Instruction-A Critical Blog Post
博客文章代写 The “rules” (such as they are) that govern their composition have evolved as accommodations both to the ways they are used, and the
2.Prompt: 博客文章代写
Critical blog post:
- Addresses some issue of public concern in a critical, intellectually significant manner.
Engages, through quotes and hyperlinks, at least one other writer.
- Conforms to the formal standards that govern the genre.(critical post的写法见最下面) 博客文章代写
three or more original paragraphs long that you have written all by yourself.
also include a block quote maybe a paragraph from somebody else who you are going to that you are going to. Subject to some sort of critical analysis or discussion, and moreover you're going to want to make it on a subject that is in your view of social, political or cultural significance.
3.要求: 博客文章代写
1.300 words:3个段落自己的原创内容,single-lined
2.Block quote 至少1段(block quote不算在300words里!!)
4.按照写critical blog post要求的写法来写(critical post的写法见最下面)
2.话题选择: food,traveling 或者其他轻松的话题。 不要写敏感话题(政治种族国家文化相关的敏感话题,也不要写china)
3.也不要表达极端主观的观点,尽量保持neutral,unbiased 博客文章代写
- critical blog post写法:
Critical Blog Posts 博客文章代写
Critical Blog Posts will perform the same essential functions that characterize other critical texts, such as the academic essay or the op-ed. That is, they will work from a clearly established “rhetorical situation,” respond to a sharply defined issue, engage opposing points of view, and advance a clearly focused thesis. But they will likely do these things in different, and generally more economical, ways. Critical Blog Posts have become a kind of textual tool for intellectual (and political) street fighting.
The “rules” (such as they are) that govern their composition have evolved as accommodations both to the ways they are used, and the technological medium they depend on. First, many writers who blog, whether on their own sites. Or one sponsored by larger institutions (newspapers, magazines, think tanks, etc.) will post quite frequently—sometimes several times a day. Hence, they need to write quickly, producing shorter, faster-paced essays, while taking shortcuts not appropriate in other modalities.
Second, internet and blogging technologies (particularly the hyperlinking capabilities) enable the writer to produce texts that are far more intertextual than even the academic essay. Third, the fact that most blog sites exist as an extension of, or expression of. A single authorial persona (or an institutional “brand identity”) means that individual Critical Blog Postings are already. To a degree, contextualized. 博客文章代写
In other words, while most other critical texts need to be thoroughly contextualized within a rhetorical situation. Many Critical Blog Posts can safely rely upon that fact that readers will already be familiar with the writer, her usual issues and concerns, and the intellectual biases that inform her work. In many cases, a single post will be recognized as a follow-up to an earlier post. In practice, then, the site itself will provide much of the context that writers working in other modalities would need to establish within the text.
Despite the casual, ad hoc feel of the blogosphere, Critical Blog Posts tend to accomplish their goals in fairly predictable ways:
Length.A blog post can be any length, from one phrase, to 50 plus pages; but a truly Critical Blog Post generally runs about three “meaty” paragraphs. Literary vegans may need to write more.
Thesis.Most state their position up front (the first sentence, if possible, or as soon as it makes sense to do so). Thesis statements are also extremely clear. In a fast-paced, overpopulated, and noisy environment, clarity is volume!
Sources/citation. 博客文章代写
No Critical Blog Post worthy its name fails to quote—and provide a hyperlink to—at least one source. The blogosphere is “conversational” in nature. Comments and postings are often prompted by the work of others, so it is only appropriate that writers facilitate access to the full work they are responding to by providing a link. In addition, writers will often incorporate long, block quotes within their own posts that effectively contextualizes the work they are responding to.
(Although the practice is probably motivated by economy more than anything else; it is simply easier and faster to cut-and-paste a block quote in, than it is to set up the context in your own words, and artfully weave the quote into your own prose.)
Style and Tone.A writer’s style, so long as it is effective and appropriate to the writing situation, is a matter of personal taste. The blogosphere, however, makes a virtue of stylistic immediacy and direct, conversational clarity. 博客文章代写
The oratorical flourishes that sometimes characterize longer works in other venues. Or the clever wordplay that other textual forms (e.g., the op-ed) thrive on. Seem to border on the “rude” in the blogosphere (much the way an invited guest at a party might be distained for raising his voice above the din and launching into a formal speech). Today’s active reader must consume a great deal of prose on a daily basis—and clarity and directness (not condescending simplicity) is appreciated. That said, blogs are also personal. And writers get to have a little fun, now and then.
Consider how the following postings by some widely-read writers illustrate these habits: