DM Project Management
The Smart City Dream
项目管理学essay代写 The type of product architecture and technologies has also an important impact on project management and implies new
The city Lambda is in a difficult situation notably because of traffic jam and car parkingwhich is far from convenient. Last survey (opinion poll) are not very good and the Mayor is
afraid of not being elected at the next vote. Pollution and air quality is an other concern mostly linked with traffic congestion.
Citizen (driver, student, shops, pedestrian…) seems really not satisfy of their quality of life in the city, The City is looking to improve that situation by moving toward a Smart City.
In that way the City hopes to improve the quality of life of its citizen but also to develop the tourism by getting a better ranking in all global City Ranking and then improve
business and income and at the end be reelected.
The Smart City concept compounds many axes such as Public Transport, Car Traffic, Pollution, Energy, Safety and Security. The transformation should be done step by step and
in a first phase the City has decided to implement a Smart Parking system which should improve parking, reduce traffic congestion in some ways, limit pollution and also brings
With Smart Parking the usage of parking is much more simplified as the payment is dematerialised, reservation system is available and so on as we will see later.
The Entreprise (it is you) 项目管理学essay代写
It is your Enterprise who won that project and you will be in charge to realise theinformation system for the Smart Parkings of the City (design, implement, maintain) For the Enterprise it is a real opportunity to develop their business, improve their capability and in the future get many deal with big cities all over the world
Of course their are also many challenges in that project since many technologies are new for them (like Cloud deployment, Mobile development…) but in the same time there are
no better way to progress than to experiment in these new domains, especially since few of their competitors are already skilled in those areas.
So far they never used public cloud as they will have to do. Somewhere it was one of their strategy as they would like to scale and mutualised their system between many Cities, and
reduce costs of operations,
Also they will have to study and choose one Cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google, IBM) or may be a less known, for the moment, such as Bluemix (IBM), OVH or Alibaba. Or even
they may choose to use multi cloud systems which is certainly the future trend. In the same way, about mobile development they will have to choose between native
development (for better User Experience and Performances), web app or hybrid solution platforms (Xamarin, Codename One or Flutter to reduce costs of development versus performances and quality).
City Requirement for the Smart Parking 项目管理学essay代写
Here is the main function that the city required from the Smart Parking Project. There are what you have to implement as the Smart Parking Builder so they are part of the project:
FIrst - to facilitate the Parking Usage
- Citizen have to register their cars (especially the plate number) from a Web application that you will have to develop and maintain,
- When a car arrive at the parking entrance an automatic identification of the car plate is made by a camera and an associated software. If all condition are respected (car is registered, account is not blocked…) the barrier stand-up. No need to pick-up a ticket anymore which is a big improvement from the driver perspective,
- When the car leave the parking, again the camera scan and identify the car and then register how long the car stayed in the parking. The driver doesn’t have to go to a payment machine with his ticket, the payment will be differed (and will aggregate different parking usage during a period of few days). No time lost at the paying machine, no need to have cash or credit card with you.
- The payment is done at regular date automatically from the bank account that the citizen has registered on the web app. In case of the payment failed, the account and all his registered car, are blocked (and a notification in all case will be send) Second - the system shall offer a reservation facility . 项目管理学essay代写
for that facility, registered citizen will use a Mobile App (that you will have also to design and develop)
- The application allow to select a parking on a map (and to get information about available parking slot) and then reserve a slot.
- The driver has one hour and half to arrive at the parking otherwise the reservation is cancelled,
Third - it is possible to request and receive notifications, on a regular basis, from parking about their availability, special offer and so on.
What you have to do
The first step before starting a project is to analyse the situation, the needs and the risks. Then after you have to decide structure of your organisation like number of teams, the roles inside a team and so on.
About analysis, what you will have to do:
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Risk Analysis
About project organisation
- Defines the organisation structure, teams, roles, the main approach (agile style),…
- Deployment and Operation approaches (DevOps)
By the way in all question try to do drawing and graphics to illustrate your approaches. An image is always better than long text. Remember also that there is never only one solution. You have total freedom about solution you will choose. You just need imagination and creativity.
