历史网课代修 Exploring the diversity of the Chicano/Latino experience as well as the multiple meanings of ethnicity and race in U.S. ……
Nature of Course 历史网课代修
Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies is intended to acquaint students with Chicano Studies as a field of study in particular the history of Chicanos/Latinos. Chicano Studies is defined as the study of Mexican-descent people in the United States. References will likewise be made to other Latino groups in the country. This course will involve a historical perspective.
Exploring the diversity of the Chicano/Latino experience as well as the multiple meanings of ethnicity and race in U.S. society and culture, this course will touch on a variety of historical topics. These will include: the indigenous, European, African foundations of the Chicano/Latino people; the early settlements of Spanish/Mexican communities in El Norte or what became the Southwest of the United States; the early years of Mexican independence and the emerging conflicts with the United States.
The U.S.-Mexico War (1846-48); the Conquered Generation in Chicano history of the late 19th century. The causes of mass Mexican immigration and the Immigrant Generation of the early 20th century; the Mexican-American Generation from the Great Depression, World War II, and Cold War; the Chicano Movement and Chicano Generation of the 1960s and 1970s; the New Immigrants including refugees from Central America of the 1980s to today; and the contemporary Latino Generation. 历史网课代修
Required Readings
Frances Esquibel Tywoniak and Mario T. García, Migrant Daughter: Coming of Age as a Mexican American Woman
Mario T. Garcia, The Gospel of César Chávez
Mario T. García, The Making of a Mexican American Mayor: Raymond L. Telles of El Paso and the Origins of Latino Political Power
Mario T. García, Blowout! Sal Castro and the Chicano Struggle for Educational Justice
Mario T. García, Father Luis Olivares—A Biography: Faith Politics and the Origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles
***All books are available at the UCSB Bookstore. You can purchase your books by contacting the books store at http://campusstore.ucsb.edu/home The bookstore provided free mail delivery. You can also order them from Amazon. Please buy your books early since the bookstore returns unsold books shortly after classes begin.
Organization of Lectures 历史网课代修
Pre-recorded lectures on the varied topics will be delivered by Professor García and are available on Gauchospace.
Discussion Section
You are required to participate in a live discussion section each week on Zoom. Our graduate Teaching Assistants will head these sections. Attendance is mandatory and attendance will be taken at each section. No exceptions on attendance will be given. You must participate in the section you registered for. No transferring of sections will be permitted. Failure to participate in the sections will result in being dropped from the class with a failing grade. 历史网课代修
For the first section missed, your section participation grade will automatically be reduced one grade level. After two missed sections, your final grade in the class will be reduced by one grade level. Any additional absences will lead to a further decrease in your final grade or being dropped from the class with an F. You should log on to your discussion section prepared to discuss that week’s lectures as well as reading assignments. Ten percent (10%) of your final grade will be based on your participation in discussion.
There will be no sections during Thanksgiving week although there will be a quiz on that Monday, Nov. 23 from 8 AM to Noon, Pacific time. 历史网课代修
Weekly quizzes will be given each Mondays beginning on Oct. 12. The only Mondays with no quiz are Nov. 9 when you will have your midterm exam and on Nov. 30 the Monday after Thanksgiving. There will be 7 quizzes in all. These quizzes are for all sections. There will be no quizzes in sections. You will be quizzed on the lecture material and reading assignments for the previous week as scheduled in the syllabus.
You will be given 10 multiple choice questions equally from the lecture material and the assigned reading both from the previous week. The quiz will be given each Monday from 8 AM to Noon, Pacific time and available on Gauchospace. You will have 15 minutes to complete your quiz before Gauchospace closes it. Take the quiz at a time that is convenient for you within this time frame. Monday is the only day from 8 AM to Noon, Pacific time when the quiz will be available on Gauchospace. 历史网课代修
There will be no exceptions to this. TAs have been instructed not to give a quiz on their own at a different day and time. You will take the quiz directly on the screen in Gauchospace which will automatically record your grade. Your quiz grade will be worth 30% of your final grade.
