The problem of Evil and God’s Plan
哲学代写 eassy代写 paper代写 Harris is an atheist who believes that children are suffering undeserving. During the discussion with professor Craig
Harris Argument
Harris is an atheist who believes that children are suffering undeserving. During the discussion with professor Craig, he was concerned that the God that Christian believes in is seeing when children are suffering. The fact that millions of children die every year before the age of 5 and every day and that parents of these children believe in him, if God were compassionate and loving, he would save these children from suffering and at least spare the believing parent the agony of losing their children. Therefore, according to Harris, if God is good, he would answer the players of his believers when they cry out calling his name and believing哲学代写 eassy代写 paper代写 艺术代写 he is capable of rescuing them.

In the debate with Prof. Craig, Harris concluded that if God is powerful and everywhere and can do nothing to stop catastrophic that harm children and his believers, “he doesn't care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary” (Harris). Through this, he questioned how terrible things could happen to innocent people while religious people claim the will of God. According to Harris, it makes religious an erosion to compassion. Therefore, Harris categorized the ideas of children suffering as God’s plan to be extraordinarily callous.哲学代写 eassy代写 paper代写 艺术代写
Response to Harris Argument
According to Pope in his “An Essay on Man: Epistle I,” depict evil as part of the art of nature where it is unknown when and how it can happen. Therefore, human beings can see the art of God in nature through evil and good and evil is part of the nature that God created. As such, children suffer as part of this nature as it is “all nature is but art,” which can be corrected if bad and perpetuated if good (Pope). Therefore, Harris opinion on God and his power is very subjective as he chooses to concentrate on one aspect of life whereas life is composed of good and bad.哲学代写 eassy代写 paper代写 艺术代写
Work Cited
Harris, Sam. God is Either Impotent or Evil (Video). 2014. Accessed 19 April 19, 2019.
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Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man: EpistleI. Poetry Foundation. n.d. Accessed 19 April 19, 2019.