PACC6004: Financial Accounting
会计essay代写 In addition to the allocated marks to the above requirements, 5 marks are allocated to the overall presentation including structure
PURPOSE 会计essay代写
- Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the corporateentityand relevant concepts, statutory requirements and other authoritative influences that underpin accounting and corporate reporting in the Australian regulatory environment.
- Explain theissuessurrounding contemporary accounting controversies.
- Develop and evaluate solutions for accounting problems by criticallyintegrating andapplying theoretical and technical knowledge in accounting and corporate governance.
As a new accounting graduate, you have just joined the financial reporting unit of a company. Your company is listed in the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) approaches you with your first task.
Research-Based Business Report – Part A: Corporate Governance & Risk Management 会计essay代写
In the latest Board meeting, directors of your company expressed concerns about issues related to corporate governance and particularly risk management. New and emerging disruptions to the global economy, such as the Covid- 19 pandemic, global trade tensions, technological advances and cybersecurity, add to the growing risks that companies have to deal with. The Board stressed that in times of crisis, good corporate governance and risk management are more important than ever. It is also noted that the Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (the Fourth Edition) was released on 27 February 2019 and takes effect for a listed entity's first full financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2020. Therefore, the Board has decided to conduct a review of relevant issues.
Based on the Board's decision, the CFO asks you to prepare a business research report focusing on the following two aspects:
(1) Identify and explain TWO key issues on risk management that are related to TWO specific 会计essay代写 recommendations in the current version of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition). One of the two key issues must focus on recommendation 7.4 related to environmental or social risks disclosure. You also need to discuss why these two issues are important and support your arguments with relevant theory and research evidence. The 4th Edition can be found on the Corporate Governance Council’s website (https://www2.asx.com.au/about/regulation/asx-corporate-governance-council). (4 marks)
(2) Based on your company’s most recent Corporate Governance Statement and evidence from other sources including research articles and media reports, critically analyse to what extent corporate governance of your company has addressed the TWO key issues that you have identified in part (1) and what the company should do to enhance its corporate governance concerning these two issues. (6 marks) 会计essay代写
Research-Based Business Report – Part B: Strategy & Control
Recently, your company has re-evaluated its strategic direction, and launched six global strategic initiatives, one of them relating to ‘business simplification’ . In response to the global strategic initiative, the company launched a ‘business simplification program’ . The Board has a strong belief in business that ‘simple is often best’ . It calls for a more focused approach to fit with the company’s overall strategy ‘which is essentially about fewer, but bigger brands, and fewer, but more important activities’ , to identify problems with the organisational structure, to look hard at the value-chain processes to see what could be simplified.
The company is also evaluating its performance measurement control systems. The main argument is that ‘if you measure everything that moves in your business, you may simply be complicating your business. It originated from a concept of “loose versus tight” controls — don’t try to control everything and trust our people to deliver the results. It is suggested that the company does not need a lot of additional measures and KPIs [key performance indicators] — it simply needs to measure whether the business is achieving its original objectives.
Required: 会计essay代写
The CFO asks you to evaluate the role of performance measurement and control under this new ‘business simplification’ strategy focusing on the following two aspects:
(1) Based on the above information, explain the impact of strategy and control on the control system design in the company. Use Simons’ levers of control to guide your response. (3 marks)
(2) Provide ONE suggestion on how performance measurement and control systems can help with the implementation of the new strategy. (2 marks)
You are assigned to ONE company from the following list based on the last digit of your student number.
In addition to the allocated marks to the above requirements, 5 marks are allocated to the overall presentation including structure, language, referencing, formatting, and the introduction and conclusion sections.
Your grade will be determined by the following:
p Ability to explain key corporate governance and strategic management control issues and relevant theories. 会计essay代写
p Analyse the corporate governance and strategic management control issues faced by the company.
p You need to support your analyses of corporate governance and strategic management control issues with references/citations from credible sources that you may have read from academic journals or books.
p Coherence and organisation of the report including referencing, spelling, grammar, and formatting.
➢ This assignment must be typewritten and double-spaced. Students must always keep a copy of the assignment and the Turnitin receipt.
➢ Include a report cover page, a table of contents, an executive summary, a body of the report with appropriate headings, and a list of references.
➢ Whenever necessary the assignment must be properly referenced, and referencing should follow American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style. Referencing style guides can be found at https://www.newcastle.edu.au/library/learn/referencing
➢ Length: 1,500 words maximum (excluding cover page, table of contents, executive summary, references, and appendices). Please write the number of words used in the assignment below the table of contents.
➢ Submit your assignment through Turnitin link in the Assignments section on Canvas by 5:00 pm on Friday 4 November 2022.
➢ The late submission penalty applies. The mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date, without an approved extension of time, will be reduced by 10% of the possible maximum mark for that assignment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late. Note that this applies equally to weekdays and weekends. All applications for extensions must be submitted to the course coordinator through email with relevant supporting documents before the assignment submission due date. 会计essay代写
Assignment submission through Turnitin. This program is used by the University to assist students with writing and referencing. Turnitin reports may also be used by lecturers as evidence of plagiarism or collusion. All written assignments must be submitted to Turnitin by the due date through the Assignments area in the Course’s Canvas website. Students may submit assignments for self-checking any time prior to the due date however only the final submission to Turnitin will be marked. Information on Turnitin is available at: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/turnitin/. If you require assistance with Turnitin, please contact ithelp@newcastle.edu.au. If you are unsure of how to correct any plagiarism on Turnitin, refer to the Student Manual or to the Infoskills website: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/library/tutorials/infoskills/ |
Checklist before submission
Word limit | |
Carefully proofread/edited | |
Format and presentation: | |
Table of Contents | |
Executive Summary | |
Introduction | |
Conclusion | |
Appropriate headings and subheadings | |
Appendices | |
Consistent fonts | |
Correct referencing (both in-text citations and reference list) | |
Pagination |
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