The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
人物描述代写 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a self-improvement book. It was first published in 1989 and since..
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a self-improvement book. It was first published in 1989 and since then has sold millions of copies. Covey intended to teach people how we see the world is entirely based on personal perception. The change of any situation in life begins from a shift in oneself and to change oneself; a change in attitude is necessary.
The book gives answers to the question of how to direct own life constructively and effectively. It is based on seven habits that highly effective people practice, and hence it acts as an action plan to the leaders that follows a structured model of development.
译文:介绍 人物描述代写
Stephen R. Covey 的《高效能人士的 7 个习惯》是一本自我提升的书。 它于 1989 年首次出版,从那时起已售出数百万册。 柯维意在教导人们我们如何看待世界完全基于个人感知。 人生任何境遇的改变,都始于改变自己,改变自己; 态度的转变是必要的。
这本书给出了如何建设性和有效地指导自己生活的问题的答案。 它基于高效能人士实践的七个习惯,因此它可以作为遵循结构化发展模型的领导者的行动计划。
Generally, the book functions as a reference to the skills of personal development, effective communication, and successful interactions. According to Covey, life change and development is not an instant event but rather a gradual process that transition over time for significant and radical changes to appear.
The book is a roadmap on how to do a personal review of our philosophies as well as setting parameters that we can follow to achieve the desired results and how to deal with life hurdles that prevent us from achieving success. Covey explains how people are supposed to bring out values that are the most genuine, long-term and deep-rooted. Besides,
The masterpiece does not only focus on how to establish a successful business but also outlines the life ethos that needs to be followed based on principles of ethics, integrity, wisdom, and common sense. The laws of prosperity as enshrined in the book, are universal and can be used in all life circumstances. However, there have to be practiced regularly to yield a habit of success.
Therefore, owing to the time constraints and responsibilities in life and competition in the modern world, Covey’s book is the best guide book.
译文:概括 人物描述代写
这本书是关于如何对我们的哲学进行个人审查以及设置我们可以遵循的参数以实现预期结果以及如何处理阻止我们取得成功的生活障碍的路线图。 Covey 解释了人们应该如何展现最真实、最长期和最根深蒂固的价值观。除了,
The book is divided into four parts that explain the seven habits of highly effective people.
The first part looks at what effective means, the need to have character and how to perceive the world. The second part is about private victory; that is, how to conquer oneself before tackling the world. The section teaches about three habits of personal development. The third part discusses how to use the character to become effective in dealing with others; that is, the bid to conquer the world.
The section explains three habits that chart the path to interdependence and the route towards success. The last part describes the seventh habit of how to improve ourselves continuously. These four parts together with their respective habits are summarized below.
本书分为四个部分,解释高效能人士的七个习惯。 人物描述代写
Part 1: Perspectives and Principles
The author gives a general overview of personal perspective as the key to change (Covey, p. 2). Covey introduces the concept of effectiveness that means to produce and the capacity to produce. He used fable of the goose that lays golden eggs. The goose never disappointed the farmer and produced golden eggs until he became wealthy.
As time goes, the farmer became greedy and could no longer wait for the goose to lay. He decided to kill the goose to get the golden eggs at once. To his surprise, there were no golden eggs inside the goose and hence he ended up having a dead goose and no eggs. Effectiveness is about creating a balance between the product and the producer.
The whole book teaches about creating effective balance through self-evaluation and change in perception. Covey expounds this using an inside-out approach where the character is the epicenter of success. According to Covey, “inside-out” means self-evaluation beginning with more fundamental and inner-most self, that is, paradigm, character, and motive. One has to be a victor from inside before winning public battles.
译文:第 1 部分:观点和原则 人物描述代写
作者概述了个人观点作为改变的关键(Covey,第 2 页)。柯维引入了生产效率和生产能力的概念。他用了下金蛋的鹅的寓言。鹅从不让农夫失望,生了金蛋,直到他变得富有。
In essence, Covey meant that private victories precede public victories.
We must realize ourselves before we can change to have better character and to correct others. In so doing, we need to change the perception of things. Attitude and behavior shape our perception. Therefore, it is not until one learns about his/her perception, and until one changes his/her perception that one becomes successful in changing the thoughts and actions.