No make-ups for quizzes will be given and no exceptions will be made for any reason.
Course Requirements 历史网课代修
In addition to your discussion section requirements including quizzes, you will be graded on the following criteria: (1) a comprehensive midterm on Nov. 9 based on lecture and reading material since the beginning of class. The midterm will be available on Gauchospace on Monday, Nov. 9 from 8 AM to Noon, Pacific time. The midterm will be an essay exam that will be posted on Gauchospace for this day only and only for this time period.
You will have one hour to write the exam taken from both the lectures and the readings up to the midterm. You will have two broad questions to respond to that you should be able to do in one hour. You will write your essays on the screen and submit them on Gauchospace . (2) Instead of a research paper and final exam, you will have a Term Essay consisting of 10 questions that will cover lecture and reading material from the ten weeks of the quarter.
will write responses for each question. The minimum required double-spaced pages is five pages. You need to write your essay as a Word Document and upload it to Gauchospace. The Term Essay will be available through Gauchospace and your Term Essay will be due on Dec. 16 by Midnight, Pacific time. The Term Essay will be posted at least two weeks prior to the deadline. Term Essays turned in late will automatically be reduced one grade level. For each day that the paper is not turned in an additional reduction in grade will take place.
The Midterm will be worth one-third of your final grade. 历史网课代修
The Term Essay will be worth one-third of your final grade.
The Quiz grade will be worth one-third of your final grade.
Your Class Participation will be worth 10% of your final grade.
Lecture and Reading Schedule 历史网课代修
Week One, Oct. 5-9: Introduction and discussion of syllabus; Chicano and Latinos in the 21st Century, Parts One and Two (three separate lectures); Migrant Daughter, xi-72.
Oct. 12—Quiz #1, 8 AM-Noon, Pacific time.
Week Two, Oct. 12-16; Indigenous Background, Parts One and Two; and Hispanic Background (three separate lectures); Migrant Daughter, 73-184.
Oct. 19—Quiz #2, 8 AM-Noon, Pacific time.
Week Three, Oct. 19-23; El Norte; and Mexican Independence (two lectures); Migrant Daughter, 185-236; Gospel of César Chávez, 1-41.
Oct. 26—Quiz #3, 8 AM-Noon, Pacific time.
Week Four, Oct. 26-30; Yankee Conquest, Part One and Yankee Conquest, Part Two (two separate lectures); Gospel of César Chávez, 43-81; 85-111.
Nov. 2—Quiz #4, 8 AM-Noon, Pacific time.
Week Five, Nov. 2-6; The Immigrant Generation, 1900-1930, Part One and The Immigrant Generation Part Two (two separate lectures); Telles, ix-103.
Nov. 9—Midterm, 8:00 AM—Noon, Pacific time. Please note that the midterm replaces the weekly quiz on this date.
Week Six—Nov.10-13; The Immigrant Generation, Part Three; Telles, 104-188.
Nov. 16—Quiz #5, 8 AM—Noon, Pacific time. 历史网课代修
Week Seven—Nov. 16-20; The Mexican American Generation, Part One and The Mexican American Generation, Part Two (two separate lectures); Blowout, 1-109.
Nov. 23—Quiz #6, 8 AM--Noon, Pacific time.
Week Eight--Nov. 23—27, César Chávez, Part One and César Chávez, Part Two; Blowout, 110-220.
***No Sections During Thanksgiving Week
Nov. 30—No Quiz
Week Nine--Nov. 30—Dec. 4, The Chicano Movement, Part One and Part Two (two separate lectures); Fr. Olivares, 1-30; 154-180; 248-306. Please also watch “Taking Back the Schools,” about the 1968 Blowouts on YouTube.
Dec. 7—Quiz #7, 8 AM—Noon, Pacific time.
Week Ten—Dec. 7—11; The Chicano Movement, Part Three; The Chicano Movement, Part Four; The New Latino Immigrants, Part One and Part Two; and The Latino Generation/Conclusion (5 lectures) Fr. Olivares, 307-389; 424-500.
Dec. 16—Term Essay Due by Midnight, Pacific time.
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