Prep Capstone Project医学essay代写
医学essay代写 WeCare Ambulatory Specialty Care Center for CardiologyThe mission of WeCare is to provide compassionate and highquality care for..
[Author’s Note]
WeCare Ambulatory Specialty Care Center for Cardiology
The mission of WeCare is to provide compassionate and high-quality care for all patients.
Its vision is to become a global leader in the provision of high-quality patient-centered and family-centered care leading to exceptional health experiences for our clients. The key stakeholders will be the patients and their families, society, especially policymakers
primary care providers, and other health professionals.

WeCare’s ambulatory specialty care center for cardiology will offer a wide range of outpatient services. These will include cardiovascular consultations, pre-surgical cardiovascular evaluation, long-term cardiovascular care management, and defibrillator/pacemaker supervision and follow-up. WeCare will also offer diagnostic testing,
comprising echocardiography, coronary angiography,医学essay代写
electrocardiography, and others. Overall, the Center will be opened to all patients with various heart conditions. It will also be extended to individuals seeking to purchase medical equipment such as defibrillators and pacemakers.
WeCare faces stiff competition from large private hospitals in the U.S.,
which are creating a phenomenon called ‘medical arms race.’ According to Lu and Pan (2021), this phenomenon has been created by the rapid development and diffusion of health technologies resulting in the disproportionate duplication of technologies. Large and financially capable hospitals in the U.S.
are competing for high-tech medical equipment in various fields, including cardiology. Many of these hospitals are benefitting from the loopholes in the country’s regulatory framework. It is worth pointing out that the U.S. has a strange regulatory system whereby critical resources are subject to different degrees of federal and state regulation (Larrat, Marcoux & Vogenberg, 2012).
Due to this problem医学essay代写
profit-minded hospitals can acquire high-tech equipment to capitalize on incomes without limitations. What this means is that large hospitals can continue to increase their excess capacities to attract more customers at the expense of smaller hospitals with inadequate capacities.
Larrat, E. P., Marcoux, R. M., & Vogenberg, F. R. (2012). Impact of Federal and State Legal Trends On Health Care Services. Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 37(4), 218.
Lu, L., & Pan, J. (2021). Does hospital competition lead to medical equipment expansion? Evidence on the medical arms race. Health Care Management Science, 1-15.

WeCare的心脏病门诊专科护理中心将提供广泛的门诊服务。这些将包括心血管咨询,术前心血管评估,长期心血管护理管理以及除颤器/起搏器的监督和随访。 WeCare也将提供诊断测试,包括超声心动图,冠状动脉造影,心电图等。总体而言,该中心将向所有心脏病患者开放。它还将扩展到寻求购买医疗设备(例如除颤器和起搏器)的个人。