Strategic Plan Summary
战略计划代写 Most airlines around the world are undergoing economic downturns. Some have resulted in a takeover and merger as strategy to increases
Most airlines around the world are undergoing economic downturns. Some have resulted in a takeover and merger as strategy to increase synergy due to volatile fuel prices, struggling currencies, competitions, and other financial and political issues. Flybe is one of the airlines that are struggling in Britain and has no option but to allow bids for its takeover (Jolly, 2019). The airline has been making losses due to the high cost of fuel, an unstable currency, and political uncertainty.战略计划代写
全球大多数航空公司都在经历经济衰退。 由于燃料价格波动,货币陷入困境,竞争以及其他财务和政治问题,一些公司采取了收购和合并作为提高协同作用的策略。 Flybe是在英国苦苦挣扎的航空公司之一,别无选择,只能允许竞标(Jolly,2019)。 由于高昂的燃油成本,不稳定的货币和政治不确定性,该航空公司一直在蒙受损失。战略计划代写
The article “Flybe to in air as Virgin Atlantic-led group injects cash” by Jasper Jolly appeared in The Guardian. The airline has been on its cash crutch for years and was unable to settle bank dues (Jolly, 2019). The airline could not persuade the bank to accept card payments. The bank feared that the airline could collapse and default. As a result, it needed a strategy to get cash to bail itself and boost its cash flow.战略计划代写
贾斯珀·乔利(Jasper Jolly)撰写的文章“由维珍大西洋航空公司领导的团体向空中注视Flybe进入空中”出现在《卫报》上。 该航空公司多年来一直处于现金困境,无法结清银行会费(Jolly,2019)。 该航空公司无法说服银行接受信用卡付款。 银行担心这家航空公司可能倒闭和违约。 结果,它需要一种策略来使现金自行保释并增加现金流量。战略计划代写
The takeover strategy targeted to secue its future operations. The takeover bid was won by the consortia led by Virgin Atlantic and Stobart Group. The group won the bid for 2.2 million pounds. Also in the joint venture is Connect Airways, which pledged to invest 80 million pounds and offer 20 million pounds as the loan to the company. Connect Airways managed to buy Flybe Ltd, which is the leading trading company of the airline for 2.8 million pounds. However, the takeover of the company did not save shareholder from paying the company debts.战略计划代写
收购战略旨在确保其未来的运营。 收购要约由维珍航空和斯托巴特集团牵头的财团中标。 该集团以220万英镑的价格中标。 合资公司中还有Connect Airways,该公司承诺投资8000万英镑,并向该公司提供2000万英镑的贷款。 Connect Airways设法以280万英镑的价格收购了Flybe Ltd,后者是该航空公司的领先贸易公司。 但是,对公司的收购并没有挽救股东偿还公司债务。战略计划代写
Jolly, J. (2019). Flybe to stay in the air as Virgin Atlantic-led group injects cash. Retrieved from

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