Water Monitoring System in Sewers in Controlling Covid-19 Pandemics
政策备忘录essay代写 In addition, they will assist in making data-driven strategies for "reopening" economies and introducing lockdowns. Also
Issue 政策备忘录essay代写
Public health and safety, accessible health care, food and food security, the stability of economies and financial institutions, and even the survival of democracies are all at risk due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These issues provide enormous difficulties that quickly deplete both human and monetary resources.
However, tracking this pandemic at population-wide levels is becoming a problem because an urgent requirement to map Covid-19's distribution and magnitude in near real-time is required (Farkas et al., 2020). Moreover, the capacity to swiftly detect infected patients is the most effective approach, apart from pre-exposure prophylaxis. Again, diagnostic testing at the individual case level has been used on a broad scale to fight against epidemics.
Nonetheless, this method is doomed to fail when rapidly surveying big populations. On the one hand, Scientists have used various methods to trace the transmission of COVID-19 during the pandemic, including contact tracing, fast assays, and PCR nasal testing (Bogler et al., 2020).
On the other hand, wastewater monitoring has allowed researchers to examine COVID-19 in densely populated areas without having to swab each person's nose for testing. Also, asymptomatic or not tested people may be gleaned from the wastewater, which is a reliable indicator of the population's general health. Actually, it is a more accurate indicator of viral transmission than the daily COVID-19 case numbers since it looks at how the virus is spreading in the sewers. 政策备忘录essay代写
Covid-19 Pandemic Trajectory
Omicron virus, a Covid-19 Variant, is more infectious but less harmful in comparison to the previous variants. This trend has raised high hopes among some scientist who are preempting that the virus is transforming to an endemic. Nonetheless, various medical professionals are, in fact, warning people to exercise caution, arguing that there is huge ambiguity regarding the virus mutation, and how much immunity communities have developed, and the possible harm that might reoccur if people cease taking precautions. Also, this trajectory indicates that the lockdowns, which have had a devastating effect on the economy, are no longer in vogue.
The Endemic Period 政策备忘录essay代写
The deflation of Covid-19 spells doom to lockdowns which have negatively impacted global economies. Lastly, Omicron indicates an end to the pandemic. But the government must continue to monitor and control the virus. By using the wastewater testing approach, New York can bolster its defenses against Covid-19 by detecting the spread level early. As a result, the State can successfully implement proactive strategies to reduce and mitigate its spread.
As New York Scientists know since it is using the wastewater surveillance Covid-19 information can be extracted from the waste that is flushed down the toilet fills. This technique is useful in the face of data gaps due to COVID-19 testing backlogs. In fact, more than 2 million New Yorkers live across 20 New York counties that participated in wastewater monitoring test. The results indicated the presence of the virus SARS-COV-2 which causes the Covid-19 pandemic (Wang et al., 2020).
Furthermore, this approach will enable the development of the statewide network, enhance coordination, allow involvement of numerous towns, including New York City. In addition, studies have demonstrated that viral variations such as those witnessed in Omicron may be detected by wastewater monitoring. Also, there were 22,478 new COVID cases in New York State on Dec. 19 and another 60,000 during Dec. 17-19, a record for the State (Wang et al., 2020). In fact, due to the high prices and present limits of manufacturing and supply chains, large-scale diagnostic testing is not feasible in most nations. 政策备忘录essay代写
Further, wastewater monitoring can make testing smarter and more focused exponentially.
In addition, they will assist in making data-driven strategies for "reopening" economies and introducing lockdowns. Also, for optimal decision-making, wastewater monitoring could provide the earliest available dates for the post-isolation period and resumption of population-wide isolation once Covid-19 rebounds or seasonal re-emergence occurs.
