimes be unavailable. The instructor will always attempt to email and/or post an announcement to the class about any such
- Working ahead on weekly assignments is not permitted unless the student has received written permission from the professor beforehand. The professor will make decisions relative to all requests on a case-by-case
- Late assignments will NOT be accepted outside the bounds of the Make-Up Policy as detailed in this syllabus – no exceptions.
- Students must know how to access their Trine University email account and use this account for this course. Check your Trine University email multiple times EVERY WEEK! “I didn’t know because I didn’t check my Trine email” will not be accepted as an excuse for lack of knowledge where course communications are concerned.
- Check your grade book regularly for grades on assignments. If you disagree with a grade you received, or if something does not look correct, you need to notify me
- You will be required to write, cite and reference per APA (7th edition) formatting. If you are unfamiliar with the structure and formatting of APA, please see the Purdue OWL website or email/see me personally. 微观经济学网课代修
- Review and refer to this syllabus, assignment schedule, and the course announcements for all pertinent information.
- Read, highlight and/or make notes from your chapters! Far too many students think they can review PowerPoints and get what they need from each chapter. If that is your habit, now is the time to correct it. PowerPoints are designed to supplement your reading, not replace
- It is expected that college-ready students will use correct spelling and grammar. Failure to attend to this detail will result in a significant loss of
- Assume responsibility for your
Weekly assignments will be available on the Moodle site for this class in the Course Content area.
- Late assignments will not be accepted unless a serious, verifiable circumstance (i.e. hospitalization, death in the family) has prevented the timely submission of the work in question. Otherwise, late assignments will be given a zero
- Unless permission has been requested and received ahead of time, students are not permitted to work ahead to complete/submit future assignments. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a zero grade for the assignment in
Course Introduction: Every student will be responsible for submitting a class introduction and a minimum of one (1) classmate response. Initial posts are worth 20 points, with classmate responses worth 5 points. 微观经济学网课代修
Quizzes: Every student will be responsible for completing four (4) interactive chapter quizzes worth 50 points each.
Content Area Discussions: Every student will be responsible for completing four (4) content area discussion boards. Please see the discussion thread instructions for content, posting and response guidelines. Initial posts are worth 40 points, with classmate responses worth 10 points.
Position Paper Dialogues: Every student will be responsible for completing four (4) position papers and classmate responses to accompany them. Initial posts are worth 40 points, with classmate responses worth 10 points.
Note: Classmate responses lacking in substance and significant contribution to the discussion will be given significant reductions in points. Therefore, avoid the dreaded “I totally agree with everything you said!” classmate replies that add absolutely nothing to the discussion. 微观经济学网课代修
If you agree with what was written, then explain why you agree. Consider adding something substantive (i.e. credible outside source information, a personal experience, etc.) to the discussion rather than simple affirmation.
Addendum regarding position papers:
One quick note about your writing apropos assertions versus arguments:
You will be tempted to write position papers giving me only your opinions relative to the assigned topics.
DON’T. 微观经济学网课代修
Unsubstantiated opinions, or assertions, are the literary and academic equivalent of spaghetti without meat sauce. You can toss it against the wall…and for a very brief time it may stick, but eventually it falls to the floor.
You want your writing on matters of this sort to reflect spaghetti with meat sauce, which has the potential to stick to the wall indefinitely (provided your homemade meat sauce has the correct ingredients).
That is what a properly-constructed position paper consists of. It means letting your research do the talking as opposed to tossing out baseless opinions that reflect feelings rather than research. Here is an example:
Assertion: “I feel like people are worse off now than before.” 微观经济学网课代修
Argument: “There is objective evidence that Americans are not better off than they once were. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2008), median household income decreased by an average of $324 from 2000-2007…and only the top income class increased during this span.”
See the difference? Both statements essentially said the same thing, but only one has any academic credibility due to the fact that it has reinforcing data that gives the point substance.
If you need any help with this writing, my phone/email box is always open!