Time: 6 Nov 2021, (1pm for face-to-face exam; see the time in ProctorU for online exam) Duration: 150 minutes.
Format: closed-book face to face exam for onshore students & online proctored exam for remote / offshore students. It includes 16 multiple choice questions (in part A) and 3 short answer type questions (in part B). The total mark is 60. The level of difficulty is similar to the tutorial questions.
See the mark distribution and suggested time allocation in the following table:
Type of questions | Number of questions | Marks per question | Marks | Average time allocation per question | |
Multiple choice questions-Concept 8 2 16 1-2 minutes | |||||
Multiple choice questions -Calculation 8 3 24 3-5 minutes | |||||
Short answer type questions -calculation mainly | 3 varies 20 10-15 minutes | ||||
Total | 19 | 60 Around 101 minutes |
Covered topics: Topic1 to Topic9, excluding two journal papers (Jones.pdf & Jensen.pdf) and Black- 企业投资与战略代做
Scholes Model calculation. The final exam will give significant weight to the topics (7-9) learned after Test2. In particular, all the three short answer type questions will be from topics 7-9.
Recommended preparation is to review all the course materials covered in Topics 1-9, especially lecture slides, tutorial exercises, sample and actual tests, and the sample exam.
Calculators and ONE (1) double-
sided A4 sheet of handwritten notes will be allowed in the final exam. Please prepare your own handwritten formula list /important notes on the cheat sheet while reviewing the course contents. 企业投资与战略代做
Students who take the face to face exam need to answer all the 16 multiple choice questions in PART A on the multiple choice answer sheet. (No workings of multiple choice questions will be marked.) Detach the multiple choice answer sheet and place it in the front of the blue answer book at the end of the exam.
Students who take the online proctored exam need to key in their answers with the details of workings in the box below the short answer question. One question will be shown at a time, but students can always go back to the unanswered question by clicking on the "Previous" Button. Before you click Submit you must let the Proctor know you are ready to submit by typing Ready to Submit in the chat box. If the quiz auto-submits make sure you tell the Proctor immediately.
For all the students, please show all of your workings and round numbers to 4 decimal places in the short answer questions.
I wish you Good Luck and thanks for your interest in this course!
Instructions to Candidate: 企业投资与战略代做
- 1. AnswerALLquestions in PART A and PART B. PART A includes 16 multiple choice questions (40 marks) and PART B includes 3 short answer type questions (20 marks). The total mark is 60.
- Thisisa Closed Book examination.
- You should answer all questions of PART Aonthe multiple choice answer sheet. Detach the multiple choice answer sheet and place it in the front of your blue answer book at the end of the exam.
- Youshouldanswer all questions of PART B in the blue answer book and should begin each answer on a new page in the answer book.
- Pleaseallocate your time according to the percentage contribution of the questions.
- Examinationmaterialsmust NOT be removed from the examination room.
- Calculator-Graphics
- Calculator - Standard
- ONE(1)double-sided A4 sheet of handwritten notes. Typed notes are NOT permitted.
- Multiplechoiceanswer sheet
- Blueanswerbooklet
Instructions 企业投资与战略代做
- WriteyourStudent ID number, first and last names clearly in the boxes provided.
- Youshouldanswer all questions of PART A on this multiple choice answer sheet.
- Write the correctanswer(for example, A, B, C, D, or E) in the brackets for each multiple choice question in part A.
- Shouldyoumake a mistake, cross out the wrong answer and write the correct one on its side.
- Detachthemultiple choice answer sheet and place it in the front of your blue answer book at the end of the exam.
You must first connect to ProctorU before starting the exam.
If the above button is not showing, click here to Connect to ProctorU (Links to an external site.)
After connecting to ProctorU, the proctor will log you back into this quiz using the access code to start the exam
Exam Instructions
- AnswerALLquestions, including 16 multiple choice questions (40 marks) and 3 short answer type questions (20 marks). The total mark is 60.
- Thisisa Closed Book examination.
- Please allocate your time according to the percentage contribution of the questions.
Materials: 企业投资与战略代做
- Calculator- Graphics
- Calculator- Standard
- ONE(1) double-sidedA4 sheet of handwritten notes. Typed notes are NOT permitted.
Before you click Submit you must let the Proctor know you are ready to submit by typing Ready to Submit in the chat box. If the quiz auto-submits make sure you tell the Proctor immediately.