MGMT5601 (2021) Finding industry and news media sources
商科管理作业代写 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD iLibrary provides economic information for all member countries
A PESTLE analysis looks at: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors that can influence an industry and/or a business. 商科管理作业代写
Sydney University Library’s PESTLE analysis guide outlines each PESTLE factor. Key databases you can use in your analysis are listed below.
UNSW Library Databases: 商科管理作业代写
MarketLine advantage
MarketLine offers a comprehensive collection of reports and case studies profiling major companies, industries and geographies. Each report includes: business profiles, company profiles, industry analysis, SWOT analysis, country statistics, market data analytics, financial deals and company news. Use MarketLine to find information on over 30,000 international companies and 3,500 industry profiles for 200+ countries.
Select the drop down arrow next to “All Research” for the different types of reports available in MarketLine.
In MarketLine, the PESTLE analyses form part of their Country and Risk Reports.
Explore other Industry Profiles from the All Research menu.
Passport GMID (Global Markets Information Database)– by Euromonitor
Passport GMID provides market intelligence on industries, consumers and countries. The Economies tab at the top of the Passport homepage provides background information on each country e.g. ease of doing business, government stability etc.
OECD iLibrary
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD iLibrary provides economic information for all member countries, as well as reports, documents and statistical data.
Gartner 商科管理作业代写
Gartner analyses and interprets the business activities of tech driven industries and companies. www.doingbusiness.org produced by the World Bank. Doing business in, is useful for information about specific
industry regulations that govern businesses.
Environment Complete via Ebsco is a useful platform to search for the role environmental factors play in industries. Covers all areas of environmental research and technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
Business Source Premier
Contains a large selection of business and economics journals. It also provides company profiles for the world's 5,000 largest companies, and country economic reports.
Media sources
Factiva provides full text access to global news and business information from more than 8000 sources.
Factiva Help Guide
ProQuest Newspapers & Magazines databases
Proquest Business databases
Data World Bank 商科管理作业代写
Contains country or region specific reports, especially in sectors that are less developed
Finding Statistics
UNSW Business/ company & industry subject guide
UNSW Country information guide
Searching databases guide
Our ELISE informing your studies tutorial also provides tips for searching a range of tools under
its Discover tab
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