音乐论文代写 Annotated Bibliography Examples

Annotated Bibliography Examples

音乐论文代写 This book analvses allof the maior concert works.identifvina the mostsianificant features of the composer’s musicallanouadewith a

The following exemplar annotations are from an annotated bibliography focusing on flute music by the Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu.Althouah your research proiect will be on a different topic,use them as a guide to help you formulate your annotations.Remember also that you have a little more space available to you: these exemplars are written with a 100 word limit in mind rather than the 125 word limit that you have to work with.
Annotated Bibliography Example1  音乐论文代写
Burt.Peter2001. The Music ofToru TakemitsuCambridge:Cambridae University Press

This book analvses allof the maior concert works.identifvina the mostsianificant features of the composer’s musicallanouadewith a articular focus on pitch material.The source discusses
maior influences in detail. such as DebussyMessiaenJohn Caae and George RussellA briefhistorvof the introductionof Western music into Japan since the nineteenth century also situates Takemitsu's place in Western and Japanese music history.The author arques that an understanding of Takemitsu’s Japanese aesthetic sensibility is mportant in fully appreciating his style
Comnrehending this arcument is of centralimnortance to the overalthrust of the nlanned assessment Word count: 100

Annotated Bibliography Example2  音乐论文代写

TakemitsuToru.1995.Confrontina Silence:Selected Writinastrans.and ed.YKakudo and GGlasgowBerkeley.CA: Fallen Leaf Press.
A collection of the most important of Takemitsu’s essays and articles,translated from Japanese dating from his early adulthood up to the mid-1990s.The essays cover a wide range of topics, including art artists. films friends and nature as well as music his own comnositions. Fastern and Western musical theories. and other contemporarv comnosers. Althouah Takemitsu
occasionallv discusses specific compositions in detailhe rarelv provides insiahts into his compositional techniaues.preferrina to discuss philosophical or metaphorical aspects. Nevertheless an essential source for information about Takemitsu’s ideas for use in the proposed assessment
Word count:93  音乐论文代写


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