数据分析与统计评估代写 Identification of Top-20-Companies and Board Members [10 P.]: Please look for the top-20-companies and board-members.
MSc Data Analysis & Statistics with MS Excel for Managers – Level II
Case 1 and Case 2 数据分析与统计评估代写
The evaluated exercise comprises of two independent parts:
- 1st part: Customer Segmentation [65 points]
2nd part: Social Network Analysis [25 points]
Grading Policy
Your final score in the class will be based on the score you receive on evaluated
exercise. Your total score will be maximum of 90.

Deadline is 13th of May 2019, 23:59 o'clock.
Further Information 数据分析与统计评估代写
- Consult a statistical text book if necessary.
- In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact me
Case 1 [65 points]
You are working for a FinTech Startup. You are responsible for customer segmentation. Core business is banking. The company is planning to expand the business and to offer investing possibilities (stock market, crypto currencies etc.). A leading market research company is conducting a survey addressing your typical customer structure. The dataset (SPSS format) is available now.
Your job is to run a customer segmentation to identify customer groups. Further, you have to describe the identified segments - addressing management and advertising agencies.
In the last step you must prepare a management presentation with core findings. (see part C)
Take the SPSS Dataset - Investing Behavior FinTec.sav data set and conduct analyses to answer the tasks (see tasks section).
Constructs and Variables 数据分析与统计评估代写
- Intention towards stock trading: Variables Int2_1, Int3_1 and Int4_1
- Attitude towards stock trading: Variables EvH1_1 to EvH1_8
- Barriers: Variables CB1_1 to CB6_1
- Social Influences: Variables SN1_1 to SN6_1
Basis Variables: Intention towards stock trading, Attitude towards stock trading, barriers and social influences.
- Past Behavior: Variables pe2_1 to pe2_8
- Trading last 3 month: Variable pe3
- Information sources: Variables S1_1 to S1_10
- Control of stock deposit: Variable S2
- Working in field of stock trading: Variable S5
- Information behavior: Variable S6
- Year of birth: Variable sd1
- Available money / month: Variable sd2
- Gender: Variable sd3
- Highest educational achievement: Variable sd4
- Employer-employee relationship: Variable sd5
Please use IBM SPSS to solve the tasks! Please use MS Excel to set up your report andprovide also SPSS files and syntax files!
A. Descriptive Statistics [15 P.]: 数据分析与统计评估代写
- Descriptive statistics [10 P.]: Enter tables with (construct name, related) variable names and measurement level; number of missing values; calculate appropriate descriptive statistics based on measurement level (Number of cases; Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Median, Std. Deviation, Skewness etc.) for metric scaled variables and histograms and boxplots; Create frequency tables and bar charts for all categorical scaled variables; Check for possible outliers. Hint: In a first step you should check the level of measurement of each variable and treat ordinal scaled variables as interval scaled variables.
Dataset Handling [5 P.]: Please calculate age (survey was conducted in2018); Please delete variables with more than 5% missing values (> 5%);
Please change variable and value labels if necessary. You can change other parameters as well.
B. Customer Segmentation [40 P.]
- Cluster Analysis 1 [10 P.]: Run a cluster analysis based on all input variables (Basis Variables: Intention towards stock trading, Attitude towards stock trading, barriers and social influences); Please describe all necessary steps; Do not run a factor analysis first! Please select a final cluster solution and describe it using the basis variables AND the remaining descriptor variables (see variables list above).
Exploratory Factor Analysis [12 P.]: Please run four exploratory factor analyses (Basis Variables: Intention towards stock trading, Attitude towards stock trading, barriers and social influences); Please extract one factor for each construct – in the end there should be four construct variables (factors) in your data set. Please run all necessary steps and describe them!
Cluster Analysis 2 based on Results of Exploratory Factor Analysis [18 P.]: Based on extracted four factors of exploratory factor analysis conduct a cluster analysis (market segmentation). Please describe all necessary steps;
Please select a final cluster solution and describe it using the basis variables AND the remaining descriptor variables (see variables list above)
C. Management Presentation [10 P.]: 数据分析与统计评估代写
- Management Presentation [10 P.]: Summarize core findings. Please describe identified customer segments identified in last step. Use realworld-language. Use pictures and give each segment a name. Maximum 9 slides (including title slide) for management presentation as a pdf.
5 Data Analysis & Statistics for Managers – Philipp Roßmann / 2019Case 2 [25 points]
Note: The analysis you must perform depends on what you are studying and the country you are from: If you are studying Real Estate and you are from India,please analyze the real estate market in India! If you are studying General Management you can choose an industry
You are working for a private equity company looking for new potential investors. Your job is to identify board members of top companies. Please set up a network analysis consisting of the board members of the top 20 companies of the relevant industry and country (see note above). Please specify the criteria by which you identified the top 20 companies (you can select a criterion, e.g. revenue or number of employees etc.)
Please use software package R.
A. Social Network Analysis [25 P.]:
- Identification of Top-20-Companies and Board Members [10 P.]: Please look for the top-20-companies and board-members. Describe all necessary teps and the results.
- Social Network Analysis [10 P.] – Part I: Use igraph (or another social network analysis software package) to visualize the affiliation (2-mode) network. Extract the two 1-mode-networks. Display all (2-mode and both 1-mode-networks) graphically and copy it into your MS Excel-Report.
Social Network Analysis – Part II: Well-connected board-members [5P]: Identify well connected board-members based on network analysis parameters. Please describe the results;
MS Excel 2016 Report 数据分析与统计评估代写
Your report must be:
- A MS Excel document which is compatible to MS Excel 2016 (charts have to be working in MS Windows MS Excel 2016) and you can insert comments for more detailed interpretations of statistical values.
- Use one sheet for each task.
- Keep your explanations short and simple!
- Maximum accepted file size is 20 MB.
Please send me (philipp.rossmann@uni-tuebingen.de) your
o SPSS data and sytnax files,
o R code,
o MS Excel 2016 Report and
o your Management Presentation (pdf)
in a zipped folder via a Google Drive or a Dropbox link to avoid problems with
file size limits of the different mailbox providers.
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