Title: Study of Chapter’s 3 & 4
代修留学网课 In orders for nutrition communicators to bridge the divide between what experts know and experience and how it relates to their……
Introduction 代修留学网课
The chapter’s that have been selected for this week’s book study outline the role an instructor plays in ensuring that other adults are willing to learn. We have already learned that the environment and the people who surround us, play a strong role in the learning processes we go through, and may sometimes, even be the key players who become the motivators for us to learn more. For example, getting inspired by that one instructor who we felt was doing a good job and we inspired to be like him or her as students, motivated us to work harder.
Key Learnings
Things to Consider
I will be discussing the points as mentioned in the document one by one. For clarity and understanding how it all relates to nutrition communicators.
In my opinion, the five pillars of expertise, empathy, enthusiasm, caring, and cultural responsiveness are very important for nutrition communications. The nutrition communicator needs to understand what his or he clients are looking for. And take into account that they are looking for expert advice, otherwise. They would not have sought the services of a professional. 代修留学网课
On the other hand, it is also very important to note that these five pillars will determine the perception the client has about you. If you are an expert in your field . With immense knowledge at your command. And yet you are able to communicate it effectively then as a nutrition communicator. You will find it difficult to connect with the client, and build rapport with them.
On the other hand, empathy allows us to understand the problems the other person is going through and understand their circumstances better. As a nutrition communicator, a person needs to be able to relate to what the client is feeling. So that he or she can guide them better. Enthusiasm will be the key to ensure that the client is not only able to change the manner in which they view the food.
But is also able to do it. 代修留学网课
People coming to nutrition communicators do so because they want to understand how to make healthier living choices, and thereby, change their lifestyle. Such people, need an instructor who is not only enthusiastic about their own jobs. But also about their client’s lives. They wish to make their lives better and make them fitter by helping them make healthier food choices, therefore, enthusiasm becomes the key in delivering such an image.
This also shows that the nutritionist cares for his or her clients, which allows the client to feel relaxed and develop a relationship based on trust and understanding. All of this comes down to cultural responsiveness. Which I feel truly plays an important role in the field of nutrition communication.
Many people coming from different cultural backgrounds. Have their own food choices and behaviors, which need to be understood before they are recommended any kind of plan. Hence, for people specializing in nutrition communications, it becomes very important to ensure that they first understand the culture of the client before recommending any health or nutrition plan. 代修留学网课
In my opinion.
It is very important to consider “Do I Know What I Don’t Know” as a nutrition expert, because for such people. Dealing with new clients every day is a norm. It is important to understand your own limitations, as that allows you room to grow while at the same time preparing for unexpected questions from the clients. Remember, the people we deal with are adults. Who are seeking reassurance, and a person who has better knowledge than themselves. So, it is very important consider the things we do not know. And make plans on how to overcome them.
In orders for nutrition communicators to bridge the divide between what experts know and experience and how it relates to their clients, it is important to consider how far apart their experiences vary. For example, for a nutrition expert, meeting a client who has had a lot of experience with bad food choices or health decisions is quite common. However, in order for the nutrition communicator to make his or her client satisfied. They need to understand how their experiences differ. And then make a plan of action to communicate to them.
I do agree that how you say something is far more important for adult learners than what you say to them. 代修留学网课
Adults come to learn either because they want to improve their skill set or because they are looking to expand their knowledge. They are pragmatic learners, and want to deal with an instructor who does not waste their time. But rather makes the session more productive.
Therefore, for nutrition communicators it is very important to make sure that they indeed make the session worthwhile for their clients, and communicate it in a manner in which the client feels like listening to their advices. And thus, change his or her patterns of food consumption to healthier alternatives.
The destroyers of enthusiasm that have been discussed in chapter 3 show just how many instructors fall in that trap. For example, consider satiation. Which means that the instructors has nothing new or good to offer. Rather he or she is doing the same thing over and over again. One way to overcome this is by focusing on new ways of communicating during the sessions and making them more interactive.
When feeling stressed. There are many de-stressing activities that we can deploy. Such as going to the park, taking a break and enjoying nature, which truly relaxes the mind. For lack of success. Or whenever feeling that you are not getting the job done. The nutrition communicator can go back and look at the successful cases he or she has completed. Then come back with renewed vigor and determination to get the job done. 代修留学网课
Same can be applied for loss of purpose and living in the past.
Sometimes, talking and discussing these feelings with colleagues and peers can also be really helpful. Plateauing is, I believe, one of the most common symptoms of an instructor’s life, when he or she believes that their routine has become stagnant and no new learning is taking place. In order to overcome this, nutrition communicators can and must try new things to enhance their skill set and overcome this feeling of stagnancy and lack of learning and growth.
I do not think that what the author requests at the end of the chapter is too much for nutrition communicators. In fact, it makes their job easier. I say this, because not only does it help in making a good relationship with the clients, but also one that embodies mutual trust and admiration.
Moving on to chapter 4, it teaches us about the various motivators adults have in order to learn. 代修留学网课
I have mentioned a couple of them previously. And will be discussing furthermore in detail. Research consistently supports the assumption that adults choose vocational and practical education that leads to knowledge about how to do something more often than they choose any other form of learning (Aslanian, 2001).
The largest category of continuing education globally is directed towards upgrading job-related knowledge and skills (Mott, 2006; Schied, 2006). The biggest motivator behind adult learning is the passion to be better than they were yesterday by gaining knowledge and a new set of skills, and as mentioned above, it is mainly due to being more successful in their respective careers and climbing the corporate ladder faster than competitors’.
In my opinion nutrition communicators can make the adults feel that the learning they will have is truly going to help them in one way or another. That is the most basic method to result in adults becoming eager learners. 代修留学网课
In order to become successful learners.
Nutrition communicators can also help people feel that remaining fit and changing to a healthier lifestyle will also benefit them in their careers. Which is the primary motivator to do many of the things these days. This is also an effective method of making the adults successful learners. While at the same time keeping a reward for them.
In my opinion, nutrition communicators can promote a feeling of safety by addressing their concerns and making them feel that their problems matter and that the nutrition communicator is going to resolve everything. Building rapport and trust really helps in creating a sense of safety. Making them feel included in the activities and the learning process also makes them feel safe and involved in everything that is going on.
In my opinion, there are times when nutrition communicators. 代修留学网课
Through their attitude can make the clients or people feel threatened. For example, the attitude of a communicator plays an integral role in determining how the client feels. If it is too rude or obnoxious, then the client is likely to feel threatened and may not perceive the nutrition communicator to be competent enough to deal with the case, just because of his or her attitude.
I think that one of the best ways to enhance meaning is by understanding . What motivates the clients or members of a group discussion. It always helps to discuss the forces that drive them and in turn enables them to move forward. I feel that communicating effectively is the best ways to understanding what motivates people. And the meaning behind their desire to learn new things and change, and therefore. Use them to better enhance their skill set and learning from a nutrition communicator’s perspective.
The Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching dynamically combines the essential motivational conditions that are intrinsically motivating for diverse adults. The framework is a systemic and holistic representation of four intersecting motivational conditions which the teachers together with the learners should create and once created should enhance. 代修留学网课
These factors include; establishing inclusion, developing attitude, enhancing meaning, and engendering confidence. The way a nutritional communicator can incorporate these in his or her training or sessions. Is by making the clients feel included in the discussions and activities, while at the same time creating an understanding with the clients to make them feel like their thoughts and feelings matter. I think that is how a nutritional communicator can effectively utilize this model.
Jossey Bass, Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching All Adults, retrieved 4-2-18 from;
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