译文:从本质上讲,柯维意味着私人胜利先于公共胜利。 人物描述代写
我们必须先认清自己,然后才能改变以拥有更好的品格并纠正他人。 为此,我们需要改变对事物的看法。 态度和行为塑造了我们的感知。 因此,只有了解了自己的知觉,改变了知觉,才能成功地改变思想和行动。
Part 2: Private Victory
This part focuses on three habits about mastering ourselves. This part aims to guide how to change from inside-out. The first habit is being proactive (Covey, p. 25). It means that one is in charge of his/her life and freedom to choose and hence accountable for the choices made. Proactivity means having self-consciousness by being able to have a distinction between us and ourselves.
It also enables one to discern fundamental philosophies and their effectiveness. Nonetheless, we exist under the influence of the external environment and thus our character is dependent on the response to various circumstances in life. Covey used Viktor Frankl's experience in the Nazi concentration camp, which, by choice exercised psychological freedom in response to the inhuman actions of his torturers.
Through the experience, Frankl realized the power of proactiveness not by taking initiatives but by the ability to know personal power towards own life. Covey concluded that proactive people are responsible and initiators. They do not blame situations for their reaction and take active part instead of waiting for things to happen.
译文:第 2 部分:私人胜利 人物描述代写
这部分重点介绍三个关于掌握自己的习惯。这部分旨在指导如何由内而外的变化。第一个习惯是积极主动(Covey,第 25 页)。这意味着一个人负责他/她的生活和选择的自由,因此对所做的选择负责。主动意味着通过能够区分我们和我们自己而具有自我意识。
通过这次经历,弗兰克尔意识到主动的力量不是通过主动,而是通过了解个人对自己生活的力量。 Covey 得出的结论是,积极主动的人是负责任的和发起者。他们不会因为他们的反应而责怪情况,而是积极参与而不是等待事情发生。
The second habit is the consciousness of what one wants in life, that is, being futuristic (Covey, p. 40).
When we are proactive initiators, we need to know what it is we are initiating and for what purpose. Covey explain this by asking us to visualize funeral event and try to reflect on the atmosphere surrounding it. The essence of this is for us to have a goal in life for the desired action plan and working toward the achievement of the goal.
Mission gives us a sense of direction and keeps us from straying from our roles and objectives. Stability is created through the feeling of security, orientation, appreciation and power. At the same time, the mission, goals and functions need to be dynamic to be balanced. The attainment of these habits requires a strong driving force and discouraging of constraints.
The last habit in this part is getting priorities right (Covey, p. 62). This is about the ability to make time and execution of roles and goals in the proper sequence of importance. This requires discipline and dedication that drives emotions, temperaments, and impulses toward the attainment of personal mission. The underlying principle in this habit is time management.
A successful person uses importance and urgency to like the two leading guide to activities. For instance, one can draw a table of four quadrants that categorize roles and goals depending on their importance and urgency, that is, important and non-important and urgent and non-urgent, respectively. It ensures that we spend quality time on things that matter the most.
第二个习惯是意识到生活中想要什么,即具有未来感(Covey,第 40 页)。 人物描述代写
Part 3: Public Victory
Public victory precedes private victory. It is part of the three habits, including think win/win, seeking understanding first, and synergize. The success in the relationship with others is founded on concepts of independence, self-control, and self-discipline. The way people see is not how we say it but how we indeed are.
The fourth habit is thinking win/win, that is, seeking mutual benefits that are 50:50 (Covey, p. 89). The condition is that one has to deal with other people besides him/herself. It is more of a human interaction philosophy that a successful person adopts. When looking for mutual benefits, one will always want both sides to win and appreciate that it is not your way but the better way.
Nonetheless, to develop a win/win principle, one has to possess integrity, maturity, and an abundance of mentality. A principle of win/win is the foundation of successful interactions.
The fifth habit is seeking first to understand before seeking to be understood (Covey, p. 100). It is vested on the belief that in relationships, people tend to be judgmental and made irrational conclusions without prior analysis of the situation. The habit is based on the principle of empathic communication, where communication is construed to be a critical skill in life.
