Complete project report submission(1)
代写经济学essay The first and biggest obstacle I encountered in the replication project was reproducing the data processing of the original text.
The Research Process 代写经济学essay
In my previous learning experience. I have always believed that research is the process of finding out the cause of a certain phenomenon. For different subjects or topics, scholars have different research approaches or methods. In economics, empirical analysis is a common way. Scholars can sum up the historical data of different economic variables and find out the way of interlinking between these factors through modeling and analysis. And finally achieve the purpose of predicting future data.
Now, I realize that research topics should be combined with the background of the era and the realistic demand. This is because people's energy is limited, resources are finite, scholars should as far as possible with the minimum cost to achieve the most practical value. This requires background and literature research at the beginning to know how far the research has gone in a particular field. What is missing, and what we can do for the field. In addition, the research needs to ensure the truth from facts. Especially when the method of quantitative analysis is chosen to solve the problem. The authenticity and accuracy of data should be guaranteed. 代写经济学essay
My Replication Project 代写经济学essay
The first and biggest obstacle I encountered in the replication project was reproducing the data processing of the original text. I understood Dix-Carneiro et al. want to study and demonstrate the way that economic turbulence affects crime rate, and I also understand and believe their conclusions obtained through empirical analysis. However, the big difficulty is how they estimate the parameters of the model and test the validity of the model in the way of building the econometric model through those complex and large amounts of raw data. 代写经济学essay
Although I have completed some replication steps, such as descriptive analysis of variables and calculation of parameters by OLS method, there are still some processing steps that I cannot understand and complete, such as 2SLS method and dynamic effects. In my opinion, the weak foundation of econometrics is the main reason why I feel frustrated. I don't know what the principle of data processing is, I'm not familiar with the way of data modeling and analysis, and how to effectively test the models. These are the areas I want to systematically learn and improve in the future.
Self-Assessment 代写经济学essay
In this course, especially in the process of the replication project, I experienced successes as well as failures from the beginning to the stumbling completion of the analysis steps. I knew this was inevitable, and I was prepared to face it from the start. Now, I'm happy with what I did. My understanding of economics and econometrics theories and concepts has been improved, so do my data analysis skills. Most importantly, I experienced the feeling of putting and applying economic theories on paper into practice. For me, they are no longer boring words and formulas, but tools that can be used to explore the real world, and practical knowledge that can make our lives better. 代写经济学essay
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