MGMT5601 Global Business Environment
商业管理作业代写 You only have 2,000 words (+ tables, figures and bibliography) so you will need to prioritize. What is most important? What is not as
Assignment #1: Individual Written Report (35%) 商业管理作业代写
Write a 2,000 word essay (not including tables, figures and bibliography) on the influence of the global business environment on the industry within your specified region. You will need to cover content from Weeks 1-6, thereby including economic, sociocultural, political/legal, technological, and physical environment.
Assessment Criteria:
1. Rigor of analysis on industry (5 points)
You are expected to have a basic understanding of the CURRENT situation on the industry you are covering. This includes, for example, a general understanding how the industry is doing (is it growing or is the growth saturating?), who the main players are, the types of products and services the firms in the industry offer and the current issues that firms in the industry face. You should read the most recent industry reports, using Marketline or other databases available through the UNSW library. At the same time, you need to recognize that any report is going to be outdated, so you should be expected to provide recent information based on more recent news sources about the industry. Please note: you are talking about the industry RIGHT NOW.
2. Rigor of analysis on country/region (5 points) 商业管理作业代写
You are also expected to have a basic understanding of the CURRENT situation in the country/region you cover. This includes, for example, a general understanding of the economic, sociocultural, political, and technological aspects of the country or region. You should read the most recent country or regional reports, using Marketline or other databases available through the UNSW library. At the same time, you need to recognize that any report is going to be outdated, so you should be expected to provide recent information based on more recent news sources about the country or region. Please note: you are talking about the country/region RIGHT NOW. This means that the pandemic, recession, etc. matters
3. Integration of analysis on industry and country/region (5 points)
You are also expected to have a basic an understanding of the national or regional context for the industry and the distinctive national or regional situation within the global industry context. This requires you to highlight how this industry is different from other industries when looking at the country/region and how this country/region is different from other regions when looking at this industry. You should gather enough information from reports, articles, and other materials to have a solid understanding of how this specific industry fits within this specific national/regional context. This means thinking about how similar or different this context is compared to others. Please note: you are talking about the country/region RIGHT NOW. This means that the pandemic, recession, etc. matters.
4. Incorporation of lecture content (10 points) 商业管理作业代写
It is critical that you go through the lecture content to seek ways of analysing your data and incorporating that data into the report. Examples of questions you should ask yourself are:
Week 2: Economic Environment:
What are the comparative and competitive advantages of this location over others?
How fragmented is the industry globally? What advantages or disadvantages do firms in this region have relative to those outside?
What are the macro-economic conditions in the country/region? How is this impacting this industry (in comparison with others)?
Week 3: Sociocultural Environment:
How would you describe the culture in the country/region? Is it homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Which cultural factors have an impact on the industry? Language? Conventions? Norms? Values? Rituals?
Please note: the impact can happen in different ways: customer relations, employee relations, product development…
How is the culture different from elsewhere? What are the ramifications when studying this industry?
Week 4: Political/Legal Environment:
How would you describe the political/legal environment(s) in your country/region? Level of formalization? Which stakeholders matter?
How active in the economy?
How do these political/legal factors impact your industry? Do they support arms-length transactions? How important is that in your industry? 商业管理作业代写
What are the stakeholders that matter to your industry and what is the relationship between the government and those stakeholders? Is the government confrontational or complementary to your industry?
Week 5: Technological Environment:
What is the level of technological development in your country/region? How does that impact your industry?
What is the level of innovation in your country/region? How does that impact your industry?
How integrated/separated is your country/region from other areas in terms of transportation and communication? How does that impact your industry?
Week 6: Physical Environment
What features of the physical environment are relevant to you industry and why are they relevant? 商业管理作业代写
- Writing quality (logic/flow) (10 points)
in your analysis. Your report should read like an essay. This means:
1. No bullet points! Should only include full sentences
2. You should make high level points and then use facts as evidence.
3. When needed use tables or figures to present your details.
Suggested Actions: 商业管理作业代写
- Download Endnote or other bibliographic software. This will be very helpful once you come across articles in a database because Endnote will allow you to easily capture the reference and put in a citation. You can get a student license but will need to verify.
Do an initial read of industry reports for your industry (global), your industry (your region) and your region. Use Marketline and other databases mentioned by the librarian.
You can see that Marketline allows you to download reports that are industry-specific and general and at global and regional/national levels of analyses. For example, if your topic is PCs in China, then
you can read a report about Global PCs, PCs in China and about China (e.g., “Country Analysis Report: China, In-depth PESTLE Insights).Search through Factiva with a simple keyword search based on your industry and region. 商业管理作业代写
Note: you may have to play around with the wording. You can find out the latest news about the industry. For example, you can look at personal computers, computers, pcs, etc.
Without doing any additional search for information, prioritize the approaches that matter and why. Please note: You should discuss 2-3 approaches.
Use your initial insights to ask further questions…
For example, you can look up articles that specifically address sociocultural elements of the industry in your country/region.
You will only have 2,000 words. So identify the most critical aspects of your analysis you want to cover.
Write your paper. Follow the following principles:
i. Write it as if you were writing to investors looking into an industry.
ii. Don’t start with a summary in the writing—start with a hook (what is most interesting about this industry in this location).
iii. Write it as an essay—not as an outline. Each paragraph needs a transition to the next paragraph. 商业管理作业代写