译文:第 3 部分:公共胜利 人物描述代写
第四个习惯是双赢思维,即寻求 50:50 的互利(Covey,第 89 页)。条件是一个人必须与他/她以外的其他人打交道。它更像是成功人士所采用的一种人际互动哲学。在寻求互惠互利时,人们总是希望双方双赢,并意识到这不是您的方式,而是更好的方式。
第五个习惯是在寻求被理解之前先寻求理解(Covey,第 100 页)。人们相信在人际关系中,人们往往会在没有事先分析情况的情况下做出判断并做出不合理的结论。这种习惯基于移情沟通的原则,其中沟通被解释为生活中的一项关键技能。
Few people can listen attentively, be empathetic and see things from different perspectives.
The remedy to becoming a good listener, one has to be an empathic listener.
Lastly, the sixth habit in this part is synergy (Covey, p. 116). It is based on the principle of constructive collaboration. Synergy means working together and theorized that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Covey's idea is that when people work together, they can achieve more than working individually. It can be achieved through synergy in communication, relationships, and character.
译文:很少有人能够专心聆听、感同身受并从不同的角度看待事物。 人物描述代写
最后,这部分的第六个习惯是协同作用(Covey,第 116 页)。 它基于建设性合作的原则。 协同意味着共同努力,并从理论上认为整体大于部分之和。 Covey 的想法是,当人们一起工作时,他们可以取得比单独工作更多的成就。 它可以通过沟通、关系和性格的协同作用来实现。
Part 4: Habits Summary and Continuous Self-growth
The part is based on the principle that we must refresh our physical, emotional, mental, and intellectual resources to maintain and increase our performance (Covey, p. 165). It is basically about personal development and constant improvement that is habit seven (Covey, p. 129). We must maintain balance in self-growth by embracing the three dimensions of personality including social/emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.
In essence, these dimensions are the necessary foundation of morality, virtues, assets, and productivity. Therefore, the quality of life is dependent on the application and development of these aspects.
译文:第 4 部分:习惯总结和持续的自我成长 人物描述代写
这部分基于这样一个原则,即我们必须更新我们的身体、情感、心理和智力资源,以保持和提高我们的表现(Covey,第 165 页)。 习惯七基本上是关于个人发展和不断改进的(Covey,第 129 页)。 我们必须通过拥抱人格的三个维度(包括社交/情感、心理、身体和精神)来保持自我成长的平衡。
从本质上讲,这些维度是道德、美德、资产和生产力的必要基础。 因此,生活质量的高低取决于这些方面的应用和发展。
Writing Style and Tone
Covey's book is written in a detailed and sophisticated style that is persuasive. It takes repeated reading to understand every concept discussed thoroughly. The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People is not a book that one can read once and assume to have grasped everything that the author intended. Instead, an ardent and curious reader would require several dedicated quality free times to read and understand it.
Nonetheless, the writing style is engaging especially by his use of renowned figures, quotes, and model examples in illustrations. Also, the writing combines both formal and informal and hence giving the reader a mixed aura of reading. Covey used short sentences, direct speech and reported speech to provide real-life examples or convey emphasis. These make the book engaging, thrilling, and exciting to read.
On the other hand, the tone of the writing is conversational, inspirational, and informative. Covey uses questions and answers to engage the reader. When the reader is gliding through the text on auto-pilot, a question or two disengage it and rekindle the brain to think for the answer. The questions give the readers a sense of conversation and hence make the text enjoyable to read.
Inspirational tone by Covey sparks the urge to act towards self-development. It is through constant use of imperative words that he inspires action. Generally, the whole book informs by giving a new approach to personal development and offers habits that are proven and practical.
