How Solar Rechargeable Battery Works
太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写 Solar power is one of the significant growing source of energy in the world. It has become the most popular owing to its ……
How and Where Solar Rechargeable Battery can be Used
Solar power is one of the significant growing source of energy in the world. It has become the most popular owing to its being environmentally friendly, simple use, safety, and cheap to install and maintain. The efficiency of solar power has created a wide range of applications including in homes appliances and lighting, and machine power. As a source of renewable energy, solar power is used together with either battery backup or rechargeable battery backup. As such, solar rechargeable batteries are used in electronic devices including radios, lighting, cooling fans, weather stations, street lights, and more.
太阳能是世界上不断增长的重要能源之一。 由于其环保,使用简单,安全且安装和维护便宜,它已成为最受欢迎的产品。 太阳能的效率已经产生了广泛的应用,包括在家用电器和照明以及机器电源中。 作为可再生能源,太阳能可与备用电池或可充电电池一起使用。 因此,太阳能可再充电电池用于包括无线电,照明,冷却风扇,气象站,路灯等的电子设备中。太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写
The battery stores solar energy in DC form and require an inverter to convert the current depending on the type of device being used. In a weather station for monitoring daylight and temperature. It is essential to use the solar battery to supply power instead of using electricity which may be costly. During the day, the weather station will run on the solar to avoid eating up and extending battery life. Instead of installing replaceable batteries as backups, the most appropriate option is to use rechargeable batteries for better and long service. During the day when there is enough light, solar will recharge the battery and continue serving enough energy for the weather station. The solar panel and the batter are attached parallel as they alternate as power sources
电池以直流形式存储太阳能,需要逆变器根据所用设备的类型转换电流。 在气象站中监视日光和温度。 必须使用太阳能电池供电,而不要使用昂贵的电力。 白天,气象站将依靠太阳能运行,以避免吃光并延长电池寿命。 除了安装备用电池作为备用电池外,最合适的选择是使用可充电电池以获得更好的使用寿命。 在光线充足的白天,太阳能将为电池充电,并继续为气象站提供足够的能量。 太阳能电池板和面糊作为电源交替使用时,并联连接。太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写
How Solar Rechargeable Battery Works 太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写
Below is a schematic diagram of the solar and rechargeable battery circuit.

The device, in this case in the weather station, receives power from the solar panel through D1 and D2 from the battery. The power flow depends on which source between solar panel and batter has a higher voltage. When solar panel voltage is higher than that in the battery, the power will flow from through D1 to run the device and charge the battery through D3. When the batter is filled, and a solar panel have a lower voltage, the battery takes over to run the device.
The most known batteries are lead-acid batteries and Lithium-ion batteries. Others include flow batteries and sodium nickel chloride battery. Below diagram demonstrate how lithium-ion battery works.

The lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery store electric current from the solar panel in the form of ions. The essential components are anodes, cathodes and electrolytes (Dricus). When the battery is charged, electrons flow from anode to cathode creating an electric current which flows through the electrolyte.太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写
How Solar Rechargeable Batteries Relate to Physics
There are many relationships between the solar rechargeable battery and physics. The most connections are related to the basic principles and laws of physics. The basic one being the photoelectric effects that generate solar energy. The photoelectric effect is when matter emits electrons as the light pass through it. These electrons are then conducted to the solar battery. Another principle is the electron conductivity principle where silicon is a semiconductor and makes it the most usable component of the solar panel.
Also, rechargeable batteries are made of electrochemical cells between which ion flows freely. Each cell has three elements which are an anode, cathode, and electrolyte. The three components are essential in the flow of charged ions from positive to negative. Therefore, electrons flow from anode to cathode and hence creating an electric current. The positive currents in the form ions flow through the electrolyte. The material physics is used to select what is used as anode and cathode so that anode gives out electrons and cathode accepts them. 太阳能充电电池的工作原理代写
Work Cited
Dricus. "Lithium Ion Batteries: How Are They Used In Solar Systems? - Sinovoltaics - Your Solar Supply Network". Sinovoltaics - Your Solar Supply Network, 2015, Accessed 18 Apr 2019.

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