All figures in this document are just here as example. You may, and you should, choose your own style, colours, symbols…
Here is an example for team’s structure and organisation. 项目管理学essay代写
Stakeholders Analysis 项目管理学essay代写
To well understand the context, the needs and how to prioritise them, you need to analyse stakeholders:
- Stakeholder Grid
- Stakeholder Catalog,
(Note: here is some example of stakeholders: Driver, Mayor, Pedestrian, Developer, Manager, Store, Tourists,…)
Stakeholder Catalog 项目管理学essay代写
Similar to the matrix but in a Table with more details about the level of Influence (High, Medium, Low) and level they may be impacted (affected)
Risk Analysis
You have to analyse risks that you may encounter during the project life and also the opportunities it will bring to you
SWOT Analysis
The figure below represent a graphical SWOT analysis with 4 quadrants (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). You have to imagine and fill those quadrant.
Risk Assessment and Exposure 项目管理学essay代写
For the Risks you found in the SWOT,
- evaluate their probability (high, medium, low) of occurence
- and also their impact (high, medium, low) and draw a table like the one below
Products Identification
In the previous text that described what the project smart parking is about, try to
- identify the different products you will have to design, develop, maintain Here is some example: Web Site, Mobile App, Asset Management, Image Identification…
- For each of them try to initiate a Product Backlog with a short list of Epics (High level User Story)
(Note a story map would be welcome)
Describe your organisation 项目管理学essay代写
You would like to use an agile approach for the development of those products. Many approaches exist (XP, SCRUM, Spotify, Kanban)
- imagine your own approach based on different agile approaches we have seen.
- What are the roles you think will be needed? For each of them, write a small description of their responsibility.
Describe the teams
- How many teams you think you need
- The constitution of each team
- what types of meeting you will do
- example: stand-up, planing poker, retrospective, sprint review…)
- For each, explain their role,
- And fréquency (example: daily, monthly, quarterly…
- What is the length of sprints,
- How are organised the workspace, 项目管理学essay代写
- Will you do pair programming?
(Note drawing should be preferred than a long textual description)
(Note below it is just an example)
(Important: again, there is not only one good solution, it is totally up to you to choose whatever organisation you want)
Test and Staging
Many testing strategies and approaches exist. Tests are done at different stage in the process of development and deployment and even in production sometimes.
- Which testing approaches and patterns will you adopt? TDD, BDD, Production Test, A/B Testing, Smoke Test, Mock, Chaos… (note you can use many of them)
- How many stage do think you will need for the different product. (Example Dev, Integration,, Pre production, Qualification, ,…
Technologies 项目管理学essay代写
The type of product architecture and technologies has also an important impact on project management and implies new activities and decisions. Will you go on the Cloud, if yes, as it is requested for the Smart Parking, which approaches? And which providers? Same questions raised for mobile development?
- Which Cloud Provider will you choose?
- Which cloud strategy (Public, Private, Multi, Hybrid)
- Which architecture do you plan (Monolithe, Microservices, Serverless, …
- Which mobile plateform you plan?
(Note you can find many candidate solutions in the CNCF landscape show above, or at www.cncf.io)
(note here again your choice are completely free)
Deployment and Operation
As we saw, with agile methodologies, you don’t wait to have wrote all the code to deploy and release it in production. You build your product by small part and deliver regularly
new features. Here I would like you to tell what are you approaches
- What approach for delivery you consider ? (CI/CD, Blue/Green, Canary, Spotify Train…
- Imagine a DevOps Tool Chain
- Which steps: Code, Build, Release, Monitor, Observe,….
- which component, from the Xebia landscape shown. below)
- Do you envisage to use an Error Budget?
- Do you plan to do Chaos Engineering? 项目管理学essay代写
- If yes, do you have already some idea of some experimentation you will start with?
High Level Roadmap 项目管理学essay代写
In a MVP vision, as describe with Lean Start-up, could you image few stages in a High Level Roadmap
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