译文:写作风格和语气 描述代写
柯维的书以详细而精致的风格写成,很有说服力。需要反复阅读才能彻底理解讨论的每个概念。 《高效能人士的 7 个习惯》并不是一本读过一次就认为已经掌握了作者意图的书。相反,一个热心和好奇的读者需要几个专门的优质空闲时间来阅读和理解它。
尽管如此,写作风格还是很吸引人,尤其是他在插图中使用了著名的人物、引语和模型示例。此外,写作结合了正式和非正式,因此给读者一种混合的阅读氛围。 Covey 使用短句、直接演讲和报告演讲来提供现实生活中的例子或传达重点。这些使这本书引人入胜,令人兴奋,读起来令人兴奋。
另一方面,写作的基调是对话式的、鼓舞人心的和信息丰富的。 Covey 使用问题和答案来吸引读者。当读者自动浏览文本时,一两个问题会使它脱离并重新点燃大脑思考答案。这些问题给读者一种对话的感觉,从而使文本读起来很有趣。
Covey 鼓舞人心的语气激发了采取行动实现自我发展的冲动。正是通过不断使用祈使句,他才能激发行动。一般来说,整本书通过提供一种新的个人发展方法来提供信息,并提供经过验证和实用的习惯。
Lesson Learnt
The central theme in Covey’s book is maturation and character ethic. The book was developed around and in response to the progressive popular cult of “personality ethic” which is a philosophy that, according to Covey, promises change inside-in, faking it without making it, a call to those who have without being/doing.
Covey offers the alternative to “personality ethic,” that is, philosophy of “character ethic” that champions for change from inside-out, and set universal principles and values of change. Both centers on the central theme of maturation between the states of dependence, independence, and interdependence. According to Covey, maturation takes place in five stages, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial.
No single state is skipped from dependence to interdependence to attain maturation. Ultimately, his goals were to help people mature all the five stages of life.
Additionally, effectiveness and efficiency are also dominant lessons during maturation. The author meant that people have to set goals and create a way to achieve them. I learned that it is not just about achieving goals but also about paradigm change in character and habits. According to Covey, goals are not merely fundamental, but rules are followed with discipline and dedication.
Thus, being effective is not a mere achievement of goals but rather anything that goes in between. That is, the ability to withstand constrains without violating the set principles.
译文:学习到教训了 人物描述代写
The book deserves a standing ovation and should be made a fundamental school curriculum. In schools, we learn to fly like birds and swim like a fish, but little is done on how to live on land, which is personal maturity and effectiveness. The book reconciles us to our innermost self. The seven habits are the common senses that are lost in our daily routine and given little or no attention. It is a reminder of what lies within us and rekindles it.
Therefore, attentive reading of the book and having a practical perspective of its ideas act as a guide on how to grow in maturity, awareness, and independence. This is achieved by how the author constructs his/her views of 7 habits. The book is arranged in parts, and each part begins with a fundamental principle and philosophy applicable.
Real-life stories support the theoretical part of the philosophy. The author concludes each part with a practical suggestion on how to implement the habits.
From a personal perspective, I have been transformed, and I see that other readers are transformed, at least theoretically. It has taught me to be empathetic towards others and appreciate and respect different points of view. Also, courtesy of the book, I have begun to understand in detail, my emotions, anxieties, and insecurities.
因此,专心阅读本书并对其思想有实际的看法可以指导如何在成熟、意识和独立方面成长。这是通过作者如何构建他/她对 7 个习惯的看法来实现的。本书分为几个部分,每个部分都从一个适用的基本原则和哲学开始。
Admittedly, the path to effective change personal change is not easy.
However, with clear goals, mission and vision, as well as the desire, one can reach the pinnacle of success.
Overall, the book has strong and weak points. The author puts ideas coherently, making them pleasant to read. He put the concepts clearly and profoundly and straightforwardly.
Covey reinforces his teaching through exercise at the end of each chapter for implementation. However, there are weak points such as the order of the content can be made better. The book has repeated ideas and can make it cluttered coupled and bulky. Finally, the complexity of the book requires the reader to read it more than once to have a full understanding of concepts.
译文:诚然,有效改变个人改变的途径并不容易。 人物描述代写
总的来说,这本书有优点也有缺点。 作者把想法连贯起来,使它们读起来很愉快。 他把概念讲得清楚、深刻、直截了当。
柯维通过每章末尾的练习来加强他的教学以供实施。 然而,也存在诸如内容的顺序可以做得更好的弱点。 这本书有重复的想法,可能会使其杂乱无章且笨重。 最后,本书的复杂性需要读者多读一遍才能对概念有全面的理解。
Work Cited
Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: An Extraordinary Step-by-step Guide to Achieving the Human Characteristics that Really Create Success. Simon and Schuster, 1989, pp. 1-169