Again, a lack of reopening soon or shutting late due to inefficiencies of early warning capability harms economies by reducing public confidence and affecting economies. Also, before reopening, baselines for the Covid-19 cases might help identify any decline or acceleration (Nghiem et al., 2020). Most importantly, detecting Covid-19 before it might be detected by random diagnostic testing is one of the most notable benefits of wastewater monitoring over diagnostic testing. In conclusion, this approach will be the timing of viral shedding through feces in sewers, aiding in early detection of the spread and magnitude.
Limits 政策备忘录essay代写
The Coronavirus Wastewater Monitoring Network page of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, showed a significant decrease in the virus count in Madison's sewage system. Nonetheless, this scenario does not illustrate safety. Scientists have warned against depending on measuring the presence of SARS-COV-2; since, scientists need to extract the genetic material that they are seeking. Secondly, industrial waste e.g. hospital disinfectants, cleaning chemicals and degreasing agents, ends up in human waste, where it might contaminate or destroy any genetic material required to identify the virus.
Thirdly, it is premature to interpret any decreases in the virus' per wastewater monitoring findings. This ideology is based on the fact that it has not yet been established whether it is due to a decrease in infections locally or if other factors in the sample make the virus seem lower than it is. Consequently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have devised a validity analysis tool to assess if heightening or decreasing virus concentrations were significant.
Policy Recommendation
COVID-19 testing in wastewater monitoring is one technique to assess transmission in communities. For at least 60 years, public health professionals have relied on measuring virus pieces in wastewater by collecting samples from precise locations in a sewer shed (Naughton et al., 2021) to detect dangers, including drug usage and polio. Used as an adjunct to clinical testing, this approach identifies early outbreaks and surges of Covid-19 through population-wide monitoring. Sewage testing can detect virus variations like Omicron in specialized situations like prisons or shelters.
New York state will better understand COVID-19 transmission if wastewater monitoring is established in every county in the State (Nghiem et al., 2020). The public and politicians will benefit from this system. Individuals do not need to be tested while looking for the virus that causes COVID-19 in wastewater. Wastewater monitoring will aid New Yorkers in setting a baseline for virus levels and determining the spike level. Finally, to better assess the risk of COVID-19 transmission in New York State and allocate public health resources, this data will be used with existing state testing and monitoring activities.
References 政策备忘录essay代写
Bogler, A., Packman, A., Furman, A., Gross, A., Kushmaro, A., Ronen, A., Dagot, C., Hill, C., Vaizel-Ohayon, D., Morgenroth, E. & Bertuzzo, E., 2020. Rethinking wastewater risks and monitoring in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Sustainability, 3(12), pp.981-990.
Farkas, K., Hillary, L. S., Malham, S. K., McDonald, J. E., & Jones, D. L. (2020). Wastewater and public health: the potential of wastewater surveillance for monitoring COVID-19. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 17, 14-20.
Nan, X., Hoehn, S., Hardinge, P., Dighe, S. N., Ukeri, J., Pease, D., ... & Jurkowski, T. P. (2022). VarLOCK-sequencing independent, rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern for point-of-care testing, qPCR pipelines and national wastewater surveillance. medRxiv.
Naughton, C.C., Roman, F.A., Alvarado, A.G.F., Tariqi, A.Q., Deeming, M.A., Bibby, K., Bivins, A., Rose, J.B., Medema, G., Ahmed, W. & Katsivelis, P., 2021. Show us the data: Global COVID-19 wastewater monitoring efforts, equity, and gaps. medRxiv. 政策备忘录essay代写
Nghiem, L.D., Morgan, B., Donner, E. & Short, M.D., 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic: considerations for the waste and wastewater services sector. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 1, p.100006.
Nghiem, L.D., Morgan, B., Donner, E. and Short, M.D., 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic: considerations for the waste and wastewater services sector. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 1, p.100006.
Wang, S., Green, H. C., Wilder, M. L., Du, Q., Kmush, B. L., Collins, M. B., ... & Zeng, T. (2020). High-throughput wastewater analysis for substance use assessment in central New York during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 22(11), 2